VII- Other GU Infections Flashcards
predominant organisms normal vaginal flora
lactobacillus - gram pos microaerophilic rod that metabolize glycogen into lactic acid to make vaginal pH 3.8-4.5
factors that alter normal flora
- age- young girls and postmeno women have lower lactobacillus
- menstruation causes transient changes
- hysterectomy/removal of cervix
cause of bacterial vaginosis
abnormal vaginal microbiota aka dysbiota so overgrowth of anaerobic species + dec lacto
-not an infection just change in normal flora
pres of bacterial vaginosis
-asymp of course
-discharge, odor, pain, itching, burning
risk factors of BV
- oral sex
- douching
- smoking
- sex during menses
- early age of intercourse
- new/multi partners
- activity with other women
diagnosing BV
amsel criteria need 3/4
1. white/gray discharge
2. clue cells on wet mount
3. whiff test of volatile amines
4. pH +4.5
or nugent score of 7-10 (BV, no lactobacilli, predom other morphotypes) 0-3 is normal
complications of BV
- inc suscept to HIV infect
- inc chances that HIV woman can pass to partner
- inc dev of infection after surgery
- inc risk for preterm delivery, miscarriage, infection after delivery
- inc suscept to other STDs (HSV, chlamydia, gonorrhea)
pres of vulvovaginal candidiasis
- thick, odorless, white vaginal discharge, cottage cheese
- can be uncomplicated with mild/moderate symps in healthy pt
- or complicated with recurrent or severe VVC OR nonalbicans candidiasis OR pt has uncontrolled diabetes, debilitation, immunosup
treat with topical azole
C. albicans features
oval year form can produce buds, pseudohyphae and hyphae
-germ tubes
-in the normal flora of vagina so endogenous infection usually
risk factors of VVC
- after antibiotic use
- immunocomp > esophagitis, disseminated
- oral contraceptive use
- preg
- diabetes
- systemic corticosteroids
- HIV infection
pres of trichomoniasis
70% asymp or have scant/watery vaginal discharge within 6 mo
-range from mild to severe vaginitis (itching, burning, painful urination) + strawberry cervix
men are asymp carriers as reservoir
T. vaginalis features
- small pear shaped protozoa motile/darting on wet mount
- exist only in trophozoite form so strict parasite
- anaerobic
diagnosing/treating trichomoniasis
NAAT most sensitive method + pap smear + wet mount
-can culture but diff to grow
treat with metronidazole
menstrual toxic shock pres
- diarrhea
- general ill feeling
- high fever + chills sometimes
- nausea, vomit
- widespread red rash like sunburn
mechanism of TSST-1
from S. aureus that multiply rapidly in hyperabsorbant tampons and release toxin
-catalase pos, coagulase pos, gram pos cocci in clusters
-TSST penetrates mucosal barrier and is superantigen so stims T cells and cytokines
-IL 1B = fever and TNFa = hypotension, shock
diagnosing toxic shock
- major criteria - hypotension <90 systolic, orthostatic syncope, diffuse macular erythroderma, temp +38.8, skin desquamation @ hands, palms, soles feet
- minor criteria - GI, mucous membrane erythema, muscular myalgia or x2 creatinine phosphokinase levels
all major + 3 minor
treating toxic shock
- remove tampon duh
- supportive measures like fluids
- beta lactamase resistant penicillin or vancomycin if allergic to pen
- avoid tampon use bc recurrence high