OXFORD B1 Flashcards
youth n.
çocukluk, gençlik
gangs of youths
yard n.
an area of land in front of or behind a house
evin önündeki veya arkasındaki bahçe, alan; avlu
a school yard
worth adj.
to have a particular value, especially in money
…değerinde/ederinde olmak
Our house is worth about 600,000 euros.
worldwide adj., adv.
in all parts of the world
10 million copies have been sold worldwide.
within prep.
before a particular period of time has finished
içinde, dahilinde
The ambulance arrived within 10 minutes.
Consume within two days of purchase.
wool n.
wing n.
weigh v.
to measure how heavy someone or something is
Can you weigh that piece of cheese for me?
She weighs herself every day.
weapon n.
nuclear weapons
wave v.
to raise your hand and move it from side to side in order to attract someone’s attention or to say goodbye
Wave goodbye to Grandma.
She waved at him.
el sallamak
waste n., v., adj.
israf, kayıp, ziyan Meetings are a waste of time. They throw away loads of food - it's such a waste. a waste of energy/resources go to waste=boşa gitmek
warn v. warning n.
to tell someone that something bad may happen in the future, so that they can prevent it
I warned you that it would be cold but you still wouldn’t wear a coat.
I’ve been warning him for months.
uyarmak, ikaz etmek
warm v.
to become warm or to make something become warm
ısınmak, ısıtmak
She warmed her feet against his.
I’ll warm the soup.
violent adj.
involving violence şiddetli, zorlu, sert a victim of violent crime a violent protest I don't like violent films
view v. viewer n.
to watch something
They were able to view the city from a helicopter.
izleyici, seyirci
victim n.
someone who has suffered the effects of violence, illness, or bad luck
victims of crime
hurricane/flood victims
valuable adj. value n.
Valuable objects could be sold for a lot of money.
valuable paintings and antiques
değerli, kıymetli
upset adj., v.
unhappy or worried because something unpleasant has happened
üzgün, üzüntülü, keyfi kaçmış, canı sıkkın
They’d had an argument and she was still upset about it.
Mike got very upset when I told him the news.
unpleasant adj.
not enjoyable or pleasant
berbat, iğrenç
an unpleasant experience/smell
unlike prep. unlikely adj.
different from someone or something
…dan/den farklı olarak; …ın/in aksine; …ın/in tersine
Jackie’s really clever, unlike her sister.
The furniture was unlike anything she had ever seen.
not typical of someone or something
It’s unlike her to be quiet - was there something wrong?
union n.
unless conj.
except if
…dıkça/mıkça; …madıkça/medikçe; …mazsa/mezse; meğer ki
I won’t call you unless there are any problems.
tyre n.
lâstik, teker, araç lâstiği
It’s got a flat tyre
type v.
tip, tür, cins, çeşit
They sell over 20 different types of cheese.
Illnesses of this type are very common in children.
trick n., v.
to deceive someone
aldatmak, kandırmak, oyuna getirmek, faka bastırmak
They tricked him into signing the papers.
trade n., v.
ticaret, alışveriş
a trade agreement/dispute
They rely heavily on trade with Europe.
tongue n.
toe n.
ayak parmağı
throughout prep./adv.
in every part of a place
her tarafı, her tarafında
The same laws apply throughout much of Europe.
The house was painted pink throughout.
throat n.
a sore throat
though conj., adv.
used to introduce a fact or opinion that makes the other part of the sentence seem surprising
…dığı/diği halde; …sa/se de; her ne kadar
And though she’s quite small, she’s very strong.
Nina didn’t phone, even though she said she would.
therefore adv.
for that reason
onun için, bu nedenle, bu yüzden
The region has suffered severe flooding and tourists are therefore advised not to travel there.
tent n.
intend v.
to want and plan to do something
How long are you intending to stay in Paris?
I don’t intend seeing him again.
niyetlenmek, tasarlamak
tend v.
to often do a particular thing or be likely to do a particular thing
I tend to wear dark colours.
July and August tend to be our busiest months.
eğiliminde/meyilli/istekli olmak
tax n., v.
They’re putting up the tax on cigarettes.
surely adv.
used to express surprise that something has happened or is going to happen
You surely didn’t tell him, did you?
Surely you’re not going to go out dressed like that?
elbette, kesinlikle, şüphesiz
supply n., v.
to provide things that people want or need, often over a long period of time
to supply food/drugs to people
This lake supplies the whole town with water.
sağlamak, tedarik etmek, vermek
suffer v.
to experience pain or unpleasant emotions I can't bear to see animals suffering. suffer from sth She suffers from severe depression. acı çekmek, ıstırap duymak
substance n.
a solid, liquid, or gas
madde, cisim
a dangerous substance
illegal substances
the substance of sth=özü, esası
truth or importance
gerçek ve önemlilik, değer, anlam
There’s no substance to the allegations.
strength n.
the quality of being strong
güç, kuvvet, tâkat
upper-body strength
A good boxer needs skill as well as strength.
he power or influence that an organization, country, etc has
güç ,kuvvet, etki, yaptırım gücü
economic strength
the quality of being brave or determined in difficult situations
cesaret, kararlılık, dayanıklılık
I think she showed great strength of character.
stranger n.
someone you have never met before
I can’t just walk up to a complete stranger and start speaking to them.
be no stranger to sth=
yabancısı olmamak, işin yabancısı/acemisi olmamak
He’s no stranger to hard work himself.
stick (piece of wood) n.
stick (push into/attach) v.
stick sth in/on/under, etc informal
to put something somewhere
bir yerlere koymak, atıvermek
Just stick your bag under the table.
stick (sth) in/into/through, etc
If something sharp sticks into something, it goes into it, and if you stick something sharp somewhere, you push it into something.
bat(ır)mak, sok(ul)mak, sapla(n)mak
She stuck the needle into his arm.
can’t stick sb/sth UK informal
to not like someone or something
katlanamamak, tahammül edememek; hoşlanmamak
I can’t stick her.
state adj., v.
the condition that something or someone is in
durum, vaziyet, hâl
the state of the economy
The building is in a terrible state.
staff n.
kadro, personel
The company has a staff of over 500 employees.
Please talk to a member of staff.
spring v.
to jump or move somewhere suddenly
The cat sprang onto the sofa.
I tried to shut the door, but it kept springing open.
spring to life
birden harekete geçmek, anîden aktif hâle gelmek
After about 8 o’clock, the city springs to life.
spring to mind
anîden/birden aklına gelmek
He asked if I knew any good places to go, but nothing sprang to mind.
spread v.
to arrange something so that it covers a large area
yaymak, dağıtmak
He spread the cards out on the table.
The virus is spread by rats.
spot n.
benek, nokta, leke
a blue shirt with white spots
I noticed a small spot of oil on my jacket.
spirit n.
ruh, can
a spirit of optimism
spicy adj.
spicy food
a spicy sauce
spending n.
harcamalar, giderler
government spending on health
spending cuts
specifically adv.
özellikle, bilhassa
They’re designed specifically for children.
She bought it specifically to wear at the wedding.
sort v.
a type of something
tür, çeşit, cins, nevi
We both like the same sort of music.
What sort of shoes does she wear?
that sort of thing
gibi bir şey, bir tür, öyle bir şey
They sell souvenirs, postcards, that sort of thing.
solid adj., n.
solid food
güvenilir, gerçek, elle tutulur, kayda değer, inandırıcı
This provides solid evidence that he committed the crime.
solidly=katı bir şekilde
soil n.
software n.
yazılım programları
educational software
smooth adj.
düzgün, pürüzsüz
soft, smooth skin
a smooth wooden table
slightly adv.
a little
I think I did slightly better in my exams this time.
I find it slightly worrying.
birazcık, azıcık
sink v.
to go down, or make something go down, into something soft
My feet keep sinking into the sand.
The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg.
simply adv.
gerçekten, hâkikaten
We simply don’t have the time.
silly adj.
silly games/hats
I feel silly in this hat.
It’s a bit silly spending all that money on something we don’t need.
silent adj.
without any sound
The building was dark and silent.
At last the guns fell silent.
sessiz, sakin
sight n.
the area that it is possible for you to see
I looked for her but she was nowhere in sight.
I was able to park within sight of the house.
görünüm, görünüş, manzara
shoot v.
to injure or kill a person or animal by firing a bullet from a gun at them
He was robbed and then shot in the stomach.
An innocent bystander was shot dead in the incident
.ateş edip vurmak; silahı ateşlemek
shiny adj.
A shiny surface is bright because it reflects light.
shiny hair
shift n.
a period of work in a place such as a factory or hospital
afternoon/night shift
He works an eight-hour shift.
a change in something
There has been a dramatic shift in public opinion on this matter.
set (put) v. set (group) n.
to arrange a time when something will happen
kurmak, ayarlamak, zamanı belirlemek
The next meeting is set for 6 February.
to decide the level of something
saptamak, belirlemek, tespit etmek
The interest rate has been set at 5%.
servant n.
hizmetçi, uşak
civil servant=devlet memuru
sensible adj.
showing good judgment makul, mantıklı a sensible decision sensible shoes/clothes sensibly=makul, mantıklı bir şekilde to eat/behave sensibly
seed n.
tohum, çekirdek
Sow the seeds (= plant them) near the surface.
sculpture n.
heykeltraşlık, heykelcilik
a wooden sculpture
modern sculpture
script n.
senaryo, film/oyun metni
He wrote a number of film scripts.
yazı, alfabe
Arabic/Roman script
scientific adj.
relating to science, or using the organized methods of science
scientific experiments/research
scientifically=bilimsel açıdan
a scientifically proven fact
scan v.
to examine something with a machine that can see inside an object or body
Airports use X-ray machines to scan luggage for weapons.
to look around an area quickly to try to find a person or thing
She scanned the crowd for a familiar face.
to use a piece of equipment that copies words or pictures from paper into a computer
to scan photos into a computer
sand n.
a grain of sand
sail n. sailor n.
rule v.
to make an official legal decision
The judge ruled that it was wrong for a 16-year-old girl to be held in an adult prison.
karar vermek, hüküm vermek
to be in control of somewhere, usually a country
They were ruled for many years by a dictator.
the ruling party
yönetmek, idare etmek
rough adj.
A rough surface is not smooth.
pürüzlü, pütürlü, engebeli
rough hands
rough ground
rope n.
very thick string made from twisted thread
halat, ip
roll v., n.
to turn something around itself to make the shape of a ball or tube
to roll a cigarette
roll (sth) across/around/over, etc
to move somewhere by turning in a circular direction, or to make something move this way
The ball rolled through the goalkeeper’s legs.
She rolled over onto her side.
roll down/in/off, etc
to move somewhere smoothly
Tears rolled down her face.
assignment n.
a piece of work or job that you are given to do
a written assignment
He’s on assignment in Brazil.
görev, ödev
award v.
a prize given to someone for something they have achieved
the award for best actress
to receive/win an award
ödül vermek
authority n.
yetki, otorite
We need the support of someone in authority.
unlikely adj.
not expected to happen
olası olmayan, muhtemel olmayan, ihtimal dışı
It’s unlikely that I’ll be able to come to the party.
He’s unlikely to arrive before midday.