Writing a prescription and reporting a suspect adverse event Flashcards
What are the regulations related to prescriptions?
Vet Surgeons Act
Veterinary medicines regulation
Misuse of drugs act
RCVS - COPC Section 4
What is the acronym for diagnosis?
What is the acronym for prescription?
What is the acronym for treatment?
What does AE stand for?
adverse event
What does AE stand for?
adverse reaction
What does SAR stand for?
suspected adverse reaction
What does SQP stand for?
Suitably qualified person
What does RQP stand for?
registered qualified person
What does VMD stand for?
Veterinary medicines directorate
What does NOAH stand for?
National Office of Animal Health
What does COPC stand for?
RCVS code of professional conduct
What does CD stand for?
Controlled drugs
What is the rule regarding prescribing human medicine to an animal?
It is now a specific criminal offence to“promote or facilitate” illegal use of the Cascade.
It has ALWAYS been illegal to recommend a human, or indeed any off-license, medication just because it is cheaper
What is the expectation when an animal is ‘under your care’
A veterinary surgeon who has an animal under their care must be able, on a 24/7 basis, to physically examine the animal, or visit the premises in the case of production animals, equines, farmed aquatic animals and game.
In what situations must a physical exam always be performed?
where a notifiable disease is suspected
when prescribing controlled drugs
when prescribing antibiotics, antifungals, antiparasitics or antivirals
When is the use of antibiotics prohibited?
to be used routinely, to compensate for poor hygiene, inadequate animal husbandry, or poor farm management practices, or to promote growth or increase yield
Prophylactic use is prohibited
What is an instalment prescription?
Instalment prescriptions specify ‘on this day you can come and get this amount of x’
It is only valid if it is collected on the prescribed day
What is the safest way to distribute a prescription?
Send straight to pharmacy to prevent fraud
What should be included on a prescription?
Reason for prescription
Written legibly in ink
Use product name in capital letters - do not abbreviate
Pharmaceutical form and strength of drug
Duration of treatment
microgram/nanogram written out, not abbreviated
put a 0 before an initial decimal point (e.g., 0.5)
Give precise instructions on route/dose/formulation
NO alterations
handwritten for controlled drugs
Prescribers and clients name and address
‘for animal treatment only’
‘this prescription is for an animal under my care’
‘It is an offence under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013 for a person to alter a written prescription unless authorized to do so by the person who signed it’
How many repeat prescription can be given before a patient should be re-assessed
no more than 3
what is an adverse event?
Any observation in animals, whether or not considered to be product-related, that is unfavourable and unintended and that occurs after any use of a veterinary medicine
What are the types of adverse event?
Lack of expected efficacy
What is an adverse reaction?
A reaction to a veterinary medicine which is harmful and unintended and which occurs at doses normally used in animals for the prophylaxis, diagnosis or treatment of disease or to restore, correct or modify a physiological function.
What should you do when you identify an AE?
If you think theAEmight indicate a defect in the product or batch, you mustreport this to the VMD immediately.