Herd Health Principles in Backyard Poultry Flashcards
What is Marek’s Disease?
a common lymphoproliferative disease of chickens, caused by an alphaherpesvirus, usually characterized by infiltrates in peripheral nerves and various other organs and tissues including iris and skin
Describe the epidemiology of Marek’s Disease
Natural hosts: Chicken, turkey, quail
MD Virus is ubiquitous among commercial flocks but the disease is not
Dander, litter, feathers infectious for 4-8 months at room temperature
Horizontal transmission
Infection spreads quickly within the flock
What are the 3 serotypes of Marek’s Disease?
MDV-1 (oncogenic & causes Marek’s disease in chickens, pathogenic)
MDV-2 (non-oncogenic & affects chickens, non-pathogenic)
MDV-3 (non-oncogenic & affects turkeys, non-pathogenic)
Describe the process of Marek’s Disease Infection
- Birds inhale poultry dust containing MDV
- Cytolytic phase - Virus enters B-cells & activated T-cells, causing cell death & severe immunosuppression (esp. with very virulent MDV)
- Rapid replication occurs in first week, making birds vulnerable to secondary infections
- MDV establishes latency in T-cells
- 3-4 weeks later, infected T-cells transform into lymphomas –> tumour formation in nerves & organs
How does MDV spread and persist in the environment?
Infected birds shed virus from feather follicle epithelium
Virus survives in dander, litter, and feathers for months
Naïve birds inhale infected dust, continuing transmission cycle
What key lesions are found in post-mortem examinations of MDV-infected birds?
Spleen Enlargement → Correlates with increasing MDV virulence
Bursa of Fabricius Atrophy → Progressive shrinkage with more pathogenic MDV strains
What are the non-neoplastic syndromes of MD?
Immunosuppression → Destruction of bursa & thymus
Transient paralysis (esp. in broilers) → Vasogenic brain oedema, with recovery in 24-48h
What are the neoplastic-related syndromes of MD?
Tumour formation in multiple organs
Nervous signs → Spastic paralysis
Stunting, depression, paleness
Increased mortality & carcass condemnation
What diagnostic tools are used for MD?
Histopathology → Confirms Marek’s in affected tissues
- samples collected include feather pulp, spleen, organs with tumours
PCR testing → Differentiates MDV serotypes, checks for vaccine uptake
Describe the features of MD vaccines
in-ovo vaccine
live attenuated MDV strain
early onset of protection
low maternal antibody interference
protect against clinical MD
Do not protect against:
- MDV infection
- MDV shedding
- MDV transmission
What makes PREVEXXION® RN1250 different from other MD vaccines?
Genetically distinct from existing MD vaccines
First hybrid vaccine, combining traits from 3 different Serotype 1 strains
LTR (long terminal repeat) insertion allows attenuation without losing efficacy, bypassing traditional cell passage
Balances high efficacy without compromising performance
What is the most common vaccination regime against Marek’s Disease?
Rispens vaccine (MDV-1) in combination with HVT vaccine (MDV-3) - occasionally SB-1 vaccine (MDV-2)