6/19/13 Flashcards
What could cause biliary pain or pancreatitis in the absence of stones or strictures?
Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction
What is the gold std for dxing sphincter of Oddi dysfunction?
ERCP w/ manometry
What Ab is associated w/ Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?
Large cell carcinomas of the lung are associated w/ increased levels of _______.
_______ are a potential side effect of bupropion and therefore contraindicated in pts w/ anorexia (in whom bingeing/purging may cause rapid electrolyte shifts).
What is the most common cardiac defect in infants of diabetic mothers?
asymmetric septal hypertrophy
Which looks more like SUNCT, trigeminal neuralgia or cluster headaches?
cluster headaches!
How are the anesthetics that cause malignant hyperthermia administered?
What drug is the mainstaty of tx for malignant hyperthermia?
Wht muscle symptom characterizes serotonin syndrome?
How long does the stiffness of psoriatic arthritis (and other seronegative spondylarthropathies) last in the morning?
> 30 mins
What EKG abnormality is most associated w/ TCA overdose?
QT prolongation (like macrolides!)
High amplitude cardiac upstroke pulse is associated with _______.
Sudden hemodynamic compromise and JVD after adding PEEP =
tension pneumo
Whjat is the mgmt of incomplete, inevitable, and missed abortions before 13 wks?
What is the mgmt of incomplete, inevitable, or missed abortion at > 14 wks gestation?
vacuum aspiration
What the mgmt for a complete abortion of a pregnancy that was never confirmed by ultrasound?
serial β-hCG (or serial sonogram)
What is the mgmt for a complete abortion that was previously confirmed as intrauterine by US?
observation only
Pure motor lacunar infarcts most often occur in which parts of the internal capsule?
posterior limb or genu