08-18 Flashcards
n. 微生物; (尤指引起疾病的)細菌[C] microbe warfare 細菌戰
fall by the wayside
半途而廢, 中途停止 Many party stalwarts fell by the wayside on election day. 許多黨的忠誠份子於選舉日半途而廢。 We must care for the weak who would otherwise fall by the wayside . 我們要關心那些弱者, 不然他們會因失敗而放棄努力的。; 【婉】未能在生活中取得成就; 步入歧途
n. 伙食團; 食堂; 集體用膳人員; 伙食[C][U] The officers are at mess . 軍官們正在用餐。 The party will be held in the officers’ mess . 聚會將在軍官食堂舉行。 The whole mess burst out laughing. 全食堂的人都突然笑了起來。; 一份食品(常指半流質的); (獵物等吃的)雜食; 足夠一頓吃的量[C] He caught a large mess of fish. 他捕到足夠飽餐一頓的魚。; 混亂, 凌亂的狀態[U][S1] Her hair was in a terrible mess . 她的頭髮亂極了。; 髒亂的東西; (狗, 貓的)屎[U][C] Would you please clean up the mess ? 請你把這些骯髒的東西清理掉好嗎?; 困境, 狼狽的處境, 一團糟[S] She made a pretty bad mess of it. 她把事情搞得一團糟。; 【口】骯髒的人, 邋遢的人[C][S1] He is a mess ! 他真邋遢!
vt. 使就餐, 供給…膳食; 弄髒, 弄亂[(+up)] I was used to him messing up the kitchen. 我對他把廚房弄髒已經習慣了。; 弄糟, 毀壞[(+up)] I messed it up. 我把事情搞糟了。; 粗暴地對待, 毆打[(+up)] The gang messed him up. 那幫人把他揍了一頓。
vi. 準備伙食, 供膳; 集體用膳[Q][(+with/together)] In this camp, private soldiers do not mess with officers. 在這個兵營裡, 士兵不和軍官一起用餐。; 搞亂, 陷入混亂; 把事情弄糟[(+up)] She messed up on the math test. 她數學考砸了。; 擺弄, 玩弄[(+with)] Don’t mess with that gun. 不要擺弄那枝槍。; 鬼混, 無所事事[(+around/about)] He spent all day Sunday just messing about. 他星期天胡混了一整天。; 干預[(+in)] You’d better not mess in the affairs of others. 你最好不要干涉他人的事情。
n. 新陳代謝
n.[U] 大破壞, 浩劫 They had to rebuild their homes after the havoc of the hurricane. 遭受颶風的巨大破壞後, 他們不得不重建家園。; 大混亂, 大雜亂 A cow got into the garden and made sad havoc among the cabbages. 一頭牛跑到菜園裡, 把包心菜弄得亂七八糟。
vt.[(+on/upon)] 發洩; 排出 She wreaked her bad temper on her son. 她衝著兒子發脾氣。; 造成(破壞)等; 施行(報復等) The survivor was determined to wreaked her revenge on the murderer of her family. 這位幸存者決心要報復殺害她家人的兇手。 They have wreaked dreadful havoc among the wildlife by shooting and trapping. 他們射殺和誘捕野生動物, 造成了嚴重的破壞。
n. (用作複數)抗生素; (用作單數)抗生物質的研究
n. 齧齒目動物[C] The plains of North America are colonized by rodents . 北美大平原生長著許多齧齒動物。
a. 齧齒目動物的; 咬的, 嚼的
n. 器皿, 用具[C] This store sells cooking utensils . 這商店出售炊具。
n. 刀; 利器; 餐具; 刀劍製造業
n. 染料, 染色[C][U] This cloth takes dye well. 這種布容易染色。
vt. 染, 把…染上顏色[O8] She dyed her hair red. 她將頭髮染紅。
vi. 被染色 Will this suit dye ? 這套衣服好染嗎?; (染料等)染上顏色[Q]
n. 切達乾酪
n. 牙籤[C] I had to use a toothpick to remove the food that was stuck between the teeth. 我不得不用牙籤除去嵌在牙縫的食物。
n. 讚美詩, 聖歌; 唱詩班
a. 歌唱隊的; 合唱的
a. 野性的; 兇猛的; 殘酷的; 猛烈的 The poor man received a savage beating from the thugs. 那可憐的人被暴徒們毒打了一頓。; 未開化的, 野蠻的, 原始的 The inhabitants were still in the savage state. 這些居民仍處於野蠻狀態。; 粗魯的, 無理的 She was irritated by his savage behavior. 他的不文明行為激怒了她。; 【口】狂怒的 Her rudeness really made me savage . 她的無禮使我大為惱火。; 未開發的, 荒涼的 He likes savage mountain scenery. 他喜歡荒山的景色。
n. [C] 野蠻人, 未開化的 These civilizations flourished while Europeans were still savages living in caves. 當歐洲人還未開化住在山洞裡的時候, 這些文明已經處在發達的時期。; 殘暴成性的人; 粗魯的人, 粗野的人
vt. (狗等)亂咬; 兇猛地攻擊 He was savaged by wild animals. 他遭到野獸的兇猛襲擊。; 激烈抨擊; 粗暴地對待 An opposition spokesman savaged the government’s housing investment program. 一位反對黨發言人猛烈抨擊政府的住房投資計劃。
vi. (蜜蜂等)發嗡嗡聲 The refrigerator motor hummed . 冰箱的馬達嗡嗡地響著。; 發哼哼聲; 哼曲子 He hummed as he walked. 他一邊走一邊哼著歌。; 忙碌, 活躍[(+with)] The office is humming with activity. 辦公室裡一片忙碌。
vt. 哼(曲子) She was humming a tune to herself. 她自個兒哼著小調。; 用哼聲表示
n. [U] 嗡嗡聲 He could hear the hum of the bees in the garden. 他聽得見花園裡蜜蜂的嗡嗡聲。; 哼哼聲; 哼曲子的聲音
int. (表示猶豫, 不滿等)嗯, 哼, 哦
n. [C] 讚美詩, 聖歌 They sang a hymn of praise to God. 他們唱著聖歌, 讚美上帝。; 讚歌; 歡樂的歌
vt. 唱讚美詩讚美; 為…唱聖歌; 用讚歌表達
vi. 唱讚美詩; 唱讚歌
n. 真言; (印度教、大乘佛教中的)祈禱文
n.[U] 和諧, 一致 My feelings are in unison with yours. 我的感情與你的感情是一致的。; 【音】同度, 同音; 齊唱, 齊奏 They answered in unison . 他們齊聲回答。
a. 【醫】(病等)心血管的; 侵襲心血管的
vt. 用力拉(或拖) Tug the drawer and it will open. 這抽屜用勁一拉就可以拉開。; 用拖船拖(或頂); 用飛機拖(滑翔機)
vi. 用力拉(或拖)[(+at)] The child tugged at his mother’s sleeve. 小孩拉了拉他媽媽的衣袖。; 競爭; 努力做, 奮鬥 He tugged all the year round to feed and clothe his family. 他終年為全家提供衣食而勞碌。
n. [C] 猛拉; 強大的拉力 He gave the handle a gentle tug . 他輕輕地拉了一下把手。; 牽引, 拖曳; 競爭; 苦幹; 辛苦; 韁繩; 【美】繩子; 拖船; (滑翔機的)拖航飛機 Tugs were sent to the damaged oil tankers. 拖船被派去拉損壞了的油船。
n. 草坪, 草地[C] The lawn needs mowing. 草坪需要修剪。
n. 【植】螃蟹草
vt. 鄙視; 看不起 Honest students despise cheating. 誠實的學生鄙視作弊。
n. 雜草; 野草[C] The garden is full of weeds . 園子裡雜草叢生。; 【英】【口】瘦長孱弱的人; 軟弱無用的人[C]; 【口】香煙, 雪茄煙, 煙草[the S][U]; 廢物 He is such a weed . 他真是個廢物。
vt. 除掉(雜草); 除去…的雜草 First thing tomorrow I’ll weed the garden. 我明天一大早首先去除園內的雜草。; 清除, 淘汰[(+out)] The general weeded out poor commanders. 將軍淘汰了無能的指揮官。 We have to weed out unqualified applicants. 我們必須淘汰不合格的申請人。
vi. 除雜草 My mother is busy weeding in the garden. 我母親正在園中忙著除草。; 清除廢物
a. 易怒的; 好抱怨的
n. 小麥[U]
n. 打穀者; 打穀機; 脫粒機; 【魚】長尾鮫
n. 頜; 顎[C]; 下頜, 下巴[C]; 口部, 嘴[P] The panther held a snake in its jaws . 豹子嘴裡咬著一條蛇。; (山谷, 水道等的)狹窄入口[P]; (工具, 機械等)夾住東西的部分, 鉗口[P]; 【口】閒談, 嘮叨[U][C]
vi. 【口】閒聊, 嘮叨; 責罵, 數說 I can’t spend all day jawing with you. 我不能整天和你嘮叨。
vt. 【口】對…嘮叨; 責罵 She jawed him all day about that. 她為那事數說了他一整天。
n. 長柄大鐮刀[C]
vt. 用長柄大鐮刀割 He’s scythed half the orchard. 他已經將半個果園的草割除。
vt. vi. 給沈痛的打擊; 遽倒
n. 突然摔倒
a. 遠洋的
vt. 捆, 打 He smacked his son’s face. 他摑了他兒子耳光。; 啪的一聲甩(或扔等); 咂(嘴); 出聲地吻 smack one’s lips 咂嘴
vi. 啪的一聲甩(或扔等); 咂嘴
n. [C] 掌摑; 劈啪聲 We could hear the smack of waves against the side of the ship. 我們能聽到浪濤拍擊船舷的聲音。; 咂嘴(聲); 響吻
ad. 【口】猛然地; 砰然作聲地; 不偏不倚地 I fell smack in the mud. 我正好跌在爛泥裡。
vt. 追逐; 追捕; 追蹤 The cat chased the mouse. 貓追老鼠。; 趕出, 驅逐[O] She chased the children from her yard. 她把那些孩子趕出院子。; 追尋, 尋找; 催促[(+up)]
vi. 追逐, 追趕; 追尋; 追求[(+after)] He never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth. 在精力充沛的年輕時代他從未停止過追求自己的夢想。; 匆忙地走, 奔跑[Q] She chased all over town looking for a dress in her size. 她為尋找尺寸合身的衣服而滿城跑。
n. 追逐; 追擊; 追求[C] The chase is often more exciting than the kill. 追捕常常比獵殺更令人興奮。; 打獵[C]; 被追獵的動物, 被追逐的人[C] The chase escaped the hunter. 被追獵的動物逃過了獵人的獵殺。; 狩獵地, 獵場[C]
n.[C] 故事, 傳說; 敘述 Grandpa told the children the tales of his childhood. 爺爺給孩子們講他童年的故事。; 謊話, 捏造的話 Children shouldn’t tell tales . 孩子不應該撒謊。; 流言蜚語, 閒話, 壞話[P]; 計數; 總數[the S]