07-07-22-17-27 Flashcards
n.[U][C] 動亂; 激變; 劇變 Mass unemployment may lead to social upheaval . 大批失業會導致社會動亂。; 脹起; 鼓起; 舉起; (地殼)隆起
n. 脊椎動物
a. 有脊椎的; 脊椎動物的
n. 憤怒; 憤慨, 義憤[U][(+about/at/over)] Reports of child abuse aroused public indignation . 有關摧殘兒童的報導激起了公眾的義憤。 feel indignation at gross injustice 對極端的不公平感到憤慨
n.[C] 作曲者, 作曲家; 調停者, 調解者; 作者, 作家
n. 連續, 接續[U] He was late for school three times in succession . 他連續三次上學遲到。; 一連串, 一系列[S][(+of)] She had a succession of colds. 她連續患傷風。; 接替, 繼任, 繼承[U][(+to)] Henry attempted to secure the succession to the office. 亨利試圖繼承這個職位。; 接替(或繼承)順序[U] The King’s oldest son is the first in succession to the throne. 國王的長子是王位的第一繼承人。; 繼承權[U][(+to)] There will be a dispute about the rightful succession to her estate. 對於她產業的合法繼承權將有一場爭論。; 一個個後繼著[U]