Cytology SDL Flashcards
Describe this canine lymph node sample and give the cytological diagnosis
has poor stain penetration and colour differentiation - nuclear morphology difficult
Disorderly mitotic figure
Rare neutrophils and eosinophils present
Round cells - lymphoid in appearance (round nuclei with rim of cytoplasm)
Diagnosis = lymphoma
Describe this canine lymph node sample and give the cytological diagnosis
Cells are lymphoid in appearance
variation in lymphocyte size but large majority are small
Diagnosis - lymph node reactive hyperplasia
Describe this canine subcutaneous mass sample and give the cytological diagnosis
Large cholesterol crystal
ill define basophilic patches
diagnosis - Follicular (epidermal inclusion) cyst
Describe this dog eyelid mass sample and give the cytological diagnosis
Clusters of adherent cells with RBCs
Cells have roundish, monomorphic appearance, eccentric nuclei and abundant foamy cytoplasm
No evidence of inflammation
Diagnosis - Sebaceous Adenoma
Describe this canine flank skin mass sample and give the cytological diagnosis
Few nucleated cells (if any), structures with angular borders, morphology consistent with keratin/squames
Diagnosis - Follicular (epidermal inclusion) cyst
Describe this canine flank skin mass sample and give the cytological diagnosis
Low cellularity on light proteinaceous background and RBCs. Cells are mixture of degenerate neutrophils, non-degenerate neutrophils and vacuolated foamy macrophages with occasional keratin squames
Diagnosis - Mixed (pyogranulomatous) inflammation
Describe this canine flank skin mass sample and give the cytological diagnosis
moderately cellular + RBCs
Poor nuclear staining
Cells are same round type in non-adherent clusters
Pale stained eccentric nuclei surrounded by metachromatic granular cytoplasm
Diagnosis - mast cell tumour
Describe this lymph node sample and make a cytological diagnosis
low cellularity + RBCs, cytoplasmic blebs and disrupted cell nuclei
Occasional neutrophils with consistent background haemorrhage
Cells are lymphoid (round with small amount of cytoplasm)
Cells are large/intermediate
Diagnosis - lymphoma
Describe this canine flank skin mass and give the cytological diagnosis
Clusters of swollen, rounded cells with abundant pale/colourless cytoplasm; nuclei are compressed to one edge of the swollen cells
Diagnosis - Lipoma or subcutaneous adipose
Describe this canine flank skin mass and give the cytological diagnosis
moderately cellular with debris in background
RBCs and disrupted cells
Cells are neutrophils and macrophages with foamy/vacuolated cytoplasm
Diagnosis - Mixed (pyogranulomatous) inflammation
Describe this canine flank skin mass and give the cytological diagnosis
Scattered small groups of medium-sized round cells with small amounts of basophilic cytoplasm
Nuclei are round and central
Moderate anisokaryosis (varied nuclear size)
Diagnosis - cutaneous histiocytoma
Describe this canine flank skin mass and give the cytological diagnosis
moderately cellular on a haemorrhagic background
Scattered small groups of individual and loosely associated polyhedral cells with indistinct cytoplasmic borders
Round nuclei
moderate anisocytosis (varied RBC size)
Diagnosis - sarcoma
Describe this prostate FNA sample and give a cytological diagnosis
highly cellular
No inflammatory cells
Cells are pleomorphic with anisocytosis, anisokaryosis and variable N:C (nuclear:cytoplasmic) ratio
Cells are loosely associated
Diagnosis - carcinoma
Describe this ventral skin mass sample and give a cytological diagnosis
moderately cellular, debris, occasional RBCs
Cells are in tightly adhered clusters
Moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis with variable N:C ratio (often high)
No inflammatory cells
Diagnosis - carcinoma
Describe this dog skin mass and give a cytological diagnosis
Moderately cellular + debris and nuclear disruption and streaming
Cells are degenerate neutrophils
Coccoid bacteria in pairs or quartets
Diagnosis - neutrophilic inflammation with sepsis