Cytology and histological correlation Flashcards
Describe the features of an epithelial cell tumour
Glandular and parenchymal tissues or lining surfaces (e.g., mammary gland, liver)
High cell harvest
Cells in cohesive aggregates
Cell borders are typically distinct
Polygonal shaped cells, round nuclei
Describe the features of a mesenchymal cell tumour
Connective tissue, muscle, bone & cartilage, nerve, endothelial cells
Low cell harvest
Cells in non-cohesive aggregates or individually
Cell borders are variably defined and often indistinct
Embedded in matrix
Spindle shaped cells with cytoplasmic tails
Oval or plump nuclei
Describe the features of a round cell tumour
Lymphocyte, plasma cell, mast cell, histiocyte/macrophage
High cell harvest
Individual cells
Round or roundish in shape
Round or oval nuclei
Look at nucleus:cytoplasmic ratio, position of the nucleus and look in the cytoplasm
What types of cells can be a round cell tumour?
Describe what you see here and give a diagnosis of this mass
Histo - Dense, round cells - no connections
Cytology - High cell yield
Lots of granules in background (due to smearing) and in cells
Diagnosis - Mast cell tumour
Describe what you see here, what type of tumour cell is it?