INTER 3 Flashcards
Experiment (V)
experiment (N)
Did he ever experiment with drugs?
influence (V)
etkilemek, tesir etmek, etkili olmak
Many factors influence a film’s success.
Install (V)
kurmak, tesis etmek, takmak, yerleştirmek
yükleme ,kurma
The school has installed a burglar alarm.
Invisible (adj)
görülmez, görünmeyen
invisible particles called electrons
Flow (V)
The river flows from the Andes to the ocean.
float (V)
yüzmek, suyun üstünde kalmak
I like floating on my back in the pool
Flavour (V)
Flavour (n)
lezzetlendirmek, tat vermek, çeşni katmak
This sauce is flavoured with garlic and herbs.
Estimate (v)
estimation (N)
tahmin etmek, tahminde bulunmak
The number of dead is estimated at a hundred.
Essential (adj)
önemli, gerekli, hayatî
Computers are an essential part of our lives.
immortal (adj)
ölümsüz, ebedî, ölmez, kalıcı
an immortal soul/God
Someone believed that the soul is immortal.
Manner (N)
tavır, hâl, konuşma şekli, tutum, davranış
an aggressive/friendly manner
His manner was cold and unwelcoming.
assess (v)
değerlendirmek, değerini belirlemek
The tests are designed to assess a child’s reading skills
assume (V)
assumption (N
farzetmek, varsaymak, üstlenmek
to make assumptions about sth
Everything was quiet when I got home so I assumed that you had gone out.
Attempt (V)
aattemt (N)
teşebbüs, girişim, deneme
attempt to do stg attempted murder/ suicide
This is his second attempt at the exam.
comfort (V)
comforting(adj) comfort (N)
rahatlatmak, teselli vermek, avutmak
find / get / seek comfort
compete (V)
competition competitor (N)
competitive (Adj)
yarışmak, müsabaka etmek
She’s competing for a place in next year’s Olympics.
Contribute (V)
contribution (N)
katkıda/bağışta/yardımda bulunmak
I contributed $20 towards Andrea’s present.
District (N)
mıntıka, bölge, mahalle, yöre
the fashion district of New York
Doubt (v)
doubt (N) doubtful (adj)
şüphelenmek, kuşku duymak
I doubt that I’ll get the job.
Drought (N)
A severe drought ruined the crops.