Good Theatre Practice Flashcards
Define sepsis
presence of pathogens
Define asepsis
Free from infections
Define antispesis
prevention of sepsis
Define sterilisation
complete elimination of all microorganisms, including spores
define disinfection
removal of microorganisms (possibly not spores)
define disinfectant
an agent that destroys microorganisms, generally a chemical agent
What areas should be found in a surgical suite?
Kit prep area
Sterile store
Scrub area
Changing rooms
Describe common theatre cleaning routines
Morning damp dusting
Between cases - clean down area, ready for next procedure, use disinfectant
End of day - thorough cleaning of area using disinfectant
Once a week - deep clean (take swabs to ensure asepsis)
Describe the pre-operative preparation of the patient
Food and water restrictions prior to surgery (depends on breeds, age etc.)
Bathed a few days before to ensure they are clean
Disinfecting surgery site
Describe the use of chlorhexidine for surgical site preparation
2% dilution
minimum 5 minutes
Describe the use of Povidone iodine for surgical site preparation
for patients with chlorhexidine sensitivities
7.5% dilution
minimum 3 minutes
Not effective if gross contaminants present (mud, blood etc)
Good for ocular preparation (0.2-2% dilution)
Describe surgical preparation of the ear
Flushed with saline then 0.2% chlorhexidine
Describe surgical preparation of the foot
wrapped in bag containing 0.2% chlorhexidine for 5 minutes
Describe surgical preparation of the open wounds
flushed with 0.9% saline
Don’t use chlorhexidine as it is toxic to cells so can cause slow wound healing
Describe surgical preparation of the mouth
Oral rinses containing very dilute chlorhexidine
(caution in cats as can cause oral ulceration of mucous membranes)