Skin disorders that are characterized by increased mucin content, excessive collagen deposition, or fibrocyte hyperplasia are designated as
mucinoses, sclerosing disorders, or fibrosing disorders
what fibrocyte product predominates in pretibial myxedema?
excessive mucin production
what fibrocyte product predominates in scleroderma
collagen deposition
what fibrocyte product predominates in scleredema
excessive mucin and collagen deposition
excessive mucin and depostition and fibrocyte hyperplasia
scleromyxedema and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
Fibroblasts are derived from CD____-positive hematopoietic precursors
scleredema is most common in what age groups?
chilhood or adolescence
scleredema most commonly occurs after _____________
upper respiratory tract infection
associated conditions of scleredema
Diabetes mellitus
Also hyperparathyroidism, connective tissue disease, HIV
most commonly identified URTI etiology for scleredema
Streptococcal infection
second most common presentation of scleredema
Diabetes mellitus–associated scleredema of adulthood
clinical findings of scleredema
An acute onset of nonpitting induration of neck, shoulders, and upper back skin may be followed by involvement of the face and arms. Characteristically, the affected skin appears smooth and waxy, with tense dermal induration and prominent follicular ostia, at times imparting a “peau d’orange” appearance
clinical findings of Scleromyxedema (also, lichen myxedematosus)
major fibroblast products that are increased in scleredema-affected skin
Type 1 collagen and hyaluronate
The skin of the _________ is a favored site for scleredema,
upper trunk (especially the back)