OXFORD B1. Flashcards
rise n.
to increase in level rising temperatures Prices rose by 10 percent. The balloon rose slowly into the air. He rose from his seat.
result v.
something that happens or exists because something else has happened
sonuç, netice
Unemployment has risen as a direct result of new economic policies.
Most accidents are the result of human error.
require v.
to need or demand something
Training to be a doctor requires a lot of hard work.
A recent law requires that all programmes are censored.
istemek, gerekmek; gereksinim duymak
request v.
to politely or officially ask for something
We’ve requested a further two computers.
They requested that no photographs be taken in the church.
rice etmek, talep etmek, dilemek, istemek
represent v.
to be equal to something
In practice the figure represents a 10% pay cut.
The cancellation of the new road project represents a victory for protesters.
to officially speak or do something for someone else because they have asked you to
temsil etmek; …ın/in adına hareket etmek
The union represents over 200 employees.
remote adj.
far away
It was a remote mountain village with no electricity supply.
remind v.
to make someone remember something, or remember to do something
Every time we meet he reminds me about the money he lent me.
Will you remind me to buy some eggs?
remain v.
to continue to exist when everything or everyone else has gone
Only a few hundred of these animals remain today.
remain calm/open, etc; remain a secret/mystery/prisoner, etc=to continue to be in the same state
sakin/açık vs. kalmak; bir sır/gizem/mahkum vs. kalmak
The exact date of the wedding remains a secret.
reliable adj.
able to be trusted or believed
a reliable car
reliable information
Andy’s very reliable - if he says he’ll do something, he’ll do it.
release v., n.
to allow a prisoner to be free
Six hostages were released shortly before midday.
to let the public have news or information about something
Police have not released the dead woman’s name.
to make a record or film available for people to buy or see
gösterime sun(ul)mak, piyasaya sun(ul)mak/çıkar(ıl)mak
The album is due to be released in time for Christmas.
relative adj., n.
a member of your family
a party for friends and relatives
reject v.
to refuse to accept or agree with something
The United States government rejected the proposal.
I applied to Cambridge University but I was rejected.
She felt rejected by her husband.
recommendation n.
a piece of advice about what to do in a particular situation
The marketing department made several recommendations to improve sales.
It’s my recommendation that this factory be closed immediately.
receipt n.
fiş, makbuz
Could I have a receipt?
quote v., n.
quotation n.
to repeat what someone has said or written
I was quoting from Marx.
Witnesses were quoted as saying there were two gunmen.
alıntı yapmak
queue n., v.
kuyruk, sıra
to join the queue
Are you in the queue?
They’re queueing up to get tickets.
qualify v. qualification n. qualified adj.
yeterli hâle gelmek/getirilmek; yeterli bulmak/bulunmak
To qualify for the competition, you must be over 18.
to pass exams so that you are able to do a job
başarılı olmak; başarmak; kendini kanıtlamak; yetkilendir(il)mek; hak kazanmak
He’s recently qualified as a doctor.
Nigeria were the first team to qualify for the World Cup.
punish v. punishment n.
to make someone suffer because they have done something bad
They must be severely punished for these crimes.
prove v.
to show that something is true
They knew who had stolen the money, but they couldn’t prove it.
Can you prove that you weren’t there?
prove yourself
to show that you are good at something
I wish he’d stop trying to prove himself all the time.
property n.
objects that belong to someone
mal, mülk
The police recovered a large amount of stolen property.
a building or area of land
There are several properties for sale in this area.
Private property - no parking.
proper adj. properly adv.
correct or suitable the proper way to do something Please put those books back in the proper place. She doesn't eat properly. uygun şekilde
promote v.
to encourage something to happen or develop
to promote good health/peace
to give someone a more important job in the same organization
She’s just been promoted to manager.
profit n.
kâr, kazanç
a profit of $4.5 million
pretend v.
to behave as if something is true when it is not
numara yapmak, gibi görünmek; …mış/miş gibi görünmek
I can’t pretend that I like him.
Were you just pretending to be interested?
presentation n.
a talk giving information about something
a sales presentation
She gave an excellent presentation.
the way something is arranged or shown to people
Presentation is important if you want people to buy your products.
powder n.
pudra, un
curry powder
face powder
poverty n.
the state of being very poor
to live in poverty
pour v.
to make a liquid flow from or into a container
dökmek, doldurmak, koymak, akıtmak, boşaltmak
I poured the milk into a jug.
Can I pour you a drink?
policy n.
siyaset, politika, tutum, hareket tarzı
foreign policy
It is company policy to help staff progress in their careers.
plenty pron. plot n.
easily as much or as many as you need bol, çok, yeterli, kâfi derecede Don't bring any food - we've got plenty. There is plenty of evidence to support her claims. There's plenty of room.
pipe n.
A water pipe had burst, flooding the basement.
persuade v.
to make someone agree to do something by talking to them a lot about it
ikna etmek
We managed to persuade him to come with us.
I persuaded her that it was the right thing to do.
passion n.
a strong belief in something or a strong feeling about a subject
tutku, düşkünlük
She spoke with passion about the injustice.
a passion for sth
a very strong feeling of liking something
bir şeye tutku/düşkünlük; aşırı merak
a passion for football
particularly adv.
özellikle, bilhassa
She didn’t seem particularly interested.
“Was the food good?” “Not particularly.
pan n.
tencere, tava
pale adj.
soluk (renk)
odd (adj)
strange or unusual
I always thought there was something odd about her.
It’s a bit odd that he didn’t come.
occur v.
to happen, often without being planned
meydana gelmek, olmak, vuku bulmak
According to the police, the shooting occurred at about 12.30 a.m.
occasion n.
a time when something happens
uygun durum, vesile, münasip zaman, fırsat
a previous/separate occasion
We met on several occasions to discuss the issue.
net n.
native adj., n.
asıl…, ana…, doğum yeri olan
It was a custom in his native Algeria.
She is a native-born Texan.
narrative n., adj.
anlatım, öykü, hikaye
mystery n.
something strange or unknown that cannot be explained or understood
an unsolved mystery
He never gave up hope that he would solve the mystery of his son’s disappearance.
mild adj.
When weather is mild, it is less cold than you would expect.
(hava) yumuşak, ılıman
a mild winter
When an illness is mild, it is not as serious as it could be.
(hastalık) hafif, sarsmayan, ciddi olmayan
My doctor said I had a mild form of pneumonia
mention v.
to briefly speak or write about something or someone I'll mention your ideas to Caroline. She didn't mention her daughter. He mentioned that he liked skydiving. bahsetmek
measure v., n.
to judge the quality, effect, importance, or value of something
We will soon be able to measure the results of these policy changes.
They measured the performance of three different engines.
değerini/önemini belirlemek
to find the size, weight, amount, or speed of something
I’ve measured all the windows.
The distances were measured in kilometres.
meanwhile adv.
bu sırada, bu esnada, bu zaman zarfında, bu süre içinde
The mother is ill. The child, meanwhile, is living with foster parents.
magic n., adj.
special powers that can make things happen that seem impossible
Do you believe in magic?
leather n.
the skin of animals that is used to make things such as shoes and bags
a leather jacket
lay v. layer n.
to put something into its correct position
sermek, koymak, yerleştirmek, örtmek, yaymak vb.
to lay a carpet to lay bricks
lay sth down/in/on, etc
to put something down somewhere carefully
She laid the baby on the bed.
He laid the tray down on the table.
lay eggs=yumurtlamak
latest adj.
most recent
en son, en yeni
the latest fashions/news/technology
lack n., v.
lack of sth
not having something, or not having enough of something
a lack of food/money
label v. n.,
to fix a small piece of paper or other material to something which gives information about it
All food has to be labelled with ‘best before’ or ‘use by’ dates.
They’ve been unfairly labelled as criminals.
issue n.
konu, mevzu
the issues of race and social class
political issues
involved adj.
be/get involved (in/with sth)
to do things and be part of an activity or event
bulaşmak, yakından ilgilenmek
How did you get involved in acting?
investigate v.
to try to discover all the facts about something, especially a crime or accident
He has been questioned by detectives investigating Jenkins’ murder.
araştırmak, soruşturmak
invest v.
to give money to a bank, business, etc, or buy something, because you hope to get a profit
He’s invested over a million euros in the city’s waterfront restoration project.
yatırım yapmak
ingredient n.
one of the parts of something successful
başarıya etki eden parçalardan biri; etken unsur
Trust is an essential ingredient in a successful marriage.
indicate v.
to show that something exists or is likely to be true
Recent evidence indicates that the skeleton is about 3 million years old.
to say something or give a signal to show what you mean or what you intend to do
He has indicated his intention to resign.
indeed adv.
gerçekten/Sahi mi?
For a four-year-old, her vocabulary is very good indeed.
Thank you very much indeed.
She asked if you were married.” “Did she, indeed?”
“He sounds a very interesting man.” “He is indeed.”
hakikaten, aslına bakarsan
impression n. impressive adj.
an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone
izlenim, etki, initba, fikir, kanı
I got/had the impression that he was bored.
Monica gives the impression of being shy.
Remember that it makes a bad impression if you’re late.
import n., v.
to bring something into your country from another country for people to buy
We import about 20 percent of our food.
ithal etmek
impact n., v.
etki, tesir
Latino singers have had a major impact on pop music this year.
imaginary adj.
not real but imagined in your mind
The story takes place in an imaginary world.
ignore v.
to pay no attention to something or someone
They just ignored him and carried on with the game.
We cannot afford to ignore the fact that the world’s population is increasing rapidly.
gözardı etmek
hire v.
to pay money in order to use something for a short time
kiralamak, kira ile tutmak
They hired a car for a few weeks.
heating n.
ısıtma, ısınma, ısıtma sistemi/aracı
hang v.
to fasten something so that the top part is fixed but the lower part is free to move, or to be fastened in this way
He hung his coat on the hook behind the door.
to stay in the air for a long time
Thick fog hung over the town.
guilty adj.
ashamed because you have done something wrong
kabahatli, kusurlu
I feel so guilty about not going to see them.
growth n.
the process of growing, increasing, or developing
büyüme, gelişme, artma
population growth
A balanced diet is essential for healthy growth.
grain n.
grains of wheat/rice
glove n.
a pair of gloves
fur n.
fry v.
to cook something in hot oil or fat or to be cooked in hot oil or fat
Fry the onions in a little butter.
ahead adv.
in front
The road ahead is very busy.
Rick walked ahead of us.
in the future
ileride, gelecekte
She has a difficult time ahead of her.
arrival n.
an occasion when someone or something arrives somewhere
He first met Panos soon after his arrival in Greece.
There was a car waiting for him on arrival.
varış, geliş
approximately adv.
tahminen, yaklaşık olarak
The college has approximately 700 students.
appreciate v.
to understand how good something or someone is and be able to enjoy them
There’s no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn’t appreciate them.
to understand something about a situation, especially that it is complicated or difficult
I appreciate that it is a difficult decision for you to make.
to increase in value
değeri artmak, değerlenmek
Houses and antiques generally appreciate with time.
appointment n.
a doctor’s/dental appointment
application n.
an official request for something, usually in writing
başvuru, müracaat
an application for a bank loan
a way in which something can be used for a particular purpose
This technology has many practical applications.
aware adj.
to know about something
bir şeyin farkında olmak, farkına varmak
Are you aware of the risks involved?
She was well aware that he was married.
attach v.
to join or fix one thing to another
She attached a photograph to her letter.
tutturmak, bağlamak
attitude n.
tavır, eda, davranış
a positive attitude
He has a very bad attitude to/towards work.