Viral and protozoal causes of skin disease Flashcards
Give examples of notifiable large animal skin disease
Foot and Mouth Disease*
Vesicular Stomatitis*
Swine Vesicular Disease*
Bluetongue Virus*
Lumpy skin disease*
Classical Swine Fever, African Swine fever
Sheep Pox*
Goat Pox*
What must happen if a notifiable viral skin disease is diagnosed?
Usually no treatment
Slaughter & disposal of infected & in-contact animals
Quarantine/Protection zone
Movement restrictions
+/- Vaccination
Eradication programmes
Surveillance programmes – monitor spread
What are the general clinical signs of vesicular disease?
Vesicles and erosions/ulcers => crusts
Found on: muzzle, oral mucosa , tongue, udder, teats, coronary band (can cause loss of hooves and horns)
Give examples of notifiable vesicular diseases
Foot and Mouth Disease*
Vesicular Stomatitis*
Swine Vesicular Disease*
Bluetongue Virus*
What are the general characteristics of papilloma viruses?
Epitheliotropic => proliferative lesions = papillomas (‘warts’)
Enter via microabrasions
Usually young animals, usually regress spontaneously
Can undergo malignant transformation to squamous cell carcinomas (rare)
Give examples of papilloma viruses
Bovine papilloma virus (BPV)
Equine papilloma virus
Canine papilloma virus
How is bovine papilloma virus transmitted?
fence posts, halters, contaminated tagging equipment etc
Describe the effect of papilloma viruses in horses
BPV can cause equine sarcoids
Equine papilloma virus:
- warts (grass warts) - young horses, self limiting
- aural plaques - >1yr, persist
describe the effect of papilloma viruses in dogs
Describe the effect of pox viruses
=> macules, papules, vesicles, pustules, crusts
Give examples of pox viruses
Cowpox rare in cattle but causes disease in cats Infected by small rodent bite, Zoonotic
Horsepox (rare)
swinepox (mild disease)
Sheep pox*
goat pox*
Lumpy skin disease* - cattle
- = notifiable
Describe the effect of myxomatosis
common disease of rabbits - transmitted by fleas
=> oedematous thickened eyelids, lips, genitalia, perineum => death
Occasionally mild cutaneous form ‘lumpy bunny disease’
Give examples of parapoxviruses
Contagious pustular dermatitis (orf)
Bovine papular stomatitis
Describe the clinical presentation of contagion pastular dermatitis (orf)
common disease of sheep
=> Oral lesions on lambs
=> Teat lesions on ewes – mastitis
Describe the effect of bovine papular stomatitis
Mild disease
Oral/muzzle lesions
differential diagnosis for FMD
Describe the clinical features of Post-weaning Multisystemic Wasting Disease (PMWD)/ Porcine Dermatitis Nephropathy Syndrome (PDNS)
very common circovirus infection
PDNS may have blotchy (purpuric) skin lesions
d/d Classic /African swine fever*
What disease is present here?
Psittacine beak + feather disease (circovirus)
Describe the clinical feaures of border disease
(pestivirus) – sheep
Congenital infection => small, weak, hairy lambs with skeletal muscle tremor - ‘hairy shakers’
Give examples of tests that detect virus, viral antigens or nucleic acid
Give examples of diagnostic serology tests that detect antibodies to a virus
Give an example of a protozoal skin disease
Describe the transmission of leishmaniasis
Disease caused by Leishmania spp
Transmitted by blood-sucking sandflies
Also zoonotic
Describe the clinical presentation of leishmaniasis
Causes wide range of skin and systemic signs
long incubation (years!)
slowly progressive
How is leishmaniasis diagnosed?
Aspirates, eg lymph node, bone marrow
Skin biopsies