INTER 2 Flashcards
Efficient (adj)
efficiency (N)
efficiently (adv)
verimli, ehil, işbilen an efficient person/organization to be/look efficient highly/extremely/really efficient Email is a quick and efficient way of contacting people
Emotion (N)
emotional (adj)
his, duygu, coşku
to be/look emotional
He finds it hard to express his emotions.
Entertain (v)
entertainment (N)
entertaining (adj)
We hired a clown to entertain the children.
Fascinate (V)
fascination (N)
fascinating fascinated (adj)
büyülemek, hayran bırakmak
Science has always fascinated me
fasten (V)
bağlamak, bağlanmak, tutturulmak
Fasten your seat belts.
Fetch (V)
gidip almak/getirmek
Can you fetch my glasses from the bedroom?
imagine (V)
hayal etmek , gözünde canlandırmak
Imagine being able to travel in space
Increase (V)
increase (N)
art(ır)mak, çoğal(t)mak
Eating fatty food increases the risk of heart disease.
Decrease (v)
decrease (n)
azalma, azaltmak; düşmek, düşürmek
to increase rapidly/sharply
to increase greatly
During the summer months, rainfall decreases.
Infer (V)
inference (N)
anlam/sonuç/mana çıkarmak
I inferred from the number of cups that he was expecting visitors.
Narrow (adj)
a narrow lane/street a narrow tie
The road finished in a narrow path.
Pain (N)
ağrı, sızı
chest/stomach pains
Are you in pain?
I felt a sharp pain in my foot.
Participate (V)
participation (N)
katılmak, iştirak etmek, yer almak, içinde bulunmak
She rarely participates in any of the discussions.
Miracle (N)
mucize, harika bir olay
an economic miracle
It’s a miracle that he’s still alive.
a miracle cure
Melt (V)
melting, melted (adj)
erimek, eritmek
The sun soon melted the ice on the pond.
Leisure (N)
boş vakit
leisure activities
Try to spend your leisure time doing activities you really enjoy.
Keen (adj)
istekli, gayretli, coşkulu
a keen golfer/photographer
He’s very keen on travelling.
Hide (V)
saklamak, gizlemek
I hid the money in a vase.
Ink (N)
The salesperson gave him a bottle of ink.
Interact (V)
interactive (adj)
anlaşmak, işbirliği etmek
At school, teachers say he interacted well with other students