OXFORD B2 Flashcards
zone n.
an area where a particular thing happens
bölge, yer, mahal
a war zone
a nuclear-free zone
wrap v.
to cover something or someone with paper, cloth, etc
to wrap a present
They wrapped him in a blanket.
wound n., v.
an injury, especially one that is made by a knife or bullet
witness n., v.
someone who sees an accident or crime
Police are appealing for witnesses to the shooting.
wise adj.
A wise decision or action shows good judgment and is the right thing to do.
I think we’ve made a wise choice.
It’s always wise to see a doctor if you’re worried about your health.
wire n.
kablo, tel
electrical wires
wind2 v.
to turn or twist something long and thin around something else several times
She wound the rope around the tree.
widely adv.
including a lot of different places, people, subjects, etc
widely known
He has travelled widely in Europe.
whom pron.
kimi, kime
I met a man with whom I used to work.
whisper v., n.
to speak extremely quietly so that other people cannot hear
She whispered something to the girl sitting next to her.
whereas conj.
compared with the fact that
halbuki, oysa, ama
His parents were rich, whereas mine had to struggle.
wealthy adj.
wealth n.
a wealthy businessman/nation
Only the very wealthy can afford to live here.
weakness n.
the state of not being strong or powerful
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.
What do you think are your weaknesses as a manager?
There are a number of weaknesses in this proposal.
way adv.
used to emphasize how extreme something is
hayli, epey, oldukça
The room was way too hot.
He’s in second place but he’s way behind/off.
wage n.
weekly wages
the minimum wage
vital adj.
Tourism is vital to the country’s economy.
It’s vital that you send off this form today.
visual adj.
relating to seeing
The film has some powerful visual effects.
virtual adj.
a virtual art gallery
violence n.
behaviour intended to hurt or kill someone
an act of violence
A number of people were killed in the violence.
Violence against women has increased in recent years.
venue n.
yer, mahal
vast adj.
extremely big
a vast amount of money
vast forest areas
vary v.
If things of the same type vary, they are different from each other.
Car prices vary greatly across Europe.
Roses vary widely in size and shape.
to change
Temperatures vary depending on the time of year.
value v.
If you value something or someone, they are very important to you.
I always value his opinion.
to judge how much money something could be sold for
The ring was valued at $1000.
urge v.
to try to persuade someone to do something
His parents urged him to go to university.
urban adj.
belonging or relating to a town or city
urban areas
urban development
upwards adv.
towards a higher place or level
House prices have started moving upwards again.
threat n.
If someone makes a threat, they say they will kill or hurt you, or cause problems for you if you do not do what they want.
a death threat
I was scared he would carry out his threat
universe n.
everything that exists, including stars, space, etc
Many people believe that there is life elsewhere in the universe.
unique adj.
different from everyone and everything else
Everyone’s fingerprints are unique.
unconscious adj.
in a state as though you are sleeping, for example because you have been hit on the head
She was knocked unconscious.
tune n.
a series of musical notes that are pleasant to listen to
ezgi, melodi
He was humming a tune as he dried the dishes.
in tune=doğru notada, akortlu
out of tune=yanlış notada, akortsuz
The piano is out of tune.
truly adv.
used to emphasize that something is true in every way
The project was truly a team effort.
trouble v.
If something troubles you, you think about it a lot and it makes you worry.
The situation has been troubling me for a while.
I’m sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me how to get to the station?
trip v.
to fall or almost fall because you hit your foot on something when you are walking or running
Careful you don’t trip over the cat!
He tripped on a stone and hurt his ankle.
trial n.
a test of something new to find out if it is safe, works correctly, etc
The drug is currently undergoing clinical trials.
a legal process to decide if someone is guilty of a crime
The two men are now on trial for attempted murder.
He will be taken to the US to stand trial.
transition n.
a change from one system or method to another, often a gradual one
geçiş, değişim, intikal
The country is in the process of making the transition from military rule to democracy.
track v.
to follow a person or animal by looking for proof that they have been somewhere, or by using electronic equipment
The wolves are tracked by using radio collars.
tough adj.
He’s had a tough time at work recently.
We’ve had to make some tough decisions.
not easily damaged, cut, etc
dayanıklı, kolay etkilenmeyen
Children’s shoes have to be tough.
This meat’s very tough.
thus adv.
used after saying a fact to introduce what then happened as a result
böylece, bu nedenle, bunun için, bu yüzden
The guard fell asleep, thus allowing Bates to escape.
threaten v.
to tell someone that you will kill or hurt them, or cause problems for them if they do not do what you want
He threatened the staff with a gun and demanded money.
He threatened to report her to the police.
If something bad threatens to happen, it is likely to happen.
The conflict threatened to spread to neighbouring countries.
term v.
to use a particular word or phrase to describe something
adlandırmak, demek, tanımlamak
Critics termed the movie a ‘disaster’.
temporary adj.
existing or happening for only a short or limited time
a temporary job
temporary accommodation/housing
tear v.
to pull paper, cloth, etc into pieces, or to make a hole in it by accident
The nail had torn a hole in my skirt.
target v.
to aim an attack at a particular person or place
They mostly targeted military bases.
tale n.
öykü, hikâye, masal
My grandfather used to tell us tales of his time as a pilot during the war.
switch n.
anahtar, düğme
a change
değişim, değişme, değişiklik
There has been a switch in policy.
sweep v.
to clean the floor using a brush
She’s just swept the floor.
He swept up the pieces of broken glass
swear v.
to use language that people think is rude or offensive
He was sent home because he swore at the teacher.
to make a serious promise
yemin etmek, and içmek, söz vermek
I swear to tell the truth.
She swore that she was at home at the time of the accident.
suspect v., n.
to think that someone may have committed a crime or done something bad
He was suspected of drug dealing.
suspected terrorists
to think that something is probably true, or is likely to happen
ihtimal vermek, tahmin etmek
They suspected that he was lying.
surround v.
to be or go everywhere around something or someone
The house is surrounded by a large garden.
The police have surrounded the building.
the surrounding countryside
surgery n.
ameliyat, operasyon
to have surgery
heart/knee surgery
sum n
an amount of money
toplam, tutar, yekûn, meblağ
a large/small sum of money
the total amount that you get when you add two or more numbers together
toplam, sonuç, yekûn
The sum of six and seven is thirteen.
stuff v.
tıkmak, tıkıştırmak, sokmak
He stuffed the papers into his briefcase and left.
struggle v., n.
to try very hard to do something difficult
He’s struggling to pay off his debts.
She struggled but couldn’t break free.
structure v.
to arrange something in an organized way
How is the course structured?
strict adj.
katı, sert, disiplinli, hoşgörüsüz
a strict teacher
My parents were very strict with us.
stretch v., n.
to become longer or wider, or to pull something so that it becomes longer or wider
Don’t pull my sweater - you’ll stretch it.
to make your body or part of your body straighter and longer
Stretch your arms above your head.
stream n.
a small river
dere, çay
stiff adj.
hard and difficult to bend
stiff material
I’ve got a stiff neck.
sticky adj.
made of or covered with a substance that can stick to other things
sticky fingers
sticky tape
shallow adj.
not deep
shallow water
a shallow dish
slope n., v.
a surface or piece of land that is high at one end and low at the other
yamaç, yokuş, bayır
There’s a steep slope to climb before we’re at the top.
slight adj.
small and not important
ufak, az, hafif, belli belirsiz, zayıf
slight differences in colour
We’re having a slight problem with our computer system.
slide v., n.
to move smoothly over a surface, or to make something move smoothly over a surface
He slid the letter into his pocket.
slave n.
someone who is owned by someone else and has to work for them
He treats his mother like a slave.
sincere adj.
honest and saying or showing what you really feel or believe
samimî, candan, içten, yürekten
He seems to be sincere.
silk n.
a silk dress/shirt
silence n.
If there is silence, there is no sound.
The three men ate in silence.
No sound broke the silence of the wintry landscape.
shot n.
the action of firing a bullet from a gun
Three shots were fired.
Good shot!
ship v.
to send something from one place to another
göndermek, yollamak, sevketmek
These vegetables have been shipped halfway around the world.
shelter n., v.
to go under a cover or inside a building to be protected from bad weather or danger
They went under a tree to shelter from the rain.
to provide cover or protection for someone
Many households are already sheltering refugees.
a place that protects you from bad weather or danger
barınak, sığınak
a bomb shelter
shape v.
to make something become a particular shape
Combine the meat and egg and shape the mixture into small balls.
shame n.
If you describe something as a shame, you are disappointed that it has happened.
It’s a real shame to waste all this food.
What a shame that they had to destroy such a beautiful building.
sense v.
to understand what someone is thinking or feeling without being told about it
I sensed that you weren’t happy about this.
shadow n.
shade n.
a dark area made by something that is stopping the light
The tree had cast (= made) a long shadow.
I’d prefer to sit in the shade.
severe adj.
extremely bad
a severe headache
severe weather conditions
settle v.
to start living in a place where you are going to live for a long time
He travelled around Europe for years before finally settling in Vienna.
If you settle an argument, you solve the problem and stop arguing.
to settle a dispute
sequence n.
a series of related events or things that have a particular order
dizi, zincir, silsile
the sequence of events that led to his death
I got my slides mixed up and they appeared out of sequence.
senior adj.
having a more important job or position than someone else
a senior executive
We work in the same team but she’s senior to me.
saving n.
If you make a saving, you pay less money than you would usually have to.
a saving of 20 euros
seek v.
to try to find or get something
aramak, bulmaya/almaya çalışmak
to seek advice/a solution
to try to do something
yapmaya çalışmak
They are seeking to change the rules.
to seek re-election
screen v.
to show something on television or at a cinema
televizyonda sinemada göstermek/oynatmak
The first episode will be screened tonight.
to find out information about someone in order to decide if they are suitable for a particular job
soruşturmak, soruşturma yapmak, araştırmak
Applicants are screened to ensure that none of them is a security risk.
scream v., n.
to make a loud, high noise with your voice, or to shout something in a loud, high voice because you are afraid, hurt, or angry
She screamed for help.
I could hear a woman screaming, “Get me out of here!”
scheme n.
an official plan or system
tasarı, proje
an insurance/savings scheme
a training scheme for teenagers
schedule v.
to arrange that an event or an activity will happen at a particular time
Your appointment has been scheduled for next Tuesday.
a scheduled flight
scale n.
the size or level of something
We don’t yet know the scale of the problem.
rural adj.
relating to the countryside and not to towns
a rural area
reputation n.
the opinion that people have about someone or something based on their behaviour or character in the past
ün, şöhret, nam
Both hotels have a good reputation.
He has a reputation for efficiency.
resident n., adj.
someone who lives in a particular place
complaints from local residents
resist v.
to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do
I can’t resist chocolate.
I just can’t resist reading other people’s mail.
to refuse to accept something and try to stop it from happening
The President is resisting calls for him to resign.
reserve n., v.
to arrange to have a seat on an aircraft, a room in a hotel, etc
I’d like to reserve two seats on the 9:15 to Birmingham.
rescue v., n.
to save someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation
Fifty passengers had to be rescued from a sinking ship.
requirement n.
something that is needed or demanded
college entrance requirements
Valid insurance is a legal requirement.