9/18/12 a Flashcards
How do you calculate the sum of resistances in parallel (TPR)?
1/R1+1/R2+…1/Rn = 1/TPR
How do you calculate the sum (TR) of resistances in series (e.g. total resistance in an organ)?
R1+R1+…Rn = TPR
Exudation and alveolar hepatization characterize what pathological process?
S. pneumoniae pneumonia
What do “red hepatization” and “grey hepatization” refer to?
red: extravasation of RBCs and PMNs
grey: deposition of fibrinus material
What is the major cause of lacunar infarcts?
hypertensive arteriolar sclerosis (lipohyalinosis and microatheromas)
What are Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms? What underlying process are they usu. due to?
microanerysms (<1 mm) of the small penetrating arterioles of the pons, basal ganglia, and subcortical white matter; htn
Is serum alkaline phosphatase high or low in CML?
Is serum alk phos hi or lo in a leukemoid reaction?
What differentiates AML from CML on peripheral blood smear?
> 20% blasts
What pneumoconiosis most resembles sarcoidosis?
What cells does renal clear cell carcinoma arise from?
renal tubular cells