Volcanoes mount Serrat/Pinatubo case studies - TECTONICS Flashcards
Year of mount Pinatubo eruption
Location of mount Pinatubo
Luronnes, Philippines
Magnitude of mount Pinatubo
Main concerns on mount Pinatubo
- ash surrounding land
-rising magma may corrupt groundwater with gases like sulphur
-diseases broke out in camp
-200,000 homeless
Regional impacts of mount Pinatubo (2)
- eruption effected weather globally
- huge quantities of ash particles in wind system
Primary impacts of mount Pinatubo (11)
- 58,000 evacuated
-2 million effected
-ash damaged crops - 1.2 million lost their homes
-farmland destroyed
-volcanic ash blown in all directions - mudflows cause sever river bank erosion
- $700 million damages
-electricity went off
-Water contaminated
-road links destroyed
Secondary impacts of mount Pinatubo (3)
- heavy rainfall from typhoon yungu causes buildings to collapse
-650,000 people lost their jobs - area around Pinatubo completely reshaped
What they do today in mount Pinatubo
- safe place to visit
- trekking is popular activity among locals and tourist
Year of mount Serrat eruption
Location of mount Serrat
Small island in the Caribbean
Type of plate boundary for mount Serrat
Hazards for mount Serrat
- air quality is poor
- volcanic gas
- lava flows
-avalanche flows
-pyroclastic flows
Primary impacts of mount serrât
- rockfall blocked roads
- farmland destroyed main source of food
- houses buried under debris
- one airport and one port
- pyroclastic flow spread, killed 19 people and flattened tress, leavening no vegetation
Secondary impacts of mount serrat (2)
-agricultural sector destroyed
- economic stability remain elusive ( difficult)
Short term response for mount serrat (3)
- evacuation of thousands
- British government gave money for compensation and redevelopment
- unemployment ose due to collapse of tourist industry
Long term response for mount serrat
- exclusion zone set up
- volcanic observatory built to monitor volcanoes
- new roads and airport built
- Growth in tourism
Prediction for mount serrat (2)
- low death toll (19 ) as scientists correctly predicted likely hazards such as pryoclastic flow and ash flows
- areas around mountain were exclusion zones