11-14 Flashcards
a. 單獨的, 獨自的[Z][B] He formed the habit of taking long solitary walks through the streets. 他養成了在街頭長時間獨自漫步的習慣。; 單個的, 唯一的[Z][B]; 隱居的; 孤獨的; 寂寞的; 荒涼的; 偏僻的; 【動】非群居的[Z]; 【植】單生的[Z]
n. 獨居者; 隱士[C]; 單獨監禁[U]
n. 沼澤; 沼澤地[C][U] They drained the swamp and turned it into fertile land. 他們排去沼澤地的水, 將它變成了肥沃的土地。; 困境[C] Their company is in a financial swamp . 他們的公司陷入了財政困境。
vt. 使陷入沼澤; 使濕透 The horses were swamped in the stream. 這些馬陷在河裡。; 使沈沒; 淹沒 The boat was swamped in the storm. 那條小船在暴風雨中沈沒了。; 使陷入困境; 使忙得不可開交[H] His secretary was swamped with work. 他祕書的工作多得難以招架。; 【美】徹底擊敗 Henry swamped Jack 13-6. 亨利以十三比六擊敗傑克。; 清除; 開闢[(+out)] They swamped out a small landing strip. 他們開闢了一個簡易小機場。
vi. 陷入沼澤(或水中); 下沈; 被淹沒 Their boat swamped . 他們的船被淹沒了。; 陷入困境; 窮於應付, 不知所措
n.[C] 生物; 動物 Worms are very simple creatures . 蠕蟲是很簡單的生物。; 家畜; (含有憐愛或輕蔑的意思)人, 傢伙 She’s a beautiful creature . 她是個美人。; 創造物; 產物; 受支配的人, 奴隸; (他人的)工具[(+of)]
n. 【動】(產於美國及中國的)短吻鱷[C]; 短吻鱷皮(革)[U]; 鱷口式工具(或機器)[C]
n. 合唱隊[C][G] The chorus were very good. 這支合唱隊很有水準。; 合唱, 合唱曲[C]; 疊句, 副歌[C]; 齊聲, 異口同聲[S][(+of)] The children shouted ‘Yes’ in chorus . 孩子們齊聲大喊’是’。; (歌舞, 喜劇等中的)歌舞隊[C][G]
vt. 合唱; 齊聲朗誦; 一齊說, 異口同聲地說 The audience chorused its approval by loud cheering. 觀眾一齊大聲表示讚同。
vi. 合唱; 齊聲朗誦 The birds were chorusing in the trees. 鳥兒在樹上齊鳴。; 異口同聲地說話
vi. (豬等)作呼嚕聲; 咕噥, 發哼聲 He grunted in discontent. 他不滿地哼了一聲。
vt. 咕噥著表示; 咕噥著說[(+out)][+that] The boy grunted an apology. 男孩咕噥著說了聲對不起。
n. [C] (豬等的)呼嚕聲; 嘀咕聲, 哼聲 He lifted the heavy suitcase with a grunt . 他咕嚕著把沈重的提箱拎了起來。; 【美】【口】普通工作人員; 【俚】美國步兵
vi. (蛇等或氣體漏出時)發出嘶嘶聲 The cat hissed as the dog came near it. 那貓在狗走近時發出嘶嘶叫聲。; (表示不滿、責備)發出噓聲 The crowd hissed at the speaker when he said taxes should be increased. 當那發言人說到應該增加稅收時人群中發出了噓噓聲。
vt. 嘶嘶地說出或放出; 以噓聲表示 She hissed through clenched teeth: ‘You, you get out! ‘ 她咬緊牙關嘶聲說道: ‘你, 你滾出去! ‘; 對…發出噓聲 She was hissed off the stage. 她被噓下臺去。 His public appearances were frequently hissed . 他的公開露面常常遭到噓聲。
n. [C] 嘶嘶聲 We can hear the hiss of air escaping from a tire. 我們能聽到一隻輪胎的嘶嘶漏氣聲。; 噓聲; 發噓聲
a. (聲音)被隔的, 聽不太清的, 隱約的; (衣服)裹嚴的, 蒙住的
n. 守夜; 警戒; 監視[C][U] All night the mother kept vigil over the sick child. 母親通夜守護在病兒的身邊。; 宗教節日前夕的祈禱(式)[P]
n. 吵鬧聲, 喧囂聲; 噪聲[S] The clamor of the traffic gave me a headache. 交通的噪聲使我頭疼。; 持續的叫喊, 喧鬧; 吵吵鬧鬧的要求[U][(+for)] They made a clamor for reform. 他們大聲要求改革。
vi. 吵鬧, 發喧囂聲; 持續地喊聲; 大聲疾呼, 吵鬧著要求[(+for)] The starving crowd are clamoring for food. 饑餓的人群吵著要食物。
vt. 喧嚷著說出(或提出)
vt. 戰勝, 擊敗 The French defeated the English troops. 法國人打敗了英國軍隊。; 使失敗, 挫敗 Our hopes were defeated . 我們的希望落空了。; 【律】使無效, 廢除
n. [C][U] 失敗, 戰敗, 挫折 The aggressors were doomed to defeat . 侵略者注定要失敗。; 戰勝, 擊敗
vi. (狗等)嗥叫[(+at)]; (人)咆哮[(+at)] The coach growled at the players who were late. 教練對著遲到的運動員咆哮。; (雷電, 砲等)轟鳴 Thunder growled in the distance. 遠處雷聲隆隆。
vt. 咆哮著說[(+out)] He growled a command to her to stop. 他咆哮著命令她停下來。
n. 嗥叫(聲); 咆哮; 轟鳴(聲)[C]
a. 劇場的; 演劇的; 戲劇的[B] theatrical performances 舞臺演出; 戲劇性的; 誇張的; 不自然的 He has a very theatrical style of speaking. 他說話非常誇張。
a. 善於接受的; 能容納的