MORE TO READ 16-25 Flashcards
superstition n
superstitious adj
batıl inanç
Pond n
gölcük, havuz
the village pond
Observe v
dikkatle gözlemek/incelemek
Children learn by observing adults.
Distort v
bozmak, çarpıtmak, saptırmak
It’s a bad recording - the microphone distorted our voices.
Fortune n
varlık, servet, zenginlik
She made a fortune selling her story to the newspapers.
Nick’s new car must have cost a fortune!
çanak, kase
a bowl of rice/soup
iyi yerleşmiş/yerleştirilmiş; tam yerinde; avantajlı durumda
[ + to do sth ] She’s very well-placed to find out what’s going on.
Spirit n
ruh, can
a spirit of optimism
Everyone soon got into the spirit of (= started to enjoy) the carnival - singing, dancing, and having fun.
Coastal adj
kıyıya ait, kıyıda olan, kıyıya ilişkin
a coastal town/resort
coastal waters
Expand v
genişle(t)mek, büyü(t)mek
We are hoping to expand our range of products.
Electronic services are rapidly expanding to meet demand.
Dwell v
yaşamak, oturmak
She dwelt in the middle of a dark forest.
Tie v
düğümlemek, bağlamak
She tied the scarf.
sahil, kıyı, deniz kenarı
They had to abandon the boat and swim back to shore.
Density n
yoğunluk, sıklık
The area has a high population density.
Propose v
I propose that we delay our decision until we have more information.
proposed changes
niyetinde olmak; niyet etmek, yeltenmek
They propose to cycle across Europe.
Existing adj
varolan, yaşayan
Existing schools will have to be expanded to accommodate the extra students.
How many existing customers have you got?
alet yapımı
Vessel n
gemi, tekne
Occur v
meydana gelmek, olmak, vuku bulmak
According to the police, the shooting occurred at about 12.30 a.m.
Shipwreck n
be shipwreck v
deniz/gemi kazası
Tomb n
Jungle n
vahşi tropikal orman
the Amazon jungle
Tigers are found in the jungles of Asia.
Proportion n
out of proportion
oran, nispet, miktar
Children make up a large proportion of the world’s population.
The class consists of both men and women in roughly equal proportions.
out of proportion
gereğinden büyük, abartılı, oran dışı, orantısız; aşırı
The punishment is completely out of proportion to the crime.
Field n
tarla, mera, çayır
a wheat field
a field of cows
çalışma alanı/sahası
He’s an expert in the field of biochemistry.
Constructor n
a constructor of bridges
Order v,n
sıra, düzen
in alphabetical order
talimat, emir
to obey orders
to give orders
sipariş vermek/etmek, ısmarlamak
to order a drink/pizza
We’ve ordered new lights for the kitchen.
[ + two objects ] Can I order you a drink?
Round adj
yuvarlak, toparlak
a round table/window
round eyes
a round face
ikiden fazla şey arasında
He disappeared among the crowd.
yenilik, yeniden popüler/moda olma
The British film industry is enjoying a renaissance.
Invent v
icat etmek, bulmak
We’ve invented a new game.
Abbreviation n
‘Sub’ is an abbreviation of ‘submarine’.
Arrange v
düzenlemek, planlamak, hazırlık yapmak
to arrange a meeting
I’ll arrange for a car to come and pick you up.
[ + to do sth ] We’ve arranged to visit the house on Saturday afternoon.
Intend v
niyet etmek, niyetlenmek, tasarlamak
Unfortunately the meeting took longer than we intended.
[ + to do sth ] How long are you intending to stay in Paris?
[ + doing sth ] I don’t intend seeing him again.
Contemporary n
çağdaş, modern
contemporary music
Smudge v,n
kirletmek, bulaştırmak, lekelemek
Be careful you don’t smudge the drawing.
pis leke, sıvanmış leke
a smudge of ink
Reverse v,adj
tersine/aksine çevirmek/döndürmek; aksi/tersi olmak; değiştirmek
It is unlikely that the judge will reverse his decision.
Let’s reverse the order - I’ll give the first talk and you the second.
Sketch v,n
taslak/kroki/eskiz çizmek
I sketched a map for him on a scrap of paper.
taslak, kroki, eskiz
He did a quick sketch of the cat.
Prevent v
önlemek, engel olmak, önüne geçmek
to prevent accidents/crime
[ + from + doing sth ] Members of the public were prevented from entering the building.
Observation n
inceleme, gözlem, müşahade
The doctor wants to keep him under observation for a week.
to have good powers of observation (= to be good at noticing things)
Manuscript n
kitap müsveddesi
The publishers have lost the manuscript of my book.
Scattered adj
dağılmış, saçılmış, yayılmış, dağınık
His toys were scattered all over the floor.
There will be scattered showers (= separate areas of rain) today.
Scattered showers are forecast for this morning.
The few houses in the valley are very scattered.
Spread v
yaymak, dağıtmak, yayılma, dağılmak
He spread the cards out on the table.
zamana yaymak
The smoke soon spread into all the rooms in the house.
The virus is spread by rats.
The payments will be spread over two years.
Separate v
böl(ün)mek, ayırmak, ayrılmak
I separated the class into three groups.
ayırmak, ayrılmak, ayrı tutmak
I shall separate you two if you don’t stop talking.
Promote v
reklâmını yapmak, tanıtmak
The band is promoting their new album.
terfi ettirmek, yükseltmek; rütbe vermek
[ often passive ] She’s just been promoted to manager.
terfi etmek
He was promoted to head teacher.
Exposure n
maruz kalma
There is a risk of exposure to radiation.
Many young children now have exposure to computers in the home.
iyileş(tir)mek, düzel(t)mek
The wound on his head had begun to heal.
Involve v
karışmak, bulaşmak
He has always been involved in/with the theatre/theater.
Don’t ask my advice – I don’t want to be/get involved.
karışmak, bulaşmak, yer almak, bulaştırmak
I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning.
His job involves a lot of travelling.
hac yolculuğu
Correspond v
benzemek, uymak, aynı olmak
These results correspond with those of earlier experiments.
Smallpox n
çiçek hastalığı
an epidemic of smallpox
Ailment n
(ciddi olmayan türden)hastalık, rahatsızlık
Children often have minor ailments.
Regard v
saymak, düşünmek
I regard his conduct as totally unacceptable.
I regard him with horror.
He regards his wife’s behaviour/behavior with amusement.
He regarded me over the top of his glasses.
Ridiculous adj
saçma, aptalca, gülünç, komik
I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous.
a ridiculous suggestion
Stimulate v
uyarmak, harekete geçirmek, canlandırmak
It stimulates the production of red blood cells.
heves uyandırmak, gayrete getirmek; heyecanlandırmak
Colourful pictures can stimulate a child.
Gland n
Salgı bezi
A sweat gland
Migraine n
Disorder n
karışıklık, düzensizlik
The general strike threw the whole country into disorder.
scenes of disorder and rioting
hastalık, rahatsızlık
a disorder of the lungs
Gain v
kazanmak, elde etmek
The country gained independence in 1948.
You’ll gain a lot of experience working there.
(beden, ağırlık, miktar vb.) artmak, çoğalmak, artış göstermek
He’s gained a lot of weight in the last few months.
Shelter n
barınak, sığınak
a bomb shelter
Running out of
Vast adj
çok büyük, uçsuz bucaksız
He inherited a vast fortune.
Consequently adv
sonuç itibariyle, bu nedenle, bundan dolayı
She was the child of two models and, consequently, she was very tall.
She didn’t explain it clearly – consequently, he didn’t understand.
Mining n
Miner n
Drilling n
öneri, teklif
[ + to do sth ] a proposal to raise taxes
The proposal for a new sports hall has been rejected.
Immense adj
çok büyük, muazzam
an immense forest
immense amounts of money
immense pressure/value
Dispose v
to make inclined
istekli olmak
I am not disposed to help him.
Sewage n
Tidal adj
of or affected by tides
gelgitle ilgili
tidal currents
a tidal river
Continent n
Exert v
to force (oneself) to make an effort
çaba göstermek
Why do we perspire when we exert ourselves?
Remain v
to continue to exist when everything or everyone else has gone
Only a few hundred of these animals remain today.
Hire v
to pay money in order to use something for a short time
kiralamak, kira ile tutmak
They hired a car for a few weeks.
to begin to employ someone
ücretle çalıştırmak; tutmak
We hired a new secretary last week.
a problem or disadvantage
mahsur, eksiklik, sakınca, sorun
The only drawback with this camera is the price.
Ladder n
Stairs n
(seyyar) merdiven
Claim v,n
a statement that something is true, although you have not proved it
iddia etmek, ileri sürmek
[ + (that) ] She claimed that the dog attacked her.
[ + to do sth ] He claims to have seen a ghost.
to ask for something because it belongs to you or you have the right to have it
talep etmek, sahiplenmek, hak iddia etmek
She claimed $2,500 in travel expenses.
If no one claims the watch, then you can keep it.
Measure v,n
to judge the quality, effect, importance, or value of something
değerini/önemini belirlemek, etkisini/kıymetini saptamak
We will soon be able to measure the results of these policy changes.
They measured the performance of three different engines.
to find the size, weight, amount, or speed of something
ölçmek, ölçüsünü almak
I’ve measured all the windows.
The distances were measured in kilometres.
Interaction n
the activity of talking and doing things with other people, or the way you do this
etkileşim; işbirliği, birliktelik
Our work involves a lot of interaction with the customers.
Productive adj
producing a good or useful result
verimli, yararlı, iyi sonuç veren
We had a very productive meeting and sorted out a lot of problems.
productive land
a productive worker
Discovery n
an occasion when someone discovers something
keşif, buluş
the discovery of bones in the garden
Scientists have made some important discoveries about genetics recently.
Intuitive adj
Intuitively adv
using intuition
sezgisel, önseziye dayanan, içe doğan
He has an intuitive understanding of animals.
Enhance v
to improve something
geliştirmek, katkıda bulunmak, zenginlik katmak, (güç, güzellik, değer vb.) arttırmak
Winning that award greatly enhanced her reputation.
Suited adj
(opposite unsuited) fitted, or appropriate (to or for)
I don’t think he’s suited to/for this work.
Exhibit v,n
to show objects such as paintings to the public
sergilemek, sergilenmek
She’s exhibiting her roses at the local flower show.
Aspect n
one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc
özellik, bir problem, konu, durumun bir bölümü, bir yönü
His illness affects almost every aspect of his life.
Inadequate adj
not enough
yetersiz, kifayetsiz
We were given inadequate funds for the expedition.
Compose v
to be the parts that something consists of
tanzim etmek, düzeltmek, oluşturmak
[ often passive ] The committee was composed of elected leaders and citizens.
Presence n
the fact of being in a place
hazır bulunma, mevcudiyet
I didn’t notice her presence.
She signed the document in the presence of two witnesses.
simultaneous adj
simultaneously adv
If two or more things are simultaneous, they happen or exist at the same time.
aynı anda olan, eş zamanlı
simultaneous translation
Throughout adv
during the whole of a period of time
süresince, boyunca
He yawned throughout the performance.
We spent a week in London and it rained throughout.