4/17/13 Flashcards
What is the most common presenting sign of Hodgkin’s Disease?
Painless, firm cervical/supraclavicular lymph nodes
Why do pts with Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome present with lg purpuric lesions?
Adrenal hemorrhage–>vasomotor collapse
Hypo_______ is typical among alcoholics and causes refractory hypokalemia.
Deletion of what arm of what chromosome causes Cri-du-chat syndrome?
Woman has a fixed mass in her breast with nipple retraction. There is evidence of calcification on mammography. Core biopsies reveal foamy macrophages and fat globules. What does she have?
fat necrosis
What is the proper treatment for fat necrosis of the breast?
std follow-up (self-limiting)
What kind of paraneoplastic muscle weakness would present with symmetrical, proximal muscle weakness, without sensory loss or diminished reflexes?
What do you call the condition following extended periods of vomiting that results in hypokalemic, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis?
Contraction alkalosis
There are 2 phases of contraction alkalosis. What occurs in the generation phase?
Loss of H+ (as HCl) causes increased serum bicarbonate.
What occurs in the maintenance phase of contraction alkalosis?
Loss of volume –> Aldo –> K+ and H+ wasting in favor of Na+ retention
Wht is the first step in treatment if contraction alkalosis?
Normal saline and K+
AIDS pt presents with angioma-like growths on skin and viscera. Dx?
Bacillary angiomatosis (Bartonella)
How does TPN cause gallstone formation?
Decreased gallbladder contraction –> stones/sludge
How does estrogen promote the formation of cholesterol gallstones?
Increased activity of HMG CoA reductase.
What diabetes medication should not be given to pts w/ renal failure, hepatic failure, or sepsis? Why?
Metformin; lactic acidosis
Babesiosis is seen more commonly in pts w/ _______.
Asplenia or splenic dysfunction
What complication of AAA repair should be suspected when the pt. presents post-op w/ abd pain and bloody diarrhea?
bowel ischemia (left and sigmoid colon)
What causes ischemia to the left and sigmoid colon following aortic surgery?
loss of IMA during aortic graft placement
What are typical MRI findings in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)?
multiple demyelinating, non-enhancing lesions in cortical white matter w/ no mass effects
What are typical MRI findings for CNS toxoplasmosis?
multiple ring-enhancing lesions in basal ganglia w/ mass fx
What are the typical MRI findings of primary CNS lymphoma?
solitary ring-enhancing mass lesion in periventricular area
How do you confirm primary CNS lymphoma after MRI?
What must precede subacute sclerosing panencephalitis?
measles infection many years before
What is another term for “external validity” when referring to a study?
What sort of neuropathy usually causes foot drop?
What nerve must be affected to cause foot drop?
common peroneal nerve or spinal nerve roots contributing to it (L4-S2)
What is the acute tx for a cluster headache?
100% O2 and sumatriptan
Which viral hepatitis, in its chronic form, presents w/ waxing and waning transaminase lvls and may cause arthralgias/myalgias?
What dhould you suspect in a pt w/ + pronator drift?
upper motor neuron lesion (e.g. stroke)
What 3 Sx characterize adult Still’s disease?
spiking fevers (>38), salmon-colored rash, and arthritis
What is the juvenile equivalent of adult Still’s disease? (And don’t be a smart ass!)
systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (a.k.a. adolescent Still’s disease)