09-24 Flashcards
n. 赤道[the S]
n. 大氣[the S]; (某特定場所的)空氣[S] The atmosphere of the city is very much polluted. 那個城市的空氣受到嚴重污染。; 氣氛[S1] The talk was conducted in a cordial atmosphere . 會談是在熱情友好的氣氛中進行的。; 情趣; 魅力[U] The ancient palace has a lot of atmosphere . 這座古老的宮殿很有魅力。; (標準)氣壓[C]
n. 【天】黃道
a. 【天】食的; 黃道的
vt. 使投入; 將…插入; 將…刺進; 使突然前傾[O] He plunged his sword right into the heart of his enemy. 他將利劍直刺敵人胸膛。; 使陷入, 使遭受[O] A power failure plunged the house into darkness. 斷電使房子陷入一片黑暗之中。
vi. 投(入); 跳(入); 衝[Q] The boys plunged into the river to swim. 男孩們跳入河裡游泳。; 陷(入)[Q] She plunged deep into thought. 她陷入沈思。; 下降, 急降; (道路等)陡峭地下傾 Since then prices have plunged . 從那時起, 價格猛跌。; (船隻)顛簸; (馬等)猛烈前衝 The ship plunged about in the storm. 那颼船在風暴中前後顛簸。; (女衣領口)開得很低
n. [U] 跳入, 衝進[S]; 猛跌, 驟降 Prices started a downward plunge . 價格開始猛跌。; 開始從事; 突然開始; 猛衝; (船的)顛簸
a. 中間的, 居中的; 中型的 an intermediate phase 中間階段; 中等程度的, 中級的 an intermediate level English class 中級英語班
n. [C] 中間事物; 中型物; 調解人; 中間人; 【化】中間物, 中間體; 【美】中型汽車
n. 鹽性; 鹽度
a. 稀釋的; 無力的
a. 微鹹的, 有鹽味的; 味道不好的; 令人不快的
n. 河口; 海口灣[C] the Thames estuary 泰晤士河口
n.[C][U] 【解】膜 the mucous membrane 黏膜; 薄膜, 膜狀物
n. 【物】滲透作用; 吸收; 同化
pump out
phr v [I,T] if something such as music, information, or a supply of products is pumped out or pumps out, a lot of it is produced 〔音樂﹑信息﹑產品等〕大量提供﹐大量供應; 連續播放 There’s a huge amount of propaganda pumped out by the food industry. 食品工業進行了大張旗鼓的宣傳。 Music pumped out from the loudspeakers overhead. 音樂連續不斷地在頭頂的喇叭裡播放。; [T pump sth out] to remove liquid from something using a pump 用泵抽出〔某物中的液體〕 You’ll have to pump the boat out . 你得用泵把船裡的水抽乾。
n. 水汽, 汽, 蒸汽; 煙霧[U][C] A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 雲是天空中的一團水汽。; 無實質之物; 幻想[C] What amazing vapors a lonely man may get into his head! 一個寂寞的人腦子裡會產生多麼令人驚異的幻想啊!; 【藥】吸入劑; 【古】憂鬱(症)[the P] They have hysterics, they weep, they have the vapors . 他們歇斯底里, 他們哭泣, 他們精神憂鬱。
vt. 使汽化; 蒸發; 使憂鬱; 吹噓
vi. 汽化; 蒸發 Water vapors in the hot sun. 水在炎熱的陽光下汽化。; 吹牛; 沮喪
n. 大陸
n. 廣袤; 廣闊的區域[C][(+of)] The Sahara is a vast expanse of desert. 撒哈拉是一片廣袤無垠的沙漠。
n. 露, 露水[U] Beads of dew still clung to the roses. 玫瑰花上仍然掛著露珠。; (像露水一樣的)純潔; 清新; 朝氣[U]; (淚, 汗等的)珠, 滴[U]
vt. (露水等)弄濕
vi. 結露水 It is beginning to dew . 在結露水了。
n. 霜[U][C] The frost killed the young tomato plants. 寒霜凍死了番茄幼苗。; 冰凍, 嚴寒; 冰點以下的溫度[U][C] There’ll be frost tonight. 今晚嚴寒。; (態度等的)冷淡[S] He had a frost in his manner. 他態度冷淡。; (集會演出等的)失敗, 惡評[C] The performance was a frost . 演出砸鍋了。
vt. 結霜於[(+over/up)] The windows were frosted over. 窗戶上結了一層霜。; 凍壞(植物等); 在(糕餅等)上加糖霜混合物; 使(玻璃等)具有無光澤的霜狀表面 This glass is frosted . 這玻璃磨毛了。
vi. 結霜[(+over/up)] The windshield of my car frosted over during the night. 我汽車上的擋風玻璃在夜裡結上了霜花。; 受凍
a. 趨集於一點的; 會聚性的; 【數】收斂的
a. 氣旋的; 颶風的
n.[C] 龍捲風; 旋風; 颶風 A tornado whirled into town. 龍捲風刮進了城裡。; (非洲西部的)大雷颮
vi. 旋轉, 迴旋 The electric fan blades whirled in the hot room. 電扇的槳葉在悶熱的房內旋轉著。; 急駛; 飛跑 The car whirled down the street. 汽車在街道上疾馳而過。; 頭暈眼花, 感到昏亂 The strong medicine made my head whirl . 這種烈性藥使我頭暈眼花。
vt. 使旋轉; 使突然轉向[O] The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 風把枯葉吹得團團轉。; 飛快地帶走; 捲走[O] We were whirled away in a helicopter. 直升機迅速把我們運走。
n. [C] 旋轉, 迴旋[S][(+of)] The colorful whirl of the dancers was beautiful to watch. 舞蹈者多彩多姿的旋轉令人賞心悅目。; (一陣)頭暈; (一陣)昏亂[S] His thoughts are in a whirl . 他的思想亂作一團。; 一連串的事(或活動) Her life was a whirl of cocktail parties and dinner dates. 她的日子幾乎全是在一連串的雞尾酒會和宴會中度過的。; 【口】短暫的旅行; 【口】嘗試 Let’s give the plan a whirl . 我們嘗試一下那個計劃。
n. 【氣】氣旋[U]; 旋風; 暴風; 龍卷風[C]
vi.[(+with)] 碰撞; 相撞 They collided with another ship. 他們的船與另一條船相撞。; 衝突, 抵觸 If the aims of two countries collide , there may be war. 如果兩國目標嚴重對立, 就有可能爆發戰爭。
a. 傳送性的; 對流的
a. 有浮力的; 能浮起的 Wood is buoyant on water. 木頭能浮於水面。; 趨於上升的; 上漲的 a buoyant stock market 行情看漲的股票市場; 心情愉快的; 活潑的 Children are usually more buoyant than adults. 孩子往往比成年人快樂。
a. 山嶽論的; 山嶽誌的
n. 地形