06/21/2023 Notes Flashcards
What is the vagina
a tube that forms the inferior-most region of the female reproductive tract that onnects the uterus with the outsie of the body and functions as a birth canal
What is the copulatory organ of the female?
Although the vagina is an ideal pathway of sperm into the uterine tubes, what else can enter and cause problems?
Pathogenic microbes can enter and cuase pelvic inflammatory disease
What are the three tunics of the vagina
mucosa, mucularis, and adventitia
What do the normal flora microbes within the mucosa of the vagina produce?
Lactic acid that inhibits growth of pathogens
What is the hymen
Near the vaginal orifice, the vaginal rugae may project in the lumen and form a vascularized, membranous barrier called the hymen
What is hematocolpos?
Retention of shed endometrial lining and menstrual blood that may occur from an imperforate hymen
What are the external sex organs of the female called?
Vulva (external genitalia)
What is the mons pubis
expanse of skin and subcutaneous connective tissue anterior to the pubic symphysis and is believed to act as a cushion during sexual intercourse
What is the labia majora
a pair of thickened folds of skin and connective tissue that is homologous to the scrotum in males
What is the labia minor
paired folds internal to the labia majora, but lack pubic hair
Labia minora contain what that contributes to enhanced pigmentation?
What is the vestibule?
The space between the labia minora that contains thet urethral opening, vaginal orifice, openings of the greater vestibular glands, and bulb of the vestibule
What are the greater vestibular glands?
bartholin’s glands secrete mucin for the vagina during sexual intercourse and are homologous to the bulbourethral glands
What is the bulb of the vestibule?
A structure that becomes erect and inreases in sensitiveity during sexual intercourse
What is the clitoris?
A small erectile body containing specialzied sensory nerve receptors located at the anterior region of the labia minor that is homologous to the penis
What are mammary glands?
Modified sudoiferous glands that form the majority of the female breast
What is found in breast milk that gives nutrients to infants?
Proteins, fats, and sugars
What are nipples?
Cylindrical projections at the center of the breast and contain tiny openings that transport breast mlk
What is the areola?
pigmented rosy/brownis ring aroynd the nipple
What does nulliparous mean?
Never given birth
What does parous mean
given birth
What does having a darker areola do in a parous woman?
Make the nipple more obvious for a sucking infant
What do the suspensory ligaments of cooper do?
Internally support the breasts with fibrous connective tissue bands
Mammary glands are subdivided into lobes and lobules that do what?
Lobules contain alveoli that produce milk that become larger during pregnancy which then merger to form lactiferous ducts
What are the 3 methods of treating breast cancer?
Lumpectomy (removal of tumor), simple mesectomy (removal of breast only), and radical masectomy (removal of breast, lymphatic tissue, and pectoralis major/minor)
What are the organs of the urinary system
kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra
What do kidneys do
filter waste produts from the bloodstream and convert it into urine
What are the functions of the urinary system
Remove waste products from the body via urine, store urine, excrete urine, regulate blood volume, and regualte erythrocyte production
If oxygen levels in blood are reduced, what do kidneys secrete?
Erythropoietin that acts on stem cells in blood marrow to increase erythrocyte production
Which kidney tends to be lower, and why?
Right kidney is 2 cm inferior to acccomodate large size of the liver
What is found on the superior surface of each kidney?
Adrenal gland
What is the hilum of the kidney?
the concave medial border where vessels, nerves, and ureter connect to the kidney
What are the 4 layers of the kidney?
Fibrous capsule, perinephric fat, renal fascia, and paranephric fat
What does the renal capsule do?
Maintian shape of kidney, protect it from trauma, and prevents infectious pathogens from entering kidney
Extensions of the renal cortex called renal columns enter the renal medulla and subdivide the kidnye into what?
8-15 renal pyramids
Each renal pyramid contains a renal papilla that projects a funnel-shaped spaced known as the…?
Minor calyx
How many major calyx are found in each kidney
What do the major calyx merge to form?
Renal pelvis
What is found in each renal lobe of the kidney?
medullary pyramid and some corticoal substance
How much resting cardiac output flows through the kidneys?
What are nephrons?
Microscopic filtering structures within the kidneys
What innervates the kidneys?
Renal plexus, a mass of sensory and ANS fibers
Sympathetic innervation of the kidneys come from what spinal nerves?
parasymathatic innervation of the kidneys coome from what cranial nerve?
What is sympathetic innervation responsible for in kidneys?
Renal blood vessel vasoconstriction (decreased blood flow and decrease in urine production)
Where does referred pain from kidneys travel to?
Sympathetic pathway to the T10-T12 dermatomes