08-22 Flashcards
a. 雄偉的; 堂皇的; 盛大的 He lives in a grand house. 他住在一棟富麗堂皇的房子裡。; 偉大的; 崇高的; 高貴的 We met a lot of grand people when we went to the palace. 我們去王宮時遇見了許多顯赫的人物。; 自負的, 傲慢的; 重要的, 重大的 We won the grand prize. 我們得了大獎。; 豪華的; 華麗的; 【口】極好的, 快樂的 We had a grand holiday. 我們假期過得很開心。; 全部的, 總的[Z][B] I spent a grand total of $150. 我總共花了一百五十美元。
n. 平臺式鋼琴, 大鋼琴C; 【美】【俚】一千美元M; 【美】【俚】一千英鎊M
n.[C] (既長又深, 谷底常有溪流的)峽谷 Have you been to American Grand Canyon National Park? 你到過美國大峽谷國家公園嗎?; (兩邊有高大房屋的)都市街道
n. 穀粒[C] Not a grain of rice was wasted. 一粒米也沒有浪費。; 穀物, 穀類[U][C] Farmers grow grain and keep cattle. 農民種穀養牛。; (砂, 鹽等的)粒, 細粒[C] There is a grain of sand in his eye. 他眼裡有一粒沙子。; (常用於否定句)一點兒[C][(+of)] There isn’t a grain of truth in his statement. 他的聲明裡沒有一點是真實的。; (木, 石, 織物等的)紋理[the S] The mahogany table has a fine grain . 那張紅木桌紋理精美。; 喱(英美制最小重量單位, 0.0648克); 氣質, 本質[U] They are similar in grain . 他們氣質相似。
vt. 使成粒狀; 把…漆成木紋或石紋狀; 對(皮革)的粒面進行處理; 使深深滲入
vi. 成粒狀, 結晶
a. 熔化的, 熔解的 The molten lava ran down the mountain. 熔岩從山上流下來。; 澆鑄的, 模鑄的 a molten image 一尊鑄像
n. 【地】岩漿; 【醫】乳漿劑
n. 【動】幼蟲; 幼體[C] The tadpole is the larva of the frog. 蝌蚪是青蛙的幼體。
a. (亦作N-)新石器時代的; 早先的; 已經過時的
n. [C] 小薄片 Snow is falling in large flakes . 雪片紛飛。; 扁薄的一層 We watched the flakes of ice drift downstream. 我們看著薄冰層順流漂去。; 玉米片[P]; 火星、火花; 【動】肌隔; 【美】【俚】怪僻的人
vi. 成薄片; (成片)剝落[(+away/off)] The paint was flaking off the walls. 油漆從牆上剝落下來。; 雪片似地降落
vt. 使成薄片; 像雪花般覆蓋 Sawdust flaked the floor. 木屑散了一地。
n. 【海】艙口; 艙梯; 天窗; 地窖口
n. [C] 梯子 The boy ascended the ladder . 這男孩爬上了梯子。; 梯狀物; 階梯; (發跡等的)途徑 Diligence is often a ladder to success. 勤勉常常是通往成功的階梯。
vi. 成名, 發跡
vt. 在…上裝設梯子
n. 【建】灰泥, 灰漿[U] The walls were in a dreadful condition – their yellow plaster was peeling off. 牆已經破爛不堪–上面的灰泥都在剝落。; 熟石膏, 燒石膏[U]; 膏藥; 橡皮膏[C][U] I dabbed the cut and applied a plaster . 我在切開的傷口上塗了一點藥並貼上一塊橡皮膏。
vt. 在…上塗灰泥; 厚厚地塗抹[(+over/with)] My shoes were plastered with mud. 我鞋上沾滿爛泥。; 在…上敷貼膏藥 The nurse washed and plastered the wound. 護士清洗了傷口並在上面貼了膏藥。; 安慰; 減輕; 黏貼; 貼滿[(+on/with)] He plastered his room with pictures of actors and actresses. 他在他房間裡貼滿了男女演員的照片。; 使緊貼; 使平服[O] He plastered his hair down. 他把頭髮梳平。; 用熟石膏處理; 掩飾; 使過分承受[(+with)] They tried to plaster over the differences. 他們試圖掩蓋分歧。; 【俚】(徹底)擊敗; 重創 Our football team really got plastered last week. 我們的足球隊上星期遭到慘敗。
n. 壁爐地面; 爐床[C] A bright fire was burning in the hearth . 壁爐燃著光亮的火。; 爐邊; 家庭[U] I longed to be at my own hearth once again. 我渴望再回到自己家裡。
n.[C] 煙囪; (岩石, 斷崖上可供攀登的)狹窄裂口, 管狀裂口; (油燈的)玻璃燈罩
n. 煤灰; 煤煙; 油煙[U] The inside of a chimney soon gets covered in soot . 煙囪裡面很快就會被煤煙覆蓋。
vt. 以煤煙弄髒; 用煤煙燻黑
n.[C] 肺, 肺臟 Smoking may affect your lungs . 抽煙會損壞肺部。
n. 骨, 骨頭[C] Doris suffered a broken bone in her foot. 多麗絲的一隻腳骨折了。; 骨質[U]; 骨骼; 身體; 屍骸[P] Let me rest my weary bones for a minute. 我的身體很累, 讓我稍稍休息一下吧。; 骨製品[C]; (使乳罩, 襯衣領等堅挺的)金屬或塑料薄條[C]; 【口】骰子[P]
vt. 剔去…的骨 He sells completely boned beef. 他賣全部無骨頭的牛肉。; 用鯨骨(或鋼架等)撐(婦女上衣); 施骨肥於
vi. 【美】【俚】苦學; 考前臨時抱佛腳[(+up)] Bred was boning up for an examination. 布里德為了迎接考試正在拼命準備。
n. 墓穴; 埋葬處[C]; 死亡[the S] Is there life beyond the grave ? 死後還有生命嗎?
vt. 雕刻; 銘記
n. 挖掘; 開鑿[U] The excavation of the buried city took a long time. 發掘埋在地下的城市花了很長時間。; 開鑿的洞穴(或山路等)[C]; (發掘出來的)古蹟; 出土的文物[C]