INTER 7 Flashcards
enthusiastic (adj)
enthusiasm (N)
coşkulu, hevesli, heyecanlı,
to be enthusiastic about sth
The teacher was very enthusiastic about my project
establish (v)
establishment (N)
kurmak, tesis etmek, oluşturmak
The brewery was established in 1822.
Expand (v)
expansion (n)
genişle(t)mek, büyü(t)mek
We are hoping to expand our range of products.
flood (V)
flood (N)
sel basmak, sular altında kalmak
I left the taps running and flooded the bathroom
Fold (V)
He folded the letter in half.
fool (N)
aptal, budala
I was a fool to trust him.
Freeze (V)
freezing (adj)
donmak, buzlanmak, buz tutmak
The river had frozen overnight
guest (N)
misafir, konuk, ziyaretçi
We’ve got some guests coming this weekend.
Heal (V)
iyileş(tir)mek, düzel(t)mek
The wound on his head had begun to heal.
Indicate (V)
göstermek, işaret etmek, belirtmek
He has indicated his intention to resign.
Please indicate your sex and date of birth below.
Interrupt (V)
interruption (N)
sözünü kesmek, lafa karışmak
I was trying to work but the children were interrupting me
invent (V)
icat etmek, bulmak
We’ve invented a new game.
Involve (V)
involvement (N)
karışmak, bulaşmak, yer almak, bulaştırmak
Don’t involve me in your quarrel.
I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning.
Knit (V)
knitting (N)
örmek, örgü örmek
She was knitting him a jumper.
Lack (V)
eksik olmak; yokluk; bir şey yetersiz olmak
She really lacks confidence.