Anatomy - Muscles Of Thigh Flashcards
Gluteus muscles
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Gluteus maximus
Most superficial and largest gluteal muscle
Allows extension of hip
Used in walking, sitting down and walking up/down stairs
What does the gluteus maximus attach to
Iliac crest, sacrum and comes down to blend to greater trochanter
What does the gluteus maximus blend laterally with
Ilio-tibial tract
What is the gluteus maximus innervated by
Inferior gluteal nerve
Sacrotuberous ligament
Runs from sacrum to ischial tuberosity
Provides attachment for gluteus maximus
What is deep to gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius and minimus
Superior gluteal nerve
Innervated gluteus medius and minimus
Can be damaged by intramuscular injection if too deep
Actions of gluteus medius and minimus
Abduction of hip
Medial rotation
Piriformis attachment
Attaches from sacrum to anterior and superior part of greater trochanter
Pear shaped muscle
Muscles causing lateral (external) rotation
Obturator internus
Superior and inferior gemelli
Quadratus femoris
Posterior thigh muscle movements
Hip extension and knee flexion
Where do the hamstrings originate from
Ischial tuberosity and attach distally to bones of leg
Innervation of the hamstrings
Sciatic nerve
Emerges from under inferior edge of piriformis
Medial hamstrings
Semimembranosus - deep to Semitendinosus
Shape of Semitendinosus
Distally, becomes a long, cord-like tendon
Shape of semimembranosis
Proximally has a membrane-like tendon and becomes fatter distally and attaches to tibia posteriorly
What is the oblique popliteal ligament made up of
Fibres running from the semimembranosis muscle
Hamstring found laterally
Biceps femoris - passes laterally to head of fibula
Special function of Biceps femoris
Only has action at the knee - flexion
Sartorius attachment
Attaches from ASIS and runs distally and medially to attach to tibia
Anterior thigh muscles
Quadriceps muscles
Psoas (major and minor)
Actions of sartorius
Hip flexion
Knee flexion
Lateral rotation of hip
Action of rectus femoris
Causes hip flexion