B3.2.5 Flashcards
What are the causes of infertility
Blocked sperm ducts
Lack of mature eggs produced in the ovaries
Not enough sperm being produced in the testes
A failure of ovaries to release an egg
How are some of these treated
They are treated using hormones
How can FSH be used
FSH can be used as a fertility drug. As the causes the eggs in the ovaries to mature. It also triggers oestrogen production. Increases chance of getting pregnant.
What is IVF
Doctors collect eggs from the ovary of the mother and fertilise with sperm from father outside the body. FSH and LH is given to ensure that as many mature eggs in ovaries as possible are harvested.
Impacts of IVF
Not a natural process
Allows parents to conceive who wouldn’t have otherwise be able to have a baby
Very expensive
Allows younger women to focus on their careers
Can result in multiple births