11-06 Flashcards
n. 為採訪活動等而跑腿; 外勤工作
a. 真的; 非偽造的; 名副其實的 The ring is genuine gold. 這戒子是真金的。; 真誠的; 不造作的, 由衷的 He thanked her with genuine affection. 他真情謝她。; 純血統的
vt. 侵蝕; 損害
vi. 受腐蝕
n. 齒輪; 傳動裝置; (汽車)排檔[C][U] This car has three gears . 這輛車有三檔。; 工具; 設備, 裝置; 家用器具[U] That store sells sports gear . 那家商店賣體育器具。; (尤指特種用途的)衣服[U]; 帆具; 馬具[U]; (飛機的)起落架, 著陸裝置[U]
vt. 用齒輪使聯動; (在…)搭上齒輪, 使囓合; 使適應, 使適合[H][(+to/for)] Education should be geared to the children’s needs and abilities. 教育應該適合孩子的需要與能力。; 使準備好; 給…套上軛具[(+up)]; 開動(機器)
vi. 搭上齒輪, 囓合[(+into)] The cogs gear smoothly. 齒輪嚙合得很好。; 開始工作; 準備好; 安排好[(+up)] They geared up for the new season’s production. 他們為新的一個季度的生產作好準備。; 適應; (與…)協調地工作[(+with)]
a. 好極了! 棒!
n. [C] (儀器等的)刻度盤, 示數盤; 錶盤; 鐘盤 The clock dial is illuminated at night. 那隻鐘面是夜光的。; 電臺調節器; (電視機的)頻道調節器; (機器的)調節控制器; (電話機的)撥號盤; 日晷儀
vt. 調(電視頻道、電臺); 收聽, 收視; 撥(電話號碼); 打電話給 She dialled London direct. 她直接撥了給倫敦的電話。; (用標度盤)指示; 計量
vi. 撥號, 打電話; 操縱調諧裝置
n. 星座; 星座區域[C]; 薈萃; 群集[C][(+of)] a constellation of the most famous television performers of the year 一群本年度最有名的電視演員; (占星學中的)星宿[C]; 【心】情意叢
n. 青銅[U] The statue was cast in bronze . 塑像由青銅鑄成。; 青銅製品; 青銅藝術品[C]; 青銅色, 古銅色[U]
a. 青銅製的; 青銅色的 This bronze bell dates from the 16th century. 這口青銅鐘是在十六世紀製造的。
vt. 鍍青銅於; 上青銅色於
vi. 變成青銅色; 被曬黑 After a week at the beach his skin bronzed . 在海邊待了一星期後, 他的皮膚曬黑了。
n.[C] 銘刻; 銘文; 碑文; (鑄幣等上的)刻印文字 The inscription above the door was in English. 門上方的文字是用英文刻印的。; (書或畫的)題詞, 獻詞 Inside the front cover was an inscription : ‘To Virginia from Helena.’ 書的內封面上的題詞是: ‘海倫娜贈維吉妮亞’。
n. (船、飛機、車輛裝載的)貨物[C][U] The ship can carry a cargo of 1, 000 tons. 這船能載一千噸貨物。
n. (船等的)失事, 遇難[U] The captain tried to save the ship from wreck . 船長試圖拯救這條船, 使之免於遇難。; 船難事故[C] The hurricane caused many wrecks . 颶風造成了許多船難。; 失事的船; 失事船的殘骸[C]; (被毀車輛, 飛機, 房屋等的)殘骸[C] All around were the wrecks of previous crashes. 四周全是以前撞毀的汽車的殘骸。; 破壞, 毀滅; 挫折[U] Budget cuts mean the wreck of all our plans. 預算的削減意味著我們所有計劃的毀滅。; 【口】受嚴重損害的人; 變得極瘦弱的人; 失去健康的人[C] My father was a complete wreck after the illness. 我父親病後身體完全垮了。
vt. 使失事, 使遇難[H][W] The ship was wrecked in a storm. 這條船在一次風暴中失事了。; 破壞; 損害; 使受挫 His drinking wrecked their marriage. 他的酗酒毀壞了他們的婚姻。; 招致
vi. 失事, 遇難; 受到破壞 The train wrecked at the crossing. 火車在交叉道口失事。; 營救(或搶劫)失事船
a. 決定性的; 確實的; 最終的 conclusive proof 確證
n. 南極洲
n. (別人插不了嘴的)長篇大論; 獨白; 獨白體的作品; 獨角戲
n. 滑車, 滑車組[C][U]; 用具, 裝備[U] John forgot to bring fishing tackle with him. 約翰忘了帶釣具。; 釣具; 馬具[U]; (橄欖球賽中的)擒抱摔倒[C]; (足球賽中的)阻截鏟球[C] The tackle looked fair but a free kick was awarded. 阻截動作看上去並未犯規, 但被判罰任意球。
vt. 著手對付(或處理) Mr. Wells tackled the difficult problem, but he couldn’t solve it. 威爾斯先生處理過這一難題, 但未能解決。; 與…交涉[O][(+about/over/on)] I’ll tackle the boss for a raise. 我將與老板交涉要求增加薪水。; 擒抱並摔倒(對方球員); 阻截(對方球員) He was tackled before he had a chance to shoot. 他還來不及射門即遭阻截。; 抓住, 扭獲 The policeman tackled the thief. 警員扭獲竊賊。; 開始大吃
vi. 擒抱並摔倒對方球員; 阻截 That big fullback tackles hard. 那個大個兒後衛攔截兇狠。
n. 發聲; 有聲化; 【語】母音化; 濁化
a. 鼻的 We breathe through the nasal passage. 我們通過鼻腔呼吸。; 鼻音的 His voice is very nasal . 他說話鼻音很重。
n. [C] 鼻音; 鼻音字母; 【解】鼻骨
abbr. =sacral 聖事的; 神聖的; =sacrament(al); =sacred
ad. 快樂地, 愉快地; 興高采烈地
n.[C] 洞, 穴, 凹處 That is actually a cavity in the earth. 那其實是一個地下洞穴。; (身體的)腔; (病變形成的)空洞; (牙的)蛀洞 Cavities in teeth are caused by decay. 牙齒的蛀洞是由蛀蝕造成的。
n. 瓜, 甜瓜[C]; 圓鼓鼓像瓜似的東西; 大肚子[C]
n. [C] 小袋, 囊; 菸草袋; 錢包 The old man is always carrying a tobacco pouch with him. 這老漢總是隨身帶著煙袋。; 郵袋; 彈藥袋; 【動】育兒袋, 肚囊; 頰囊 A kangaroo carries its young in a pouch . 大袋鼠以肚袋裝小袋鼠。; (下眼瞼的)垂肉, 眼囊 He has pouches under his eyes. 他的眼睛下面垂著眼袋。
vt. 把…裝入袋中 The mail was sorted and pouched by midnight. 郵件在午夜前分揀裝包。; 使成袋狀
vi. 成袋狀; 懸垂如袋
n. 頜; 顎[C]; 下頜, 下巴[C]; 口部, 嘴[P] The panther held a snake in its jaws . 豹子嘴裡咬著一條蛇。; (山谷, 水道等的)狹窄入口[P]; (工具, 機械等)夾住東西的部分, 鉗口[P]; 【口】閒談, 嘮叨[U][C]
vi. 【口】閒聊, 嘮叨; 責罵, 數說 I can’t spend all day jawing with you. 我不能整天和你嘮叨。
vt. 【口】對…嘮叨; 責罵 She jawed him all day about that. 她為那事數說了他一整天。
n. 【解】囊, 黏液囊
vt. 撫養, 培養[(+on)] Her mother died of cancer and her aunt reared her. 她母親因癌症去世, 她姨媽將她撫養大。; 飼養; 栽種, 培植 The old man rears six birds. 老人養了六隻鳥。; 豎起, 舉起 The dog reared its head and barked. 那條狗仰起頭汪汪地叫。; 使(馬等)用後腿直立起來; 豎立, 建立 The tower was reared five hundred years ago. 這座塔是五百年前建造的。
vi. 高聳 The television tower rears far into the sky. 電視塔直指穹蒼。; (馬等)用後腿直立[(+up)] The horse reared in fright. 馬受驚嚇用後腿直立起來。 The horse reared and threw him off. 馬立了起來, 把他摔下。; 暴跳[(+up/over)] The tiger reared its head. 那虎揚起頭來。