Earthquakes case studies - Haiti/Japan - TECTONICS Flashcards
GDP per capita of Haiti
HDI of Haiti
Literacy rate of Haiti
What year did Haitis earthquake occur?
Magnitude of Haiti
Type of plate boundary for Haiti n japan
n.o of deaths for Haiti
n.o of homeless people for Haiti
1.5 million
Percentage of buildings collapsed for Haiti
50% including key government buildings
4 Primary effects for Haiti (4)
- main port was unstable
- roads blocked by debris so aid could not reach vulnerable areas
- communications and transport links completely destroyed
- small tsunami- killed 7
Secondary impacts for Haiti (5)
- Government was in pieces so loss of order, groups with machetes roamed.
- food prices roam
- 1 year later - 1 million were still homeless
- 1500 killed by cholera
- industry of clothing suffered Sèvres setbacks with the destruction of factories
Immediate responses for Haiti (3)
- many international teams
- security - 16, 000 un troops set to restore order
- Water - bottled water distributed
- Huge graves takin more than 100 people
Long term aid response for Haiti (5)
- Aid $11.5 billion
- 47% spent on health and education - 17% spent on infrastructure
- 9% spent on infrastructure
- Buildings rebuilt to safer building conditions
- slums demolished
- new settlements built way from at risk areas
- world bank cancelled half of Haiti’s debt
Haiti is Vulnerable because..(10)
- densely populated areas - huge slums
- shallow focus
- multiple hazards
- few people speak french so hard to communicate
- massive rural to urban migration
- long history of unstable governments
- shortage of trained health care workers
- lack of public awareness and disaster plan
- only 50% access to toilet
- only 33% access to tap water
- Love waves - focuses energy on earths surface - cause the most damage
- ## conservative plate boundary - faults and slip
Year of Japan earthquake
Magnitude of Japan earthquake
HDI of japan
Literacy rate of japan
GDP per capita for japan
Primary impacts for japan (3)
- US$235 billion cost of damage
- 30 homes being destroyed and 1,000 damaged
- nuclear power station went into meltdown causing radioactive contamination
Secondary impacts for Japan (4)
- huge tsunami up to 40 metres high
- 15, 900 died
- 450,00 homeless
- 120,000 homes completely destroyed
Short term responses for Japan
- Tsunami warnings given 3 minute after earthquake
- US$183 billion offered by Bank of Japan to Japanese banks so they could keep offering, protecting country economy
- 170,000 households without water
- water restored to 1.9 million households after 3 weeks
- 5.5 million bottles provided to evacuation centre.
Long term response for Japan
- 87% of buildings in Tokyo are earthquake proof
- every smartphone in Japan sent warning alerts
- earthquake survival kits at home
Preparation for Japan
- Earthquake drills every year in school and workplaces
- emergency services especially trained in earthquake response methods
- 75% of buildings constructed with earthquake proof buildings
- government funding in place
- early warning system
- PREDICTION- use data from sound tech and is 80-90% accurate
Focus Japan
80km below earth surface
Focus for Haiti
33km below earths surface
Indian ocean
Indian ocean 2004- Boxin day tsunami
• earthquake magnitude- 9
• impacted 12 developing countries from Indonesia to South Africa
• economic costs added to roughly $10 B
• 5 million impacted and left 2million homeless
• occurred around low lying coasts making it easier for the tsunami to travel
• the epicentre of the earthquake was near a densely populated area
• no warning systems implemented and poorly educated
• the earthquake triggered a tsunami- secondary hazard
Turkey syria earthquake
Human factors:
- approximately 50k deaths, this number was exacerbated due to the corruption of Turkish government for not implementing the building codes and regulations.
- Syria experienced high death toll due to infrastructure already damaged due to the prolonged civil war.
physical facotrs
magnitude was 7.8
- tectonically active region- nestled between 4 tectonic plate margins
- strong after shocks some more than original earthquake
- depth of focus was shallow, strong love waves