09-14 Flashcards
vt. 恢復 The army was called in to restore law and order to the place. 軍隊被召來恢復該地治安。; 使復原[(+to)] The new manager’s job is to restore the company to profitability. 新經理的任務是使公司扭虧為贏。; 使恢復健康, 使復元[H][(+to)] He was completely restored . 他已完全復元。; 修復, 整修; 修補(受損文物等) I wonder if this picture can be restored . 我很想知道這幅畫能否修復。; 歸還, 交還[(+to)] The stolen bike was restored to its owner. 被盜自行車歸還了失主。; 使復位, 使復職[(+to)] Their attempt to restore the king failed. 他們想使國王復位的企圖失敗了。
spoils system
ph. 政黨(競選獲勝後的黨內)分肥制(指將公職委派給獲勝政黨支持者的制度)
a. 愛虛榮的, 自負的, 炫耀的 She is vain and extravagant. 她既愛虛榮又奢侈。; 徒然的, 無益的 They made vain attempts to reach the mountaintop. 他們幾次徒然嘗試想攀登山頂。; 【書】空虛的, 無意義的, 無價值的
in vain
徒勞; 無結果的; 無用的 Our efforts were not in vain . 我們的力氣沒有白費。 He who does not work hard in youth will be sorry in vain when old. 少壯不努力, 老大徒傷悲。 I could see by their faces that my words had not been said in vain . 從他們的臉色可以看出, 我的話沒有白說。 The drowning man called in vain for help. 溺水者呼救無人應。 He tried but in vain . 他試過, 但徒勞無功。 I tried to persuade her in vain . 我想說服他, 但是枉然。; 不尊敬的
n. 遠征; 探險; 考察[C] They did an expedition to the Himalayas. 他們到喜馬拉雅山去考察了一次。; 遠征隊; 探險隊; 考察隊[C] He was on an expedition to explore the Antarctic. 他參加探險隊遠征南極。; 迅速, 敏捷[U]
a. 叛逆的; 不忠的; 背信的
n. 仇恨, 敵意; 憎惡[C][U][(+against/to/towards)] She felt a burning animosity towards them. 她對他們深惡痛絕。
n. [C][U] 封港令; 禁運 The country has put an embargo on all imports. 該國對所有進口品實行禁運。; 禁止(或限制)買賣 impose an embargo on commerce with some country 禁止與某國通商; 禁止, 阻止 lay an embargo on free speech 箝制言論自由
vt. 禁止(船隻)出入港口 They embargoed those ships. 他們禁止那些船隻出入港口。; 禁運(貨物); 禁止(買賣等); 徵用(船隻, 物資)
n. 徵用; 徵召
ad. 如此, 這樣, 以此方式 They told her to water the flowers every morning, and she did it thus . 他們吩咐她每天早晨澆花, 於是她照辦了。; 到如此程度; 因此, 從而 He didn’t work hard. Thus he was fired. 他工作不努力, 因此被解雇。; 例如