07-14 Flashcards
n. 名詞 驚慌, 沮喪, 氣餒[U] To his dismay, James saw a tear steal down her cheek. 令詹姆士驚愕的是, 他看到一顆淚珠從她面頰上悄悄滾落。
vt. 及物動詞 使驚慌, 使沮喪, 使氣餒[H][(+at/by)] The teacher was dismayed at the students’ lack of response. 老師對學生的毫無反應感到沮喪。
vt. 及物動詞 貶低; 輕視; 毀謗
a. 形容詞 流行的, 盛行的; 普遍的[(+among/in)] They were brought up in the liberal atmosphere prevalent in the 1960s. 他們在六十年代盛行的自由氣氛中長大。; 【罕】優勢的
a. 形容詞 愛挑剔的; 難討好的; 過分講究的[(+about)] He is fastidious about his food. 他對食物過於講究。
partisan partisan
n. 名詞 [C] (黨派等的)強硬支持者; 黨人 He is a staunch partisan of the Republican Party. 他是共和黨的堅定支持者。; 游擊隊員 Even after the country was defeated, partisans fought the invaders in the hills. 即使在國家被擊敗之後, 游擊隊仍在山裡與入侵者抗戰。
a. 形容詞 黨派性強的; 偏袒的 a very partisan speech 強烈偏袒一方的演說; 由一個黨派組成(或控制)的; 游擊隊的
a. 形容詞 警戒的; 警惕的 A vigilant police force helps to control crime. 一支警惕著的警察隊伍有助於遏制犯罪。
vt. 及物動詞 責難; 誹謗
vt. 及物動詞 向…鼓掌; 向…喝采 The audience applauded the singer for three minutes. 觀眾向歌唱家鼓掌喝采達三分鐘。; 稱讚; 贊成 We applauded him for his courage. 我們稱讚他的勇敢。
vi. 不及物動詞 鼓掌歡迎; 喝采 Everyone stood up to applaud. 全體起立鼓掌。
vt. 及物動詞 妨礙, 打擾 I’m sorry to disturb you so early. 對不起, 我這麼早打擾你。; 擾亂, 搞亂 They were charged with disturbing the public peace. 他們被指控擾亂公共治安。; 使心神不寧[H] She was disturbed to hear you had been injured in the accident. 她聽到你在事故中受了傷感到不安。
vi. 不及物動詞 打擾, 妨礙
vt. 及物動詞 珍愛; 撫育; 愛護 They cherished the child as one of their own. 他們把這孩子當作自己親生子女一般。; 抱有, 懷有(希望, 感情等) She cherished the hope that he would come back to her some day. 她希望他終將回到她的身邊。
vt. 及物動詞 消化吸收(食物) The body assimilates protein. 軀體吸收蛋白質。; 吸收(知識等); 理解 It’s not easy to assimilate so many ideas. 吸收那麼多思想很不容易。; 使(民族、語音)同化[(+to/into)] America has assimilated millions of immigrants. 美國同化了千百萬移民。; 使相似[(+to/with)]; 把…比作[(+to/with)] assimilate a conqueror to a robber 把征服者比作強盜
vi. 不及物動詞 被吸收; 被消化 Some foods assimilate easily. 有些食物很容易被吸收。; 被同化[(+into)] Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life. 有些外國人容易被我們的生活方式同化。; 成為相似[(+to/with)]
a. 形容詞 馳名的, 出名的; 享有聲望的; 被普遍認為…的; 據說是…的[+to-v] The buildings were reputed to be haunted. 據說這些房子鬧鬼。
vt. 及物動詞 預期, 期望; 預料[+v-ing][+that][+wh-] It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen. 不可能預料這事何時發生。 The first question is one which Jason has anticipated. 第一個問題是傑森料到的。; 預先考慮到; 預先做(或準備)[+wh-][+that] My wife anticipates all my needs each time I come back from a business trip. 我每次出差回家, 妻子總會預先考慮到我的全部需要而作好安排。; 先於…前行動, 先發制(人); 早別人做; 佔先 The Chinese anticipated the European discovery of gunpowder. 中國人先於歐洲人發現火藥。; 提前支用(薪金等) No employees of the firm are allowed to anticipate their salary. 這家商行不允許雇員提前支用薪金。
vt. 及物動詞 闡明; 說明
a. 形容詞 呼吸的
vt. 及物動詞 舉起; 抬起; 使上升 Earth movements in the past elevated great areas of the seabed. 地球過去的運動使海底大片地區隆起。; 提高(嗓子, 道德品質, 信心等); 振奮(情緒等) The good news elevated our spirits. 這個好消息使我們精神振奮。; 提升…的職位 He was elevated to the position of captain. 他擢升船長。
ad. 副詞 有正當理由地; 情有可原地
n. 名詞 卓越, 傑出[U] No one doubted the preeminence of my father in financial matters. 我父親在財務方面的傑出才能是不容置疑的。
a. 形容詞 令人怯步的; 使人氣餒的
a. 形容詞 鼓勵的; 贊助的; 促進的
n. 名詞 挑戰; 邀請比賽[C][+to-v] He received a challenge to a TV debate. 他接到電視辯論的挑戰。; 質疑; 指責; 異議[C]; 頗有作為的工作; 艱鉅的事[C] To build a road in the mountainous area was a real challenge. 在山區修築公路確是艱鉅的事。 He wants a career that offers a challenge. 他要有挑戰性, 能有一番作為的事業。; (哨兵, 警衛等)查問口令; 盤問[C] I was met with a challenge when approaching the post. 我在走近哨所時被查問身分。; 【律】(對某陪審員出庭等表示的)反對[C]; 有挑戰性[U]
vt. 及物動詞 向…挑戰[(+to)][O2] I challenged him to show his proof. 我要他拿出證據。; 對…提出異議; 懷疑; 反對 He challenged my view on that matter. 他就我對那件事的看法提出異議。; 要求, 需要; 刺激, 激發[O2] The new position challenged him to study still harder during his spare time. 那個新職位激發他在業餘時間更加努力學習。 The event challenges an explanation. 那個事件需要解釋。; (哨兵, 警衛等)查問; 盤問; 【律】宣佈反對(某陪審員等)
feud feud
n. [C][U] (部落或家屬間的)世仇 The two tribes were long at feud with each other. 這兩個部族長期不和。; (個人或團體間的)仇恨; 長期不和; 爭吵 How did he start his feud with his neighbor? 他是怎樣和鄰居開始爭吵起來的?
vi. 不及物動詞 世代結仇; 長期爭鬥; 爭吵[(+with)] The two tribes feuded with each other for generations. 這兩個部族世代為敵。
n. 名詞 競爭; 對抗[U][(+with)] Rivalry among business firms grew more intense. 公司間的競爭趨於激烈。; 競爭行為; 對抗行為[P1]
scar scar
n. 名詞 [C] 疤; 傷痕; (物品等的)損傷痕 The region we visited showed the scars of the civil war. 我們訪問的那個地區經歷過內戰, 滿目瘡痍。; (心靈上的)創傷 The scars of poverty have undoubtedly left their mark. 貧困給心靈造成的創傷毫無疑問地留下了烙印。
vt. 及物動詞 在…留下疤痕 The injury scarred his face. 傷口在他臉上留下了疤痕。; 使變醜; 損傷 He scarred the door with a hammer. 他用錘子將門敲得疤痕累累。; 傷害(心靈) The terrible experience had scarred him for life. 這一可怕的經歷給他留下了終身的創傷。
vi. 不及物動詞 結疤; (傷口)癒合 The cut on his leg is scarring well. 他大腿上的傷口結疤情形良好。; 留下傷痕
a. 形容詞 硫酸的; 刻薄的
a. 形容詞 兇狠的, 殘酷的; 野蠻的; 好戰的, 好鬥的; 尖刻的, 粗暴的; 致命的, 毀滅性的
vt. 及物動詞 使目眩, 使眼花 The splendid room dazzled the young girl. 富麗堂皇的房間使得小女孩眼花了。 The bright morning sun dazzled him. 早晨明亮的太陽使他睜不開眼來。; 使昏昏然, 使迷惑 She was not dazzled by her success. 她沒有被自己的勝利衝昏頭腦。; 使驚羨, 使讚歎不已 The fireworks on July 4th dazzled us. 七月四日獨立紀念日放的煙火使我們讚歎不已。
n. [U][S] 耀眼的光; 燦爛 The dazzle of the spotlights made him ill at ease. 聚光燈的耀眼強光使他侷促不安。; 令人讚歎(或迷惑)的東西
vt. 及物動詞 眺望; 俯瞰 The house on the hill overlooks the valley. 小山上的房子俯瞰著山谷。; 看漏; 忽略[+v-ing] My calculation was wrong because I overlooked one tiny point. 由於我忽略了一個細微之處, 我的計算錯了。; 寬恕, 寬容 He has been kind enough to overlook my fault. 他很寬容, 原諒了我的錯。; 【罕】細看; 檢查 He overlooked the contract before he signed it. 他在簽字之前仔細閱讀了合同。; 照管; 監督; 監視 She did not know that she was being overlooked by the woman next door. 她不知道隔壁鄰居的女人一直在監視她。; 高聳於…之上 The monument overlooks the square. 紀念碑高聳在廣場之上。
vt. 及物動詞 證明…是真實的; 鑑定; 使生效
vt. 及物動詞 使充滿; 灌輸; 深深影響; 使滲透
reprint reprint
n. 名詞 [C] 重印(本); 再版(本); 翻印; 翻版書; (供集郵者搜集的)再版郵票
n. 名詞 [C] 風車; 風車房 The grinder was powered by a windmill. 這磨盤由風車提供動力。; 旋轉玩具; 玩具風車; 【口】直升飛機; 假想的敵人(或壞事)
n.[U] (船等的)前進 The ship made little headway in the storm. 航船在暴風驟雨中幾乎無法前進。; 進展, 進步, 成功 She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills. 她在寫作技巧方面有了長足進步。; 【美】(前後兩班車, 船, 飛機的)間隔時間; 間隔距離
a. [Z][B] 內地的, 內陸的 the inland forests 內陸森林; 【英】國內的
n. 名詞 內地, 內陸[U]
ad. 副詞 在內地, 在內陸; 向內地, 向內陸 travel inland 去內地旅行
n. 名詞 [C] 妨礙, 阻礙; 障礙物[(+to)] The main impediment to development is the country’s huge foreign debt. 發展的主要障礙是國家欠下的巨額外債。; 口吃; 殘疾 It’s difficult to understand him because he has a speech impediment. 他的話很難聽懂, 因為他講話口吃。; 【律】合法婚姻的障礙; 【律】締結合同的法定障礙[P]
shore sth. up
(以支柱等)支撐 shore up the side of an old house to stop it falling down 支撐舊屋牆壁以防倒塌 She used this evidence to shore up her argument. 她用該證據來支持自己的論點。