OXFORD B2.. Flashcards
affair n.
a situation or set of related events, especially bad ones
bilhassa kötü olay, hadise
The government’s handling of the affair has been widely criticized.
commitment n.
a promise or firm decision to do something
sadakat, bağlılık, kararlılık
Players must make a commitment to daily training.
a willingness to give your time and energy to something that you believe in
sorumluluk, yükümlülük, taahhüt
We are looking for someone with talent, enthusiasm, and commitment.
command n., v.
to control someone or something and tell them what to do
komuta etmek, yönetmek, emir komuta etmek
He commanded the armed forces.
to order someone to do something
emretmek, buyurmak
The officer commanded his men to shoot.
collapse v., n.
When someone collapses, they fall down, usually because they are sick or weak.
düşmek, yıkılmak
to fall down or towards the inside, or to make a structure or object fall down or towards its inside
çökmek, yıkılıp dağılmak, göçmek
The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.
citizen n.
someone who lives in a particular town or city
sakin, yerli
the citizens of Berlin
cite v.
to mention something as an example or proof of something else
bahsetmek, değinmek, alıntı yapmak,
The doctor cited the case of a woman who had died after taking the drug.
to order someone to go to court because they have done something wrong
mahkemeye çağırmak, mahkeme celbi göndermek
A local farmer was cited for breaking environmental standards.
chief adj., n.
most important
başlıca, en önemli
The wonderful weather was our chief reason for coming here.
chart v.
to watch and record information about something over a period of time
bir şeyi belli bir süre izleyip kaydetmek
The documentary charted the progress of the war.
chair v. chairman n.
to control a meeting or organization
oturumu, toplantıyı yönetmek
I’ve been asked to chair the committee.
cell n.
the smallest living part of an animal or a plant
hücre, yaşayan en küçük canlı
brain/cancer cells
catch n.
to stop someone or something that is moving through the air by getting hold of it
tutmak, alıkoymak
Try to catch the ball.
She fell backwards but he caught her in his arms.
to find and stop a person or animal who is trying to escape
bulup yakalamak, ele geçirmek
He ran after his attacker but couldn’t catch him.
Did you catch many fish today?
capture v., n.
to catch someone and make them your prisoner
ele geçirmek, esir etmek, tutsak etmek
Two soldiers were captured by the enemy.
to succeed in getting something when you are competing against other people
elde etmek, ele geçirmek, zaptetmek
The Green Party has captured 12% of the vote.
capable adj.
able to do things effectively and achieve results yeterli, güçlü, muktedir She's a very capable young woman. She was capable of great cruelty. Karşıt
bush n.
çalı, çalılık
a rose bush
There was someone hiding in the bushes.
bunch n.
a group of people
topluluk, grup
[ usually singular ] His friends are a nice bunch.
broadcast v., n.
a television or radio programme
radyo, tv yayını
a news broadcast
bond n.
an interest, experience, or feeling that makes two people feel connected
bağ, ilişki, münasebet, muhabbet, hoşlanma
A love of opera created a bond between them.
bill v.
Have you paid the electricity bill?
beyond prep., adv.
on the other side of something
ötede, yan tarafında
Our house is just beyond the bridge.
continuing after a particular time or date
den sonra, akabinde
A lot of people now live beyond the age of 80.
bet v., n.
to risk money on the result of a game, competition, etc
bahse girmek, iddiaya girmek
He lost all his money betting on horses.
I bet him a dollar that I was right.
something that you say to show that you believe that something is true or will happen
iddia ediyorum, eminim ki
I bet that he’s forgotten my birthday again.
It seems like a bargain, but I bet there are hidden costs.
I bet he’s there tonight.
bent adj.
curved and not now straight or flat
eğilmiş, bükülmüş, eğik, yamulmuş
The metal bars were bent and twisted.
not honest
namussuz, haysiyetsiz
a bent policeman
being n.
come into being
to start to exist
varolmaya başlamak,
The new law comes into being next month.
beg v.
to ask someone for food or money, because you do not have any
dilenmek, istemek
Young children were begging on the streets.
to make a very strong and urgent request
She begged him for help.
I begged her not to go.
bear v.
to accept someone or something unpleasant
tahammül etmek, kaldırmak, dayanmak, katlanmak
She couldn’t bear the thought of him suffering.
I like her, but I can’t bear her friends.
How can you bear to watch?
The pain was too much to bear.
bear a resemblance/relation, etc to sb/sth
to be similar to someone or something
He bears a striking resemblance to his father.
to carry something
He came in, bearing a tray of drinks.
to give birth to a child
doğurmak, dünyaya getirmek
She has been told that she will never bear children.
bar v.
to officially prevent someone from doing something or going somewhere, or to prevent something from happening
engel olmak, resmen engellemek, yasaklamak, kapatmak
The court barred him from contacting his former wife.
attempt n., v.
to try to do something, especially something difficult
teşebbüs etmek, saldırmak, girişmek
He attempted to escape through a window.
assume v.
to think that something is likely to be true, although you have no proof
farzetmek, varsaymak, üstlenmek
Everything was quiet when I got home so I assumed that you had gone out.
associate v. associated adj. association n.
to relate two things, people, etc in your mind
ilişkilendirmek, bağdaştırmak
Most people associate this brand with good quality.
aspect n.
one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc
özellik, bir problem, konu, durumun bir bölümü, bir yönü
His illness affects almost every aspect of his life.
aid n., v.
to help someone
birine yardım etmek
armed adj.
carrying or using weapons
armed guards/police
an armed robbery
arise v.
If a problem arises, it starts to happen.
ortaya çıkmak, doğmak, zuhur etmek
The whole problem arose from a lack of communication.
approve v.
to allow or officially agree to something
onaylamak, izin vermek, tasdik etmek
The council has approved plans for a new shopping centre.
to think that something is good or right
kabul etmek, tasdik etmek
I don’t approve of smoking.
approval n.
an opinion that something or someone is good or right
onay, tasdik
I don’t need his approval.
appropriate adj.
suitable or right for a particular situation or person
uygun, yerinde
Is this film appropriate for young children?
approach n., v.
to come close in distance or time
yakına gelmek, yaklaşmak
The train now approaching platform 2 is the 5.35 to London, Kings Cross.
Christmas is fast approaching.
to deal with something
bir şeyle ilgilenmek, alakadar olmak
I’m not sure how to approach the problem.
appeal n., v.
to strongly request something, often publicly
talep etmek, rice etmek, istemek
The police have appealed for more information.
They appealed to the commission to keep the hospital open.
to attract or interest someone
çekmek, cezbetmek
Cycling has never appealed to me.
to formally ask someone to change an official or legal decision
başvuruda bulunmak, resmen talep etmek, ricada bulunmak
He is appealing against a ten-year prison sentence.
alter v.
to change, or to make someone or something change
değiştirmek, değişmesini sağlamak, değişmek
We’ve had to alter our plans.
generate v.
to cause something to exist
ortaya çıkarmak, oluşturmak, yaratmak
to generate income/profit
This film has generated a lot of interest.
to produce energy
enerji üretmek
Many countries use nuclear fuels to generate electricity.
lung n.
lung cancer
low n. lower v.
being the bottom part of something
daha aşağıda/düşük, alt
I’ve got a pain in my lower back.
She bit her lower lip.
long-term adj., adv.
continuing a long time into the future
uzun vadeli
long-term unemployment
logical adj.
using reason
mantıklı, mantığa uygun
a logical choice/conclusion
loan n.
money that someone has borrowed
borç para, ödünç para, kredi
a bank loan
He repaid the loan within two years.
load n., v.
to put a lot of things into a vehicle or machine
yüklemek, doldurmak
Bring the car up to the door and I’ll start loading up.
to load the dishwasher/washing machine
line v.
to form a row along the side of something
yana yana dizilmek, bir hizada olmak, hat oluşturmak
Trees and cafes lined the street.
lean v.
to move the top part of your body in a particular direction
(öne, yana, arkaya vs.) eğilmek, hamle yapmak
She leaned forward and whispered in my ear.
Lean your head back a bit.
labour n.
work, especially the type of work that needs a lot of physical effort
çalışma, ağır iş, zahmet
manual labour
people who work
işçiler, emekçiler
cheap/skilled labour
justify v.
to give a good enough reason to make something seem acceptable
haklı göstermek/çıkarmak, mazur göstermek, geçerli nedeni olmak
I don’t know how they can justify those ticket prices.
issue v.
to say something officially
resmen bildirmek/söylemek
The Prime Minister will issue a statement tomorrow.
Police issued a warning about the dangers of playing near water.
justice n.
behaviour or treatment that is fair and morally correct
tarafsızlık, adalet, hakça davranış
She tried to bring about fairness and justice for all.
investment n.
yatırılan para, mevduat, yatırım
Businesses need to increase their investment in new technology.
investigation n.
a process in which officials try to discover all the facts about something, especially a crime or an accident
araştırma, soruşturma, inceleme
Police have begun an investigation into his death.
The cause of the fire is still under investigation
interpret v.
a process in which officials try to discover all the facts about something, especially a crime or an accident
araştırma, soruşturma, inceleme
Police have begun an investigation into his death.
The cause of the fire is still under investigation
intended adj.
to want and plan to do something
niyet etmek, niyetlenmek, tasarlamak
How long are you intending to stay in Paris?
I don’t intend seeing him again.
insurance n.
car/travel insurance
an insurance policy
institution n.
a large and important organization, such as a university or bank
kurum, kuruluş, müessese
one of the country’s top medical institutions
instance n.
for example
mesela, örneğin, örnek olarak
Many teenagers earn money, for instance by babysitting or cleaning cars.
an example of a particular type of event, situation, or behaviour
örnek, vaka
There have been several instances of violence in the school.
inspire v.
to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it
teşvik etmek, duygu aşılamak, isteklendirmek
A drama teacher at school had inspired Sam to become an actor.
to make someone have a particular feeling or reaction
uyandırmak, neden olmak, telkin etmek
Robson’s first task will be to inspire his team with some confidence.
He inspires great loyalty in his staff.
insist v.
to say firmly that something is true, especially when other people do not believe you
ısrar/inat etmek, direnmek, diretmek
Mia insisted that she and Carlo were just friends.
insight n.
the ability to understand what something is really like, or an example of this
(bir şeyin içyüzünü) anlama/kavrama yeteneği
The book provides a fascinating insight into the world of art.
inner adj.
on the inside, or near the middle of something
iç, dahili
The monastery is built around an inner courtyard.
initial adj. initially adv. initiative n.
first, or happening at the beginning
ilk, başta olan, ilk meydana gelen
My initial reaction was one of anger.
inform v.
to tell someone about something
haber vermek, bilgi vermek, bildirmek
If he calls me again, I shall inform the police.
He informed us that we would have to leave.
increasingly adv.
more and more
gitgide, gittikçe, gittikçe artarak
increasingly important
Increasingly, education is seen as a right, not a privilege.
income n.
money that you earn by working, investing, or producing goods
gelir, kazanç, irat
families on low incomes
Tourism accounts for 25% of the country’s national income.
incident n.
an event, especially one that is bad or unusual
olay, vaka, hadise, vukuat
Police are investigating the incident.
impress v. impressed adj.
to make someone admire or respect you
derin etki bırakmak, etkilemek, dikkatini çekmek, hayranlık uyandırmak
I was impressed by her professionalism.
Sarah was hoping to impress him with her cooking.
impose v.
to force someone to accept a belief or way of living
zorla kabul ettirmek, zorlamak
I don’t want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.
to officially order that a rule, tax, punishment, etc will happen
yürürlüğe koymak, uygulamak, yüklemek
to impose a ban/tax
The judge imposed the death penalty on both men.
imply v.
to suggest or show something, without saying it directly
ima etmek, demek istemek, anlamına gelmek; dolaylı anlatmak, … ın/in işareti olmak
Are you implying that I’m fat?
an implied criticism
impatient adj.
easily annoyed by someone’s mistakes or because you have to wait
tahammülsüz, hogörüsüz, toleranssız
I get impatient with the children when they won’t do their homework.
wanting something to happen as soon as possible
sabırsız, tahammülsüz, tezcanlı, canı tez, aceleci
People are increasingly impatient for change in this country.
We waited impatiently for the show to begin.
illustrate v. illustration n.
to give more information or examples to explain or prove something
resimlemek, örneklerle anlatmak, resimlerle açıklamak
to illustrate a point/problem
This new discovery illustrates how little we know about early human history.
guarantee v., n.
to promise that something is true or will happen
güvence vermek, söz vermek, garanti etmek
Every child is guaranteed a place at a local school.
We can’t guarantee that it will arrive in time.
hurt n.
emotional pain
kalp kırgınlığı, incinme, incitme, acı
She has caused a lot of hurt.
humorous adj. humour n.
humorously adv
funny, or making you laugh
komik, gülünç, mizahî
a humorous book
host v.
to be the host of an event
ev sahipliği yapmak
to host a party/dinner
honour n., v.
to show great respect for someone or something, usually in public
saygı göstermek, değer vermek, itibar etmek
[ often passive ] He was honoured for his bravery.
She was honoured with an Oscar.
holy adj.
relating to a religion or a god
kutsal, mübarek, mukaddes
the holy city of Jerusalem
hollow adj.
without meaning or real feeling
boş, anlamsız, yararsız, beyhude
a hollow victory
a hollow laugh
hire n.
an arrangement to pay to use something for a short time
kira, icar
The price includes flights and car hire.
Do you have bikes for hire?
hesitate v.
to pause before doing something, especially because you are nervous or not certain
tereddüt etmek, kararsız davranmak, duraksamak, çekingen davranmak, kaçınmak, ağırdan almak
Richard hesitated before answering.
heel n.
the back part of your foot
ayak topuğu
handle v., n.
to deal with something
başa çıkmak, icabına bakmak, üstesinden gelmek
He handled the situation very well.
This office handles thousands of enquiries every day.
grant v., n.
to give or allow someone something, usually in an official way
vermek, tahsis etmek
to grant someone a licence/visa
to admit or agree that something is true
kabul etmek
She’s a good-looking woman, I grant you.
grand adj.
very large and special
görkemli, büyük, heybetli
a grand hotel
the Grand Canal
gradually adv.
slowly over a period of time
azar azar, zamanla
Gradually he began to get better.
grade v.
a number or letter that shows how good someone’s work or performance is
not, derece, puan
Steve never studies, but he always gets good grades.
UK Carla got a grade A in German.
grab v.
to take hold of something or someone suddenly
tutmak, yakalamak, kapmak
He grabbed my arm and pulled me away.
govern v.
to officially control a country
yönetmek, idare etmek
The country is now governed by a coalition government.
a governing body
to influence or control the way something happens or is done
etkilemek, belirlemek, yönlendirmek
There are rules that govern how teachers treat children.
raw adj.
not cooked
çiğ, pişmemiş, ham
raw meat/vegetables
regret v., n.
to feel sorry about a situation, especially something that you wish you had not done
pişman olmak, hayıflanmak, pişmanlık duymak; nedamet duymak
I really regret leaving school so young.
He began to regret that he hadn’t paid more attention in class.
used to say that you are sorry that you have to tell someone about a situation
üzülmek, esef etmek
We regret to inform you that the application has been refused.
register v., n.
to put information about someone or something, especially a name, on an official list
kaydetmek, deftere/kütüğe işlemek, listelemek
Is he registered with the authorities to sell alcohol?
Students need to register for the course by the end of April.
a registered nurse
to show an opinion or feeling
dışa vurmak, ifade etmek, belli etmek
People gathered to register their opposition to the plans.
regional adj.
relating to a region (= particular area in a country)
bölgesel, yöresel
a regional dialect/newspaper
regard v., n.
to think of someone or something in a particular way
…olarak kabul etmek; …gözü ile bakmak; …gibi değerlendirmek
She is generally regarded as one of the greatest singers this century.
The plans were regarded with suspicion.
reduction n.
the act of reducing something
kısma, indirim, azaltma, eksiltme
She refused to accept a reduction in wages.
price reductions
recover v.
to become healthy or happy again after an illness, injury, or period of sadness
yeniden sağlığına kavuşmak, iyileşmek, şifa bulmak
It takes a long time to recover from surgery.
She never recovered from the death of her husband.
If a system or situation recovers, it returns to the way it was before something bad happened.
toparlanmak, eski hâline gelmek
The economy was quick to recover after the election.
to get something back that has been lost or stolen
yeniden elde etmek, tekrar kazanmak, bulmak
Police recovered the stolen money.
recall v.
to remember something
hatırlamak, anımsamak
I don’t recall arranging a time to meet.
to order the return of someone or something
geri çağırmak, geri getirtmek
The ambassador was recalled to London.
reasonable adj.
fair and showing good judgment
makul, akla yatkın, sağduyulu
It’s not reasonable to expect people to work those hours.
big enough or large enough in number, although not big or not many
uygun, makul, yerinde
There were a reasonable number of people there.
reach n.
to arrive somewhere
ulaşmak, varmak, erişmek
We won’t reach Miami till five or six o’clock.
to stretch your arm and hand to touch or take something
uzanmak, uzatmak, erişmeye/almaya çalışmak
She reached for a cigarette.
She reached down to stroke the dog’s head.
He reached out and grabbed her arm.