UPPER Flashcards
abandon (v)
terketmek abandonment (n) abandoned (adj) They were forced to abandon the car
Abuse (V)
birine kaba ve vahşice davranmak
abuse abuser (N) abusive (adj)
The crowd started abusing him.
accelerate (V)
hızını artırmak, gaza basmak
acceleration (N)
Inflation is likely to accelerate this year
accomplish (V)
başarmak, üstesinden gelmek
accomplishment (N) accomplished (adj)
I feel as if I’ve accomplished nothing all day.
significant accomplishment
accountability (N)
accountable (adj) account (N)
Hospitals must be held accountable for their mistakes
Acquire (V)
elde etmek
acquisition (N)
I managed to acquire a copy of the report.
Adequate (adj)
yeter, kâfi
adequacy (N)
I didn’t have adequate time to prepare.
Inadequate X
admit (V)
itiraf etmek
admission (N)
She admitted to stealing the keys
adverse (adj)
tehlike,probleme neden olan olumsuz koşullar
adversely (adv) = muhalif bir şekilde
adverse weather conditions
Despite the adverse conditions, the road was finished in just eight months.
The expedition was abandoned because of adverse weather conditions
affair (N)
bilhassa kötü olay, hadise
The government’s handling of the affair has been widely criticized.
Aim (N)
amaç, hedef
aim (V) aimless(adj)= amaçsız aimlessly (adv)
The aim of the film was to make people laugh
allocate (V)
ayırmak, pay ayırmak, vermek, tahsis etmek
allocation (N)
allocate time/money
The government has promised to allocate extra money for health care.
allocate time/money
Amuse (V)
amusement (N) amusing amused (adj)
I took him a toy that I thought might amuse him
amusement park
ancient (adj)
eskiden olan, eski, antika
ancient Greece/Rome
an ancient building
Anticipate (v)
merakla beklemek, ummak
anticipation (N)
We anticipate that prices will fall next year.
to anticipate a problem
endişeli, sinirli, tasalı, kaygılı
anxiety (N) anxiously (adv)
She’s very anxious about her exams
anyhow (adv)
her nasılsa, zaten
I don’t need a car and I can’t afford one anyhow.
Apparent (adj)
aşikâr, açık, görünen
apparently (adv)
It soon became apparent that she had lost interest in the project.
Appeal (V)
talep etmek, rice etmek
appeal (N)
The police have appealed for more information.
çekmek, cezbetmek
Cycling has never appealed to me.
başvuruda bulunmak
He is appealing against a ten-year prison sentence.
appliance (N)
alet, cihaz
fridges, radios, and other electrical appliances
applicant (N)
başvuran, müracaat eden kişi
apply (V)
There were over fifty applicants for the job.
takdir etmek
appreciation(N) appreciative(adj) appreciatively(adv)
There’s no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn’t appreciate them.
yakına gelmek, yaklaşmak
Approach(N) approachable (adj)
Christmas is fast approaching
Liam has a different approach to the problem
Background (N)
geri taraf, arka plan
I could hear a baby crying in the background.
Do you know anything about his background?
Cabinet (N)
kabine bakanlar kurulu
The Prime Minister presides at meetings of the Cabinet
Damp (n)
nem rutubet
dampness (N) damp (adj)
It feels damp in here.
edition (N)
baskı yayın
The magazine has just published its six thousandth edition.
faint (V)
bayılmak (V) zayıf belli belirsiz (adj)
he felt faint for lack of food
a faint smell of smoke
gamble (V)
kumar oynamak
gamble gambling gambler (N)
It was time for a last desperate gamble.
Handful (N)
avuç dolusu
He surveyed the handful of custo-mers at the bar.
Ignore (V)
görmezden/bilmezden gelmek ignorance(N)=cehalet ignorant(Adj)=cahil I shall ignore that uncalled-for remark. It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
Judge (V)
yargıya/karara varmak
judgement (n) judgemental (Adv)
Blind men can judge no colours.
kneel (V)
diz çökmek
She knelt down beside the child.
former (adj)
önceki, geçmiş
the former Soviet Union
former President Bill Clinton
sürdürmek, devam ettirmek, sağlamak
maintenance (N)
The army has been brought in to maintain order in the region.
naked (adj)
I want to challenge,is naked game.
itiraz, karşı çıkma
He has a strong objection to getting up early.
Working people everywhere object to paying taxes.
pace (N)
hız, sürat
We started to walk at a much faster pace.
the pace of life
The pace of change in our lives is becoming faster and faster
yeterli hâle gelmek/getirilmek; yeterli bulmak/bulunmak
başarılı olmak; başarmak
sınırlandırmak, kapsamını daraltmak
To qualify for the competition, you must be over 18.
Dawn is well qualified for her new role.
range (N)
çeşit, tür
We discussed a wide range of subjects.
kov(ul)mak, işten at(ıl)mak
He was sacked for being late.
The pony swished its tail.
en son, nihaî / en büyük, yüksek, önemli
The ultimate decision lies with the parents.
Ultimately, he’ll have to decide.
Your credit card is no longer valid.
The ticket is valid until March
gezinip durmak, dalıp gitmek
to wander slowly/aimlessly
I’ll wander around the mall for half an hour.
yaklaşık, hemen hemen
approximate time of sth
The train’s approximate time of arrival is 10.30.
What is the approximate size of this room
Bad-tempered (adj)
kötü huylu, geçimsiz
to be/seem/sound bad-tempered
It is his illness that makes him bad-tempered.
Why are you so bad-tempered today
campaign (V)
campaign, campaigner (N)
kampanya düzenlemek
to campaign actively/strongly to campaign for/against sth
His campaign was not going well.
Deal (v)
Deal (N)
iskambil oyununda kartları dağıtmak
(iş) anlaşma, aynı fikirde olma
Whose turn is it to deal?
He accused the government of dithering over the deal.
Elect (V)
election (N)
oylamayla seçmek
The people of the Philippines have voted to elect a new president.