4/26/13 Flashcards
What is the most common congenital heart defect in Edward’s syndrome?
Supravalvular aortic stenosis is associated w/ _______ syndrome.
Conotruncal abnormalities (truncus arteriosus, ToF, interrupted aortic arch) are associated w/ _______ and _______ syndromes.
DiGeorge and velocardiofacial syndromes
PDA in a newborn is usu. assoc’ed w/ _______.
Congenital rubella
What do you do for a pt w/ stable, narrow-complex tachycardia?
slow conduction through AV node w/ vagal maneuvers, or ABC - Adenosine or β-blockers and Ca++ channel blockers
What do you do for any unstable tachycardia w/ a pulse?
Synchronized cardioversion
What do you do for wide, stable tach?
antiarrhythmics: IV amiodarone or sotalol (or lidocaine)
How does acyclovir cause acute kidney injury?
crystalizes in renal tubules and obstructs
What is is the first step after a painless, hard mass is found in the testicle with a US suggestive of a tumor?
remove testicle and cord
What is the most common middle ear pathology in HIV (+) individuals?
serous otitis media
What is serous otitis media?
middle ear effusion w/o active infection
Pernicious anemia increases the risk of what?
gastric cancer
Why is the risk of gastric cancer increased in pts w/ pernicious anemia?
atrophic gastritis
What is the typical EEG finding in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease?
periodic sharp wave complexes
Third trimester bleeding. Tender, firm, hyperactive uterus.
abruptio placentae
Painless third trimester bleeding. Non-tender uterus.
placenta previa
Painless ante-/intrapartum hemorrhage. Rapid decline in fetal heart tracing.
vasa previa
During labor, woman becomes agitated, tachycardic, and hyperventilates. Tender uterus. Pain subsides momentarily, vaginal bleeding.
uterine rupture