07-15 Flashcards
a. 形容詞 使人悔恨的; 令人遺憾的; 可惜的; 不幸的 It is regrettable that the driver didn’t see the stop sign. 很遺憾司機沒看見停車標誌。 a regrettable failure 可悲的失敗
a. 形容詞 渴望得到的; 夢寐以求的
vt. 及物動詞 憤慨; 怨恨[+v-ing] He did not appear to resent it. 他好像對此並不生氣。
underestimate underestimate
vt. 及物動詞 低估; 對…估計不足
a. 形容詞 憂鬱的; 沈悶的; 淒涼的 Why are you looking so dismal? 你為何看上去這麼憂鬱?; 陰暗的; 陰沈的 She works in a dismal little room in the attic. 她在閣樓上的一間陰暗的小房間裡工作。; 令人悲傷的; 使人驚恐的; 【口】軟弱無力的 His dismal attempt failed. 他軟弱無力的嘗試失敗了。
n. 名詞 [C] 令人憂鬱的事; 沮喪, 抑鬱[the P] sleep away the dismals 以睡眠消除憂鬱; 【美】【方】沼澤地
vi. 不及物動詞 蹣跚, 踉蹌; 搖晃 She faltered toward the door in the dark. 她在黑暗中向門口搖搖晃晃地走去。; (聲音)顫抖; 結巴地說話 Her voice faltered, and then she lost consciousness. 她嗓音顫抖, 接著她便失去了知覺。; 動搖, 猶豫; 畏縮 Our hopes will not falter in adversity. 我們的信心在逆境中也不會動搖。; 衰退; 衰落
vt. 及物動詞 結巴地講出[(+out)] She faltered out an excuse for being late. 她結結巴巴地說出遲到的藉口。
n. 名詞 動搖, 猶豫; 畏縮; 顫抖; 顫抖的聲音 I detected a falter in her voice. 我察覺她的嗓音發顫。
vi. 不及物動詞 循環, 環行 Blood circulates in the body. 血液在體內循環。; 傳播, 流傳; 傳閱 Rumour circulates rapidly. 謠言傳得很快。; 流通; 發行 In times of prosperity money circulates quickly. 在商業繁榮時期, 錢流通得快。; (宴會等中)在人群中周旋 The host circulated at the party, talking to lots of people. 主人在派對上周旋, 與許多人交談。
vt. 及物動詞 使循環 The heart circulates blood round the body. 心臟使血液在全身循環。; 使傳播; 傳遞; 傳閱 The news was circulated through the room. 這消息在屋裡傳開了。; 使流通; 發行, 銷售 This journal is widely circulated among teenagers. 這雜誌在十來歲的少男少女中行銷甚廣。
n. 名詞 櫥, 櫃[C] There is no room for another filing cabinet in the office. 辦公室裡沒有地方可再擺一個檔案櫃。; 內閣; 全體閣員[the S][G] Each member of the cabinet stated his views on the question. 每位閣員都就這一問題談了自己的看法。; 【古】私人小房間, 密室[C]
a. 形容詞 內閣的 He was elevated to cabinet rank. 他被提升到內閣部長級。; 私下的, 祕密的
a. 形容詞 全體一致的; 一致同意的; 無異議的 People were unanimous in support of the peace effort. 人們一致支持為和平所作的努力。 It turned out that she was elected by a unanimous vote. 結果她以全票當選。
n. 名詞 貶謫; 歸屬; 移交; 委託; 拋棄
n.[U][C] 思索; 沈思; 推測[(+about/on/upon)] There has been a great deal of speculation about the Prime Minister’s resignation. 最近有關首相辭職的臆測頗多。; 投機; 投機買賣[(+in)] His speculations in stocks led to his suicide. 他在股票上做投機買賣致使他自殺。
vt. 及物動詞 在…遊說; 向…遊說 They canvassed voters for the Republicans. 他們遊說選民投共和黨人的票。 He canvassed the district for votes. 他在選區裡遊說拉票。; 遊說以贏得(或徵求、徵訂等) I canvassed the views of our members about the suggestions. 我徵詢會員們對建議的看法。; 仔細審議; 詳細討論 The city council canvassed the plan thoroughly. 市議會詳細討論了那個計劃。
vi. 不及物動詞 進行遊說; 拉選票; 兜攬生意[(+for)] I am canvassing for the magazine tonight. 今晚我要去為雜誌徵求訂戶。 The candidates canvassed right up to election day. 候選人們直到選舉日之前一直在遊說拉票。
n. 名詞 [C] 遊說; 拉票; 募捐; 兜銷 During a canvass of the neighborhood we collected 200 dollars for the school. 在鄰近地區的一次募捐活動中, 我們為學校募得了二百美元。; (選舉結果等的)檢查, 調查; 討論
a. 形容詞 有缺陷的; 有缺點的 He is mentally deficient. 他有智力缺陷。; 不足的, 缺乏的[(+in)] an armchair theorist deficient in practical experience 缺乏實際經驗的空頭理論家
a. 形容詞 使人糊塗的, 引起混亂的, 含糊不清的
a. 形容詞 愛爭論的; 有異議的; 引起爭論的
a. 形容詞 能滿足需要(量)的, 足夠的[(+for)][+to-v] Martin decided that he had no adequate proof. 馬丁斷定他沒有充足的證據。; 適當的[(+to/for)] He sought for an adequate solution to the problem. 他尋求解決這個問題的適當辦法。; 勝任的[F][(+to)] She proved adequate to the job. 事實證明她能勝任此項工作。; 尚可的, 差強人意的 That hotel is merely adequate. 那家旅館只能說是差強人意。
a. 形容詞 駭人的, 可怕的 It is appalling that so many people evade paying taxes. 那麼多人逃稅, 真是驚人。; 【口】十分低劣的 Mary is an appalling cook. 瑪麗的烹飪功夫實在蹩腳。
a. 形容詞 有能力的, 能幹的; 能勝任的, 稱職的 Mark proved to be a very competent manager. 馬克證明了自己是一個很能幹的經理。; 充分的, 足夠的; 令人滿意的, 合格的 She has a competent knowledge of English. 她已掌握了足夠的英語知識。; 【律】有法定資格的[F][+to-v]; 屬於某人權制的, 被允許的, 恰當的[F][(+to)]
conduct conduct
vt. 及物動詞 引導, 帶領 He conducted the members of the audience to their seats. 他引觀眾到他們的座位上。; 實施; 處理; 經營, 管理 They hired agents to conduct their affairs. 他們雇請代理人來處理他們的事務。; 為人, 表現[O]; 指揮(軍隊, 樂隊等) Mr. Green will conduct the orchestra. 格林先生將指揮這支管弦樂隊。; 【物】傳導(熱, 電等) Most metals conduct electricity. 大多數金屬能導電。
vi. 不及物動詞 引導, 帶領; 指揮樂隊
vt. 及物動詞 【數】用符號表示…的關係; 等同; 使相等
n. 名詞 詞典編纂者
a. 形容詞 理解的, 通達的 She seemed unusually attuned to people’s feelings. 她好像十分理解人們的情緒。; 音感好的; 耳感靈敏的 His ears were still attuned to the sounds of the London suburb. 他的耳朵對倫敦郊區的語音仍然一聽就能辨別。
vt. 及物動詞 以智取勝; 規避; 防止…發生 circumvent the rules 規避法規; 環繞; 包圍 a little island circumvented by a river 河流環繞的小島; 使落入圈套; 陷害; 繞行
vt. 及物動詞 使敏感; 【攝】使敏化; 【醫】使過敏
vi. 不及物動詞 變得敏感
vt.【書】 拋棄; 遺棄; 背棄 His children pleaded with him not to forsake them. 他的孩子們懇求他不要遺棄他們。 He forsook medicine to study literature. 他放棄醫學去研究文學。; 摒棄, 革除 She persuaded her husband to forsake his drinking habit. 她說服丈夫改掉嗜酒的習慣。; 離開 At fourteen he ran away, forsaking his home and friends. 他十四歲出走, 離開了家鄉和朋友。
n. 名詞 汪達爾人作風; 故意破壞公物(或文化、藝術)的行為
n. 名詞 愛開玩笑的人; 惡作劇的人
vt. 及物動詞 做(壞事); 犯(罪)
vt. 及物動詞 思忖, 思量, 仔細考慮[+v-ing] He contemplated the problem before making a decision. 他在作出決定前仔細考慮了這個問題。; 注視, 凝視 She lay on the grass, contemplating the high, blue sky. 她躺在草地上, 凝視著高高的藍天。; 預期; 盤算, 計議 Are you contemplating marriage? 你打算結婚嗎?
vi. 不及物動詞 冥思苦想, 深思熟慮[(+on/upon)]
vt. 【書】 聲明放棄; 拋棄 He renounced his claim to the inheritance. 他聲明放棄對遺產的要求。; 宣佈中止, 退出; 與…斷絕關係, 拒絕承認(子女等) It was painful for him to renounce his son. 宣佈與兒子脫離關係對他來說是很痛苦的。
vi. 不及物動詞 【律】放棄權利(或財產等)
vt. 及物動詞 讓…離開; 把…打發走[(+from)] He was dismissed from the hospital a week later. 他一週之後出院了。; 解散, 遣散 The teacher dismissed the class on time. 教師按時下課。; 免…的職; 解雇; 開除[(+from)] He was dismissed from his job. 他被開除了。; (從頭腦中)去除, 不考慮, 拋棄[(+from)] She dismissed the idea of going to Paris. 她打消了去巴黎的念頭。; 【律】駁回, 不受理 The judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence. 法官因缺乏證據而拒不受理這宗案件。
effect effect.
n. 名詞 結果[C][U][(+on/upon)]; 效果, 效力; 作用; 影響[C][U][(+on/upon)] This had a great effect upon the future of both mother and son. 這對母子倆的將來影響很大。; 要旨, 意義[the S] I said a few words to the effect that all he had told us was already well known. 我說了幾句話, 大意是他所告訴我們的一切早已為人熟知。; (法律的)效力, 產生效力[U]; (色彩, 聲音等產生的)印象; 效果[C][P1]; 財產, 動產[P]
vt. 及物動詞 造成; 產生; 招致 Rose tried to effect a reconciliation. 羅絲試圖進行調解。; 實現, 達到(目的) He effected several important changes. 他完成了幾項重要的改革。
n. 名詞 先例, 前例; 【律】判例[C] This decision sets a precedent for future cases of a similar nature. 這一裁決為今後性質類似的案件提供了判例。; 慣例[U] The Queen has broken with precedent by sending her children to ordinary schools. 女王破例讓自己的孩子去普通學校就讀。
a. 形容詞 在前的, 在先的, 前面的[(+to)] Voters demanded that the candidates keep the pledges made as a condition precedent to election. 選民們要求把候選人對他們誓言的履行作為選舉的先行條件。
vt. 及物動詞 舉起, 高舉; 支撐, 支持 Eight columns uphold the big dome. 八根柱子支撐著這個大圓頂。; 維護; 維持; 贊成; 確認 The coach upheld the referee’s decision. 教練贊同裁判的裁決。 We uphold the principle of racial equality. 我們堅持種族平等的原則。
vt. 及物動詞 仔細考慮; 衡量[+v-ing][wh-] They are pondering what to do next. 他們正在考慮下一步怎麼辦。 He pondered his future. 他仔細考慮自己的前程。 He pondered the problem for several days. 他對這個問題考慮了好幾天。; 反思, 回想
vi. 不及物動詞 沈思, 默想; 仔細考慮[(+on/upon/over)] She pondered over her next words. 她仔細考慮接下去要講的話。 She pondered long and deeply over the matter. 她就這個問題深思良久。
vt. 及物動詞 推翻; 破壞
vi. 不及物動詞 動搖; 猶豫; 躊躇[(+between)] She is vacillating between hope and fear. 她一會兒充滿希望一會兒深懷恐懼, 如此反覆不已。; 搖擺; 波動
vi. [(+to)] 回復; 復舊 He advocated reverting to old ways. 他主張復古。; 重提; 重想 In the middle of his speech he reverted to the unemployment issue. 他演講到一半, 又重提失業問題。; 【生】反祖遺傳; 【律】(地產, 權力權利等的)歸還, 歸屬
vt. 及物動詞 使回復原狀; 使恢復原來的做法[(+to)]
a. 形容詞 不能反駁的; 不能回答的; 不可否認的
a. 形容詞 偶爾發生的; 分散的; 散發的
a. 形容詞 無疑的; 明白的
a. 形容詞 權威性的, 可信賴的 This is an authoritative biography. 這是一本具有權威性的傳記。; 官方的, 當局的 Is this an authoritative order or a personal request? 這是官方的命令還是個人的要求?; 專斷的; 命令式的 Don’t be so authoritative when you ask me to do something. 你要我做事時, 不要那麼專橫。
a. 形容詞 寫生的; 寫生風格的; 概略的; 不完全的
vt. 及物動詞 使迷惑; 使為難, 使窘困[H] What puzzles me is why they didn’t show up. 令我百思不解的是他們為什麼沒有出現。 He looked a little puzzled. 他看上去有點困惑。 His recent behavior puzzles me. 他最近的行為使我迷惑不解。; 苦思而得出[(+out)] I could not puzzle out her intentions. 我猜不出她的意圖。 We finally puzzled out the meaning of the poem. 我們苦苦思索終於解出這首詩的意思。
vi. 不及物動詞 感到迷惑[(+at)] I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now. 我對這個問題已冥思苦想了好幾個星期。; 苦思, 冥思苦想[(+about/over/as to)]
n. 名詞 (遊戲的)猜謎, 智力競賽[C]; 難題, 謎, 難以理解之事[S1] Her decision was a puzzle to him. 她的決定對他來說是個謎。; 困惑, 迷惑[S] I’m in a puzzle as to how to cope with the new situation. 我不知道該如何應付這新局面。
vt. 及物動詞 (順序, 位置或時間上)處在…之前 He preceded me as Chairman of the Department. 他先我擔任該系主任。; (地位等)高於, 優於 A major precedes a captain. 少校軍階高於上尉。; 在…前加上; 為…加上引言[O][(+with/by)] He preceded his speech with a welcome to the guests. 他演講前先對來賓表示歡迎。
vi. 不及物動詞 處在前面; 領先
n. 名詞 浮誇
n. 名詞 [C] 本國語; 本地話, 方言; 行話 The vernaculars of these African tribes have never been written down. 這些非洲部落的土話沒能被記載下來。; 日常用語; 白話; 動植物的俗名
a. [Z] 用本國語的; 用方言的; 白話的 He is a vernacular poet. 他是個方言詩人。; 本國的; 本地的; 動植物俗名的
vt. 及物動詞 解剖; 切開 dissect a frog 解剖青蛙; 仔細分析; 細心研究 The lawyers dissected his claim for damages. 律師們仔細分析了他提出的賠償要求。
vt. 及物動詞 調查, 研究 The detective was sent to investigate the crime. 那位偵探被派去調查該罪行。
vi. 不及物動詞 調查, 研究[(+into)] The principal promised to investigate into that affair. 校長答應去調查那件事情。
exploit exploit
vt. 及物動詞 剝削 He is accused of exploiting child labor. 他被指控剝削童工。; 利用; 利用…而自肥 We should exploit our rich resources to expand the economy. 我們應該利用我們豐富的資源發展經濟。; 開發, 開採, 開拓 They are exploiting the oil under the sea. 他們在開發海底石油。
vt. 及物動詞 即興創作(詩歌、樂曲等); 即興表演(或朗誦等) If an actor forgets his words, he has to improvise. 演員要是忘記臺詞, 那就只好即興現編。; 臨時做; 臨時提供; 臨時湊成 He improvised a bookcase out of crates. 他用板條箱臨時做成書架。
vi. 不及物動詞 即興創作; 即興表演(或朗誦等) We left the tent poles behind, so we had to improvise. 我們忘了帶帳篷支架, 所以只好臨時找別的東西湊合。; 臨時做事; 臨時湊合
n. 名詞 裝飾品[C] She went in this morning and noticed one of the ornaments was missing. 今天早晨她一進去就發現丟了一件飾品。; 裝飾, 修飾[U] His writings are very plain, entirely devoid of any literary ornament. 他的作品非常樸素, 完全沒有任何的文學雕琢。; 增添光彩的人(或物)[C][(+to)] He is an ornament to his profession. 他給他那一行大增光彩。; 【音】裝飾音
vt. 及物動詞 裝飾; 美化[(+with)] The hall is ornamented with Chinese paintings. 大廳以中國畫裝飾。
vi. 不及物動詞 【書】起程, 出發; 離開, 離去[(+from/for)] They departed at noon. 他們於中午離開。; 背離, 違反[(+from)] He is unwilling to depart from regular practice. 他不願意背離常規。; 死, 去世
n. 名詞 現實; 現實性; (常用複)現狀; 真事, 事實
n. 名詞 意外事故; 偶然事件[C] Be prepared for any contingency. 為應付可能發生的不測事件作好準備。; 可能性; 偶然性[U]; (伴隨發生的)情況[C] the contingencies of war 伴隨戰爭發生的種種情況
n. 名詞 緊急(狀態); 危急(關頭); (常複數)迫切需要
n. 名詞 率直, 坦率, 坦白[U] I appreciate your frankness. 我欣賞你的坦率。
n. 名詞 柔軟; 溫和; 親切; 心軟難處理
a. 形容詞 謙虛的, 審慎的[(+about)] He’s got a drawer full of medals but he’s too modest to wear them. 他有滿滿一抽屜的獎章, 但是他很謙虛, 從不戴它們。; (女性及其衣飾)端莊的; 穩重的 She wore a modest bathing suit. 她穿一件不太暴露的游泳衣。; 不太大(或多)的; 適度的, 有節制的 Prices tended to rise year by year, but at a modest rate. 物價年年上漲, 但幅度不大。
a. 形容詞 沈默寡言的; 怕羞的; 性格內向的; 僻靜的; 孤立的
vt. 及物動詞 抽回; 拉開; 移開 She withdrew her eyes from his smashed right hand. 她移開視線不去看他那隻打爛的右手。; 收回; 取回; 提取[(+from/out of)] The government withdraws worn out money from use. 政府收回舊幣使之不再流通。; 取消; 撤回; 撤銷 The motion was withdrawn. 那項動議被撤銷了。; 撤退, 撤離; 使退出[(+from)] The troops are being gradually withdrawn. 部隊正被漸漸撤回。
vi. 不及物動詞 撤退; 離開; 退出[(+from)] He has decided to withdraw from the competition. 他已決定退出競賽。
n. 名詞 頂點; 高潮的到達
a. 形容詞 增長迅速的, 發展很快的
n. 名詞 芽; 嫩枝
vi. 不及物動詞 萌芽; 急速成長
n. 名詞 [C] 條紋, 斑紋[(+of)] The wall was smeared with streaks of dirt. 牆上有一道道的髒痕。; 光線; 閃電 We got up at the first streak of daylight. 我們一天亮就起床了。 A dazzling streak lit up the sky. 一道耀眼的閃電照亮了天空。; 礦脈, 礦層 There are streaks of ore in the mountains. 這山裡有礦脈。; 傾向, 氣質[(+of)] The man has a streak of cruelty in his character. 那個漢子性情有些殘酷。; (短暫的)一陣子; 一系列; 一點點 I know only a few streaks about geology. 我對地質學只是略知一二。 I seem to be having a lucky streak. 我似乎現在正在走遠。; 裸體飛跑
vt. 及物動詞 在…上有條紋; 使留下條痕 His hand was streaked with blood. 他的手上有血痕。; 裸體飛跑在
vi. 不及物動詞 形成條紋 His hair is beginning to streak with grey. 他的頭髮開始變得灰白。; 疾駛, 閃現, 飛奔[Q] The cat streaked across the street. 那隻貓飛奔過街。 The car streaked down the highway. 汽車在公路上疾駛而去。; 裸體飛跑
n. 名詞 不願與人來往; 厭世
n. 名詞 (在美術、音樂等方面的)精湛技藝; 對藝術品(或古董等)的愛好; (總稱)藝術愛好者; 古董收藏家
n. 名詞 浪費; 極度慷慨; 豐饒
a. 形容詞 財政的; 會計的 The U.S. government fiscal year legally ends on September 30. 美國政府會計年度法定為九月三十日結束。; 國庫的
scoff scoff
vi. [(+at)] 嘲笑, 嘲弄 Why do they scoff at the idea that he will retire next year? 他們為什麼嘲笑他將在明年退休的想法?; 藐視
vt. 及物動詞 嘲笑, 嘲弄 He scoffed their easy fears. 他嘲笑他們動不動就驚恐萬狀。
n. 名詞 嘲笑, 嘲弄[P]; 笑柄[the S] He was the scoff of the town. 他成為全城的笑柄。
vt. 及物動詞 嚴令; 懇請
vt. 及物動詞 駁斥, 反駁, 駁倒 The argument can not be refuted at the moment. 這一論點現時還無法駁斥。
n. 名詞 絕望[U] Charles was in despair. 查理斯在絕望中。; 令人絕望的人(或事物)[the S][(+of)]
vi. 不及物動詞 絕望, 喪失信心[(+of)] He despairs of winning a scholarship. 他已不抱贏得獎學金的希望了。 So long as you help me, I shall never despair. 只要你幫我, 我決不會失望。
vt. 及物動詞 為…痛哭; 為…悲傷 The little girl was bewailing the loss of her doll. 小女孩在為丟失洋娃娃傷心地哭泣。
vi. 不及物動詞 痛哭; 悲傷
a. 形容詞 產前的; 出生以前的; 胎兒期的
a. 形容詞 老邁的; 衰老的
a. 形容詞 真實的, 實在的[Z] People and things are substantial; dreams and ghosts are not. 人和事物是真實的; 夢和鬼魂是虛幻的。; 堅固的, 結實的 The house is substantial enough to last a hundred years. 這房子很堅固, 一百年也不會壞。; 多的; 大的; 大量的; 豐盛的 I had a substantial meal. 我飽餐了一頓。; 內容充實的, 有價值的, 重要的 They made substantial changes. 他們作了重大改變。; 富裕的, 殷實的 He introduced us to a number of substantial farmers. 他把我們介紹給幾個殷實的農場主。; 基本上的, 大體上的[B] The stories told by the two boys are in substantial agreement. 那兩個男孩講的情況基本一致。
n. 名詞 實在的東西; 重要的東西[P]