06-26 Flashcards
n. 改變, 轉變, 變換[U][C][(+from/to/into)]Conversion of your heating system from coal to gas will be costly. 你把暖氣系統由燒煤改造成燒瓦斯會花好多錢。; 改變信仰; 皈依[U][C][(+to)]his conversion from Hinduism to Buddhism 他由印度教改信佛教; 折合, 換算[U][(+into)]; 【律】侵佔; 財產轉換[U]the conversion of public money to one’s own use 佔用公款; 【美】【橄】(觸地得分後的)外加得分[U][C]; 【英】【橄】踢定位球後的得分[U][C]; 【經】(證券、貨幣等的)兌換; 【邏】換位法; 【數】換算法; 約化; (精神病學用語)轉換
n. 假道學; 假正經的行為; 過分拘謹的言行
【英】= vise
n. 老虎鉗[C]
vt. 鉗住; 緊緊夾住He usually has a cigar vised in his teeth. 他通常用牙齒叼著一支雪茄。
vt. 排除, 消除obviate the possibility of a mistake 消除出錯的可能性
vt. 禁止, 不許[O1][O2][+v-ing]The new law forbids smoking in offices. 新法律禁止在辦公室抽煙。Their father forbade them to go. 他們的父親禁止他們去。; 阻止, 妨礙[O2]The typhoon forbade sea voyages. 颱風來了, 無法航海。
vt. 洩露; 暴露
vi. 繼續逗留, 徘徊[(+on)]Davis lingered for a moment in the bar. 戴維斯在酒吧逗留了一會兒。; 持續, 緩慢消失[(+on)]The sound lingered in the air. 那聲音在空中持續了好久。; 磨蹭, 拖延[(+over)]They lingered over coffee and missed the train. 他們慢吞吞喝著咖啡, 結果誤了火車。; 苟延殘喘[(+on)]The old man lingered several months after the heart attack. 老人心臟病發作之後拖了幾個月才去世。
vt. 消磨, 緩慢度過[(+away/out)]They lingered away the whole evening at the tea-house. 他們在茶館消磨掉整整一個晚上。
n. 絕望[U]Charles was in despair. 查理斯在絕望中。; 令人絕望的人(或事物)[the S][(+of)]
vi. 絕望, 喪失信心[(+of)]He despairs of winning a scholarship. 他已不抱贏得獎學金的希望了。So long as you help me, I shall never despair. 只要你幫我, 我決不會失望。
n. [U][C] 死亡; 終止the demise of a newspaper 報紙的停刊; 【律】(財產的)轉讓; 遺贈; 傳位; 禪讓
vt. 【律】轉讓; 遺贈; 傳(君權等); 禪讓(君權等)
a. 嚴格的; 嚴厲的; 苛刻的; 嚴酷的; 嚴峻的; 精確的; 嚴密的He made a rigorous study of the plants in the area. 他對該地的植物進行了慎密的研究。
n.[C] 學校的全部課程The student is very knowledgeable because he also studies things not in the curriculum. 這個學生知識很豐富, 因為在學校課程以外他還學習別的東西。; (一門)課程The professor is busy preparing his chemistry curriculum plan. 這位教授正忙於準備他的化學課程計劃。
n. 認可; 批准[U]Official sanction has not yet been given. 尚未獲得正式批准。; 贊許; 支持; 鼓勵[U][S1][(+for)]There is no sanction for autocracy. 沒有人贊成獨裁統治。; 國際制裁[P][(+against)]The UN imposed economic sanctions against Iraq. 聯合國對伊拉克實施經濟制裁。; (為保證法律得到遵守的)獎懲附加條款[C]; (道德的)約束力[C][(+against)]
vt. 認可; 批准The church would not sanction his second marriage. 教會不會認可他的第二次婚姻。; 贊許; 支持; 鼓勵They refused to sanction segregation. 他們拒絕支持種族隔離。; 對…實施制裁
n. 縮樣; 縮圖; 小型物[C]He has a miniature of the Eiffel Tower on his desk. 他的書桌上放著一座埃菲爾鐵塔的模型。; 微型畫; 小畫像[C]Mr. Hunter collects early English miniatures. 漢特先生收藏早期英國人物小畫像。; 微型圖畫繪畫術[U]
a. 小型的; 微型的; 小規模的[B]The little girl has miniature furniture for her dolls. 小女孩還有供洋娃娃用的迷你型傢俱。
vt. 是…的縮影
n. 辦理, 處置, 執行[the S]He attends to the transaction of important business himself. 他親自料理重要的生意。; 交易; 業務; 買賣[C]A record is kept of all the firm’s transactions. 公司的一切交易都有記載。; (學會等的)議事錄, 會報, 會刊[P]; 【律】和解協議[C]
n. 不和諧音; 不一致
a. 騷動的, 騷亂的; 動蕩的; 混亂的a turbulent period of history 動蕩的歷史時期; 洶湧的; 狂暴的; 【氣】湍流的
n. 一致; 單調; 相同; 統一[U]What created the apparent uniformity of characters? 是什麼造成了這些顯然相同的性格?There is lack of uniformity in the annual reports. 這幾份年度報告缺乏一致性。
a. 難駕馭的, 任性的, 不守規矩的an unruly child 一個任性的孩子The cowboy broke the unruly horse. 牛仔制服了這匹烈馬。
vt. (立遺囑)把…遺贈給[O1][(+to)]She bequeathed him her fortune. 她在遺囑中把財產遺贈給他。; 傳下; 留下He bequeathed his talent to his son. 他的才能傳給了他兒子。
n. 遺贈; 遺產
a. 無私的, 不謀私利的; 慷慨的He was a brave and unselfish man. 他是個勇敢而無私的人。
a. 【數】正切的; 切線的; 離題的; 略為觸及的; 膚淺的
n. 【數】切線; 正切
a. 隱蔽的; 隱藏的; 暗地的covert military operations 祕密軍事行動a covert glance 偷偷的一瞥; 【罕】掩蓋的; 遮蔽的; 【律】受丈夫保護的
n. 隱蔽處; (鳥獸藏身的)叢林[C]fire from coverts 從掩蔽處射擊; 隱蔽; 掩飾[U]; 【鳥】覆羽[C][P1]
n.[U] 謹慎, 考慮周到You must show more discretion in choosing your friends. 你擇友須更謹慎。; 斟酌(或行動)的自由; 處理權It is within your discretion to settle the matter. 這件事你可以自行處理。; 【罕】判斷力; 辨別力
a. 假的; 偽造的; 欺騙性的spurious sympathy 假同情; 私生的; 【植】假的(指外形相似而結構和功能不同的); 【無】(信號發射)寄生的, 亂真的
n. [C] 火焰; 火災; 熊熊燃燒Several houses had been burnt to the ground when the blaze was put out. 大火撲滅時, 好幾間房子已全部燒毀。; 強烈的光, 光輝The new building was a blaze of light. 那幢新大樓一片燈光。; 鮮明的色彩, 燦爛; 迸發, 爆發[S][(+of)]In a blaze of fury he shouted at his wife. 狂怒之下, 他衝著他太太吼叫。; (槍)猛烈的掃射[S][(+of)]; 【俚】地獄[P]Go to blazes! 該死!
vi. 燃燒A fire was blazing on the hearth. 火在爐中燃燒。; 閃耀Meteors usually blaze for only a few seconds. 流星往往只閃亮幾秒鐘。; 炫示; 迸發, 爆發He was blazing with anger. 他怒火中燒。
vt. 使燃燒; 閃耀出; 顯示出Her eyes blazed fire. 她的眼睛閃著怒火。
vt. 攻擊, 襲擊[(+with)]The policemen were assailed by a shower of stones. 警察遭到一陣石塊的襲擊。; 質問; 責罵; 困擾; 使煩惱I was assailed by doubts. 我為疑慮所困擾。; 毅然應付; 著手解決He assailed his studies with new determination. 他以嶄新的決心從事研究工作。
vt. 平息; 緩和; 撫慰Nothing could appease the crying child. 什麼都無法使孩子不哭。; 綏靖, 姑息; 對…讓步It was a blunder for them to try to appease the aggressor. 他們想姑息侵略者, 那是一個大錯。; 滿足Can you appease the boy’s curiosity? 你能滿足這個男孩的好奇心嗎?
vt. 嚴責
vi. 退落; 消退; 消失The flood waters subsided. 洪水退去了。; 平靜下來, 平息His anger subsided. 他的怒氣息了。; 下沈, 沈降; 沈澱; 坐下; 跪下; 躺倒
vt. 使痛苦, 折磨; 煩擾[(+with)]The guards were accused of tormenting the prisoners. 監獄看守被指控折磨囚犯。; 糾纏; 作弄She torments everyone with her silly questions. 她用那些愚蠢的問題糾纏每一個人。; 歪曲
n. 認可; 批准[U]Official sanction has not yet been given. 尚未獲得正式批准。; 贊許; 支持; 鼓勵[U][S1][(+for)]There is no sanction for autocracy. 沒有人贊成獨裁統治。; 國際制裁[P][(+against)]The UN imposed economic sanctions against Iraq. 聯合國對伊拉克實施經濟制裁。; (為保證法律得到遵守的)獎懲附加條款[C]; (道德的)約束力[C][(+against)]
vt. 認可; 批准The church would not sanction his second marriage. 教會不會認可他的第二次婚姻。; 贊許; 支持; 鼓勵They refused to sanction segregation. 他們拒絕支持種族隔離。; 對…實施制裁
vt. 做(壞事); 犯(罪)
n.[C][(+on/of)] 寄生生物; 攀附植物; 【喻】寄生蟲The lazy man was a parasite on his family. 那懶漢是他家的一個寄生蟲。; (古希臘)食客
a. 沒留下深刻印象的; 未受感動的; 無印記的
a. 著迷的, 一門心思的
a. 忘卻的; 健忘的[(+to/of)]Mother has become quite oblivious after the illness. 這次病後, 媽媽變得特別健忘。; 不注意的, 不以為意的[F][(+to/of)]The professor kept reading, entirely oblivious of his wife’s presence. 教授繼續念他的書, 完全沒注意到他太太在那兒。She was oblivious to what was going on around her. 她沒有注意周圍發生的事。; 【文】令人忘卻的I wish an oblivious slumber could help me forget what happened today. 我真希望昏睡能使我忘卻今天發生的事情。
vt. 把…歸入, 納入; 把…包括在內, 包含
a. 根深蒂固的
a. 感知的; 知覺的
vt. 重做, 反覆做; 重申, 反覆講Let me reiterate that we have absolutely no plans to increase taxation. 讓我再一次重申我們絕對沒有增稅的計劃。
vt. 掠奪, 劫掠, 搶劫[(+of)]The conquerors plundered their wealth and burned their cities. 征服者掠奪他們的財富, 燒毀他們的城市。; 侵吞; 竊取They accused him of plundering the public treasury. 他們指控他侵吞公款。
vi. 劫掠; 盜竊[(+from)]Instead, they chose to plunder and kill. 相反, 他們選擇劫掠和殺戳。
n. [U] 劫掠; 侵吞; 盜竊They live by plunder. 他們以劫掠為生。; 劫掠物; 侵吞物; 贓物He escaped with his plunder. 他帶著贓物逃走了。