5/26/13 Flashcards
_______ occurs most frequently in the upper eyelids of females over age 50 as a nodule that originally resembles a chalazion and then causes loss of lashes and yellowinh of the eyelid.
Sebaceous cell carcinoma
What is the proper Tx of a chalazion or stye?
Incision, drainage, and topical Abx
What two phenomena may be the cause of morning hypoglycemia in insulin-dependent diabetics?
Dawn phenomenon or Somogyi phenomenon
What is the next step in evaluation of an insulin-dependent diabetic pt w/ early morning hypoglycemia?
Measure 3 am blood glucose
What would be the 3 am blood glucose in the case of Dawn syndrome?
What would the 3 am blood glucose be in the case of Somogyi syndrome?
What 2 hormones mediate the Dawn effect?
GH and Cortisol
What would be the appropriate Tx for Dawn phenomenon?
Increase nighttime NPH insulin
What would be the proper Tx for Somogyi phenomenon?
Decease nighttime NPH insulin
What is the median survival time after Dx w/ ALS?
3-5 yrs
What is the usual cause of death in ALS?
Respiratory muscle failure
What is the most specific test to confirm CSF leakage?
β-2 transferrin test
How long should pts w/ APLA be anti-coagulated?
for life
How should pts w/ APLA be anti-coagulated?
Warfarin to a target INR of 2-3 (enoxaparin if pregnant)
When a premature infant develops obstructive hydrocephalus, think _______.
germinal matrix hemorrhage
Whta is the first-line Tx for rosacea?
avoidance of precipitating factors (e.g. sun exposure, hot drinks)
What is the 2nd-line tx for rosacea?
topical Abx, esp. metronidazole
What is the 3rd-line Tx for rosacea?
oral Abx, esp. tetracyclines
What drugs can be used as monotherapy for inpatient treatment of comminuty-acquired pneumonia?
fluoroquinolones (not cipro) or doxycycline
What combination therapy is frequently used for inpatient treatment of community-acquired pneumonia?
cephalosporin (2nd or 3rd gen) + macrolide
Name a macrolide commonly given (w/ a cephalosporin) for inpatient treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
Name 3 macrolides.
Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, erythromycin