08-25 Flashcards
n. 農(藝)學家
n. 大麥[U] Can you tell barley from wheat? 你能分辨大麥和小麥嗎?
n.[C] 穀倉, 糧倉; 馬房, 牛舍; 【美】大車庫, 大車棚; 【口】大而空蕩蕩的房子
n. 【植】羅勒(香料, 藥用的高度香味的植物)
n. 農田
n.【植】[C][U] 黍, 稷; 黍的穀粒; 小米, 粟; 小米的穀粒
vt. 播(種) He plowed the land and then sowed the seeds. 他先翻土, 然後播種。; 播種於(土地等)[(+with)] The farmer sowed the field with wheat. 農夫在地裡播上小麥種子。; 散佈, 傳播 He tried to sow discontent among us. 他企圖在我們中間散佈不滿情緒。; 使密佈[H][(+with)]
vi. 播種 The farmers here sow once a year. 這裡的農民一年播一次種子。
n. 小麥[U]
n.[C] 風車; 風車房 The grinder was powered by a windmill . 這磨盤由風車提供動力。; 旋轉玩具; 玩具風車; 【口】直升飛機; 假想的敵人(或壞事)
soil conservation
n. 雜草; 野草[C] The garden is full of weeds . 園子裡雜草叢生。; 【英】【口】瘦長孱弱的人; 軟弱無用的人[C]; 【口】香煙, 雪茄煙, 煙草[the S][U]; 廢物 He is such a weed . 他真是個廢物。
vt. 除掉(雜草); 除去…的雜草 First thing tomorrow I’ll weed the garden. 我明天一大早首先去除園內的雜草。; 清除, 淘汰[(+out)] The general weeded out poor commanders. 將軍淘汰了無能的指揮官。 We have to weed out unqualified applicants. 我們必須淘汰不合格的申請人。
vi. 除雜草 My mother is busy weeding in the garden. 我母親正在園中忙著除草。; 清除廢物
slash and burn
ph. 刀耕火種法(指把地上的草木燒成灰做肥料, 就地挖坑下種的原始耕作方法)
n. 【蘇格蘭】【英】洞; 船上之洞; 窪地
a. 中空的; 深的
n. 鋤, 鋤頭[C] The gardener used a hoe to remove weeds. 這園丁用鋤頭鋤草。
vi. 用鋤幹活
vt. 為(莊稼等)鋤草; 鋤(地)
n. 犁[C] Plows are still pulled by oxen in some countries. 在一些國家犁頭仍由牛拖拉。; 似犁的工具; 除雪機, 剷雪機[C]; (大寫)北斗七星[the S]
vt. 犁, 耕 Farmers now use tractors to plow their fields. 現今農民用牽引機耕地。; 用犁掘(畦), 挖(溝, 槽); 開(路), 破(浪)前進 We plowed our way through the crowd. 我們用力從人群中擠過去。
vi. 犁地, 耕地 Farmers plow in autumn or spring. 農民在秋天或春天犁地。; 可犁, 可耕; 開路; 破浪前進[Q] Our great ship plowed through the heavy waves. 我們的大船穿越洶湧的波浪航行。; 鑽研; 苦讀[Q] We’ve plowed through all the documents related to the case. 我們費力地閱讀了所有有關此案的文件。
n. (總稱)家畜
vt. 修剪, 修整[(+back)] He is pruning his roses. 他在修剪他的玫瑰花。; 剪去, 剪除[(+back/away)] He pruned every branch that did not bear fruit. 他把不結果的枝都修剪掉。; 刪除; 削減[(+away/down/off)] The budgets of several departments will require pruning . 好幾個部門的預算都要削減。
vi. 整枝; 刪除; 減少 It is now the best time to prune . 現在是整枝的最好時節。
vt. 用盡; 使減少; 耗盡…的資源(精力等); 使空虛[(+of)] deplete a lake of fish 使湖中的魚類資源枯竭
n. 消耗; 用盡
n. (道德、宗教上)嚴謹的人
a. 清教徒的; 生活嚴謹的
n. 提議人; 擁護者
n. 北美野牛; 歐洲野牛
a. 遊牧的; 流浪的
n. 邊, 邊沿, 邊緣[C] The two of us began walking together along the grass verge . 我們倆沿著長滿草的路邊開始一起散步。; 邊際, 界限[the S] These people are living on the verge of starvation. 這些人正在饑餓線上掙扎。; (標誌職權的)權杖[C]; (鐘錶)擺輪的心軸[C]
vi. [(+on)] 處在邊沿(或邊緣) The road verges on a park. 這條路位於一個公園邊緣。; 接近, 瀕臨 The situation verged on disaster. 形勢接近於災難的邊緣。
vt. 處在…的邊沿
n.[C] (美國西南部或拉丁美洲)普魏布勒印第安人的村莊; (大寫)普魏布勒印第安人; (拉丁美洲的)村; 鎮; (菲律賓的)鎮
a. 地下的[B] We wandered through subterranean passages. 我們漫遊地下通道。; 隱蔽的; 祕密的[B]
n. 在地下生活(或工作)的人[C]
n. 曬乾的泥磚[U] The villagers built their houses with adobe . 村民們用曬乾的泥磚造房子。; 做泥磚用的黏土[U] I need some adobe for my potting. 我需要些黏土製造陶器。; 用泥磚造的房屋[C] The farmer pointed at the abode that he had lived in twenty years. 這個農民指著他曾經住過二十年的泥磚房屋。
n.[C] 農園, 大農場 He once owned a cotton plantation . 他曾擁有一個棉花園。; 造林地; 人造林; 殖民地; 新開墾地 the Virginia plantation 維吉尼亞殖民地
vt. 扮演 He acted Othello at the Royal Theater that evening. 那天晚上他在皇家劇院扮演奧賽羅。; 裝出; 舉動像 He acted the wise man who knew everything and never made mistakes. 他假裝成是無所不知, 從不出錯的聰明人。
vi. 做事, 行動[(+on/for)] We should act immediately. 我們應該立即行動。; 起作用, 見效[(+on/upon)]; 假裝; 演戲, 表演 The actress acts very well. 這位女演員的表演非常出色。; 扮演, 充當[(+as)] John acted as chairman in his absence. 他不在時, 約翰充當主席。; 舉止, 表現[L] I don’t think she acted right. 我認為她做得欠妥。
n. [C] 行為; 行動 get one’s act together 【俚】冷靜下來仔細籌劃(吸食迷幻藥, 迷惘失向後重新振作) My first act was to run into the bedroom. 我做的第一件事便是跑進臥室。; 【戲】(常大寫)幕; 節目 She was magnificent in Act One of ‘Carmen’. 她在《卡門》的第一幕中演得好極了。; (常大寫)法案, 法令 Would you tell us something about the new Education Act ? 請你給我們講講新的教育法好嗎?; 【口】裝腔作勢[S1] He’s just putting on an act . 他只是裝腔作勢罷了。
vt. 委派…為代表; 委派(某人)做[O2] We have delegated Bill to attend the meeting. 我們已委派比爾參加會議。; 授(權); 把…委託給[(+to)] The director delegated all the routine work to his executive staff. 主任把日常工作全部交給手下的行政人員去做。
n. 代表的委派; 委任, 授權[U]; 代表團[C][G] The French delegation is just arriving at the conference. 法國代表團剛到會。
vt. 廢除, 廢止 Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished . 不良的習俗和法規應予以廢除。; 徹底破壞
n.[U] 廢除; 廢止; 消滅 We all hope for the abolition of war. 我們都希望消滅戰爭。; (有時大寫)(美國)黑奴制度的廢除
vt. 撤銷(決議等); 廢除(法令等); 取消 The grant has been repealed . 該項補助金已被取消。; 放棄; 否定
n. 撤銷; 廢除[U][C] Many voted for the repeal of that property law. 許多人投票贊成廢止那項財產法。
n. 堡壘, 要塞[C] They defended the fort against enemy’s heavy attack. 他們守著堡壘抗拒敵人的猛攻。
n. 突然襲擊; 侵襲[C][(+on/upon)] Commandos made another raid on the French coast. 突擊隊對法國海岸又發動了一次襲擊。; (警察等的)突然查抄, 搜捕[C][(+on/upon)] The police made a raid on the house looking for drugs. 警方突然搜查這幢房子, 尋找毒品。; 劫掠; 挖取(指從競爭對手處挖人)[C][(+on/upon)] The hungry children made a raid on the pantry. 饑餓的孩子把食品櫃洗劫一空。; (公款等的)侵吞, 盜用
vt. 襲擊 Our troops raided the enemy camp. 我們的部隊襲擊了敵營。; (警察等)對…突然查抄(或搜捕) The police raided the house and uncovered a cache of weapons. 警方突然搜查這幢房子, 發現了祕藏的武器。; 侵吞 The university is out to raid faculties from coast to coast. 那所大學要到全國各地去挖教授。; 劫掠; 挖取(人才等)
vi. 發動突然襲擊[(+into)] raid on a camp 襲擊營地
n. 暫停, 停止; 終止[S] Production has come to a halt owing to the lack of raw materials. 由於缺少原料, 生產已陷入停頓。; 【英】(鐵路)小站[C]
vi. 停止行進; 停止; 終止 The soldiers halted for a few minutes. 士兵們停了幾分鐘。
vt. 使停止行進; 使停止; 使終止 The officer halted his troops. 那個軍官命令他的部隊停止前進。
n. 滑車, 滑車組[C][U]; 用具, 裝備[U] John forgot to bring fishing tackle with him. 約翰忘了帶釣具。; 釣具; 馬具[U]; (橄欖球賽中的)擒抱摔倒[C]; (足球賽中的)阻截鏟球[C] The tackle looked fair but a free kick was awarded. 阻截動作看上去並未犯規, 但被判罰任意球。
vt. 著手對付(或處理) Mr. Wells tackled the difficult problem, but he couldn’t solve it. 威爾斯先生處理過這一難題, 但未能解決。; 與…交涉[O][(+about/over/on)] I’ll tackle the boss for a raise. 我將與老板交涉要求增加薪水。; 擒抱並摔倒(對方球員); 阻截(對方球員) He was tackled before he had a chance to shoot. 他還來不及射門即遭阻截。; 抓住, 扭獲 The policeman tackled the thief. 警員扭獲竊賊。; 開始大吃
vi. 擒抱並摔倒對方球員; 阻截 That big fullback tackles hard. 那個大個兒後衛攔截兇狠。
vt. 連根拔除, 根絕; 消滅 eradicate crime 根絕犯罪 The government is making efforts to eradicate racial discriminating. 政府正在努力消除種族歧視。 eradicate weeds 除去雜草
n. 廢除種族隔離
n. 不同; 不等
n.[C] (培育植物的)溫床; (孳生疾病和犯罪等的)溫床 Slums are hotbeds of crime and disease. 貧民窟是滋生犯罪和疾病的溫床。
n.[C] (大寫)(美國等的)參議院 This proposal was approved by both the House and the Senate . 這一建議得到了參、眾兩院的批准。; 立法機構; 立法機構的全體成員; (古羅馬的)元老院; (某些大學的)評議會, 理事會; 參議院的會議廳
n. 提名; 任命[C][U] Competition for the nomination was very keen. 爭取提名的競爭非常激烈。; 提名權; 任命權[U]; (賽馬中)登記(馬名)[U]
n.[C][theS] 公司總裁(大學校長、會長等)的職位(職權、任期) It took several years before he achieved the presidency . 他用好幾年才攀上了總裁職位。; (常大寫)美國總統職位(職權、任期); (美國)總統直轄的政府機構
n. 就職; 就職典禮[U][C] The inauguration of a President of the United States takes place on January 20. 美國總統的就職典禮於一月二十日舉行。; 開始; 開創[U] inauguration of scientific systems of tillage 開創科學化的耕作系統; 開幕(式); 落成(典禮)[U][C] inauguration of a new hospital 新醫院的落成典禮
inaugural address
n. [C] 土墩; 土石堆; 土堤; 墳堆, 塚 It is an ancient burial- mound . 這是一座古代的墳墩。; 小丘, 小山崗; 【棒】投手的踏板; (一)堆; (一)垛[(+of)] There’s a mound of books on my desk. 我的書桌上有一堆書。
vt. 【古】築牆防衛; 堆起
vi. 積成堆
n. 吃人; 同類相食; 殘忍的行為