Regeneration - why do places vary Flashcards
why do places vary?
- Employment sector - primary, secondary etc - knowlwdge economy (quiternary) mostly found in cambridge triangle M4 corridor and London. places that embrace
- Employment type : full time, part time and seasonal. - gender pay gap (men get paid 10% more)
- Health: those that work manual labour and exposure to chemical have higher chance of pooer health and mortality. Ethic minories have higher chance of poor health due to pooer socio-economic backrounds
- Life expactancy : north-south variation - north east and west have lower than average life expectancy (75 years fro men and 80 for women). kensignton has higher earnings of 60k have rates if 80-85 years life expectancy. other factoes such as life style habits and diet effect this
- Education: low income, working class white children are have low academic attainment and more likely to under achieve. - 31 % attain 5 gcses inc maths and english. Boys are likely to have lower results, especially black, Pakistani and Bangldeshi.
how do you measure changes?
- land use change
- employment trends
- demographic changes
- levels of deprivation
- income
- poverty
- employment