OXFORD B2. Flashcards
furthermore adv.
in addition to what has just been said
dahası, ayrıca, üstelik
funding n.
money given by a government or organization for an event or activity
fon/kaynak oluşturma
The company received state funding for the project.
fundamental adj.
relating to the most important or main part of something
temel, asıl, esas, öz, ana
a fundamental change/difference
Training is fundamental to success.
fund n., v.
an amount of money collected, saved, or provided for a purpose
kaynak, fon
a pension fund
fully adv.
tamamen, tam olarak
The restaurant was fully booked.
He is fully aware of the dangers involved
forward adj.
towards the direction that is in front of you
ileri, ileriye doğru
She leaned forward to make sure I could hear her.
fortune n.
a lot of money
varlık, servet, zenginlik, bol para
She made a fortune selling her story to the newspapers.
flame n.
hot, bright, burning gas produced by something on fire
Smoke and flames were pouring out of the burning factory.
firm n.
not soft, but not completely hard
katı, sert, sağlam
A firm bed is better for your back.
certain or fixed and not likely to change
sabit, oynamaz
We don’t have any firm plans for the weekend yet.
I’m a firm believer in equal rights.
finding n.
a piece of information that has been discovered as a result of an official study
bulgu, netice, sonuç
The findings of this research will be published next year.
file v.
to put documents into an ordered system of boxes or files where you can easily find them again
She filed all her tax returns under T.
fellow adj.
used to describe people who share your interests or situation
hemşehri, memleketli, arkadaş, dost
She’s earned enormous respect from her fellow artists.
feather n.
tüy, kuş tüyü
fault n.
responsible for something bad that has happened
kabahatli, hatalı, kusurlu
I was at fault and I would like to apologize.
The car has a serious design fault.
faith n.
the belief that someone or something is good, right, and able to be trusted
güven, itimat
Have faith in me. I won’t let you down.
failure n.
a situation in which someone or something does not succeed
Their attempt to climb Everest ended in failure.
facility n.
a place where a particular activity happens
tesis, bina, yer
a new medical facility
extraordinary adj.
very special, unusual, or strange
görülmemiş, alışılmamış, olağan dışı, garip
an extraordinary tale of courage
She was an extraordinary young woman.
extraordinarily=sıra dışı bir şekilde
Their last album was extraordinarily successful
extent n.
the size or importance of something
ölçü, derece, mertebe, önem, miktar
They are just beginning to realize the full extent of the damage.
expose v.
to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen
açığa/meydana çıkarmak
Our bodies need to be exposed to sunlight in order to make vitamin D.
The review exposed widespread corruption in the police force.
expense n.
the money that you spend on something
You have to pay your own medical expenses.
expectation n.
the feeling that good things are going to happen in the future
The holiday lived up to all our expectations
existence n.
the state of existing
varlık, var oluş, mevcudiyet
She never doubted the existence of God.
The theatre company that we started is still in existence today.
executive n., adj.
relating to making decisions and managing businesses
yönetim, icra, karar vermeye ilişkin/dair
an executive director
evil adj., n.
very cruel, bad, or harmful
fena, kötü, berbat, kem
an evil monster
even adj.
flat, level, or smooth
düz, bir hizada, bir düzeyde/seviyede, engebesiz
Find an even surface to work on.
evaluate v.
to consider or study something carefully and decide how good or bad it is
estate n.
malikâne, mülk, yurtluk
a country estate
entire adj. entirely adv.
whole or complete
bütün, tam, tamamı
She spent her entire life caring for other people.
enthusiasm n. enthusiastic adj.
the feeling of being very interested in something and wanting very much to be involved in it
coşku, heyecan, heves, şevk
She has always had a lot of enthusiasm for her work.
ensure v.
to make certain that something is done or happens
temin etmek, garantiye almak, sağlamak
Please ensure that all examination papers have your name at the top.
enquiry n.
a question that you ask when you want more information
soru, sual
We receive a lot of enquiries about tax issues.
enhance v.
to improve something
geliştirmek, katkıda bulunmak, zenginlik katmak, (güç, güzellik, değer vb.) arttırmak
Winning that award greatly enhanced her reputation.
engage v.
to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it
ilgilendirmek, meşgul etmek, dikkatini çekmek
The debate about food safety has engaged the whole nation.
to employ someone
iş vermek, işe almak
I have engaged a secretary to deal with all my paperwork.
encounter v., n.
to experience something unpleasant
sevimsiz bir şeyi tecrübe etmek
We encountered quite a few problems at the beginning.
emphasis n. emphasize v.
to show that something is especially important or needs special attention
belirtmek, vurgulamak
The government is emphasizing the importance of voting in the election.
He emphasized that the driver was not to blame for the accident.
emerge v.
to appear from somewhere or come out of somewhere
…den,dan çıkmak, görünmek, belirmek
A figure emerged from the shadows.
to become known
belli olmak, ortaya çıkmak
It emerged that she had lied to her employers.
elsewhere adv.
in or to another place
başka yerde, başka yerlere
The report studies economic growth in Europe and elsewhere.
If we can’t find it here, we’ll have to go elsewhere.
elderly adj.
a more polite word for ‘old’, used to describe people
(kibar anlamda) yaşlı, geçkin, tecrübeli
an elderly man
Children should show respect for the elderly.
drag v.
to pull something or someone along the ground somewhere, usually with difficulty
birini sürüklemek, sürükleyerek götürmek
The table was too heavy to lift, so we had to drag it across the room.
dozen n.
twelve, or a group of twelve
domestic adj.
relating to the home and family relationships ev/aile ilişkilerine ilişkin domestic violence What are his domestic arrangements? evcil
display v., n.
a performance or show for people to watch
gösteri, gösterim
a firework display
dig v.
to break or move the ground with a tool, machine, etc
Digging the garden is good exercise.
detect v.
to discover or notice something, especially something that is difficult to see, hear, smell, etc
bulmak, ortaya çıkarmak, keşfetmek, sezmek
This special camera can detect bodies by their heat.
desperate adj.
feeling that you have no hope and are ready to do anything to change the situation you are in
çaresiz, her şeyi göze almış, gözü dönmüş, umutsuzluğa kapılmış
He was absolutely desperate and would have tried anything to get her back.
A desperate situation is very bad or serious.
kritik, çok kötü, hemen hemen ümitsiz
The economy is in a really desperate situation.
desire n., v.
to want something
You can have whatever you desire.
deserve v.
If you deserve something good or bad, it should happen to you because of the way you have behaved.
haketmek, layık olmak
The school deserves praise for the way it has raised standards.
He deserves to be locked up for life.
desert v.
If you deserve something good or bad, it should happen to you because of the way you have behaved.
haketmek, layık olmak
The school deserves praise for the way it has raised standards.
He deserves to be locked up for life.
depth n.
the distance from the top of something to the bottom
dikine derinlik
The lake reaches a maximum depth of 292 metres.
Dig a hole 10 cm in depth.
deny v.
to say that something is not true, especially something that you are accused of
inkâr etmek
He never denied that he said those things.
He denies murdering his father.
to not allow someone to have or do something
reddetmek, izin vermemek, yoksun bırakmak
These children are being denied access to education.
demonstrate v.
to show or prove that something exists or is true
göstermek, kanıtlamak, ortaya koymak
The survey clearly demonstrates that tourism can have positive benefits.
deliberate adj. deliberately adv.
done intentionally, or planned
kasdi, isteyerek, bilerek, kasıtlı
This was a deliberate attempt by them to deceive us.
decline v., n.
a situation in which something becomes less in amount, importance, quality, or strength
düşüş, azalma, gerileme
a steady decline in sales/standards
declare v.
to announce something publicly or officially
duyurmak, beyan etmek
to declare war
Scientists have declared that this meat is safe to eat.
decent adj.
of a satisfactory quality or level
tatmin edici, kaliteli,
He earns a decent salary.
I haven’t had a decent cup of coffee since I’ve been here.
debt n.
an amount of money that you owe someone
She’s working in a bar to try to pay off her debts.
debate n., v.
to discuss a subject in a formal way
tartışmak, müzakere etmek
These issues need to be debated openly.
date v.
to regularly spend time with someone you have a romantic relationship with
biriyle çıkmak, romantik ilişki kurmak, buluşmak, flört etmek
We’ve been dating for six months.
to write the day’s date on something
tarih atmak/koymak
a letter dated March 13th
curve n., v. curved adj.
to move in a curve, form a curve, or make something into the shape of a curve
eğilmek, kıvrılmak, bükülmek, dairevi şekil almak
The road curves to the left.
a chair with a curved back
crucial adj.
extremely important or necessary
kritik, çok önemli
a crucial decision/question
Her work has been crucial to the project’s success.
crisis n.
kriz, bunalım, zor zamanlar
an economic/financial crisis
crew n.
the people who work together on a ship, aircraft, or train
mürettebat, ekip, tayfa
a crew member
creature n.
anything that lives but is not a plant
Dolphins are intelligent creatures.
courage n.
the ability to deal with dangerous or difficult situations without being frightened
cesaret, yüreklilik, korkusuzluk
She didn’t have the courage to tell him the truth.
corporate adj.
relating to a large company or group
büyük şirket veya gruba ilişkin
corporate finance
component n.
one of the parts of something, especially a machine
parça, unsur, eleman
core n., adj.
the most important part of a system or principle
esas, öz, ana
core values
Better health care was at the core of the senator’s campaign.
convinced adj.
completely certain about something
emin, inanmış
I’m convinced that he’s made a mistake.
convert v.
to change the appearance, form, or purpose of something
dönüştürmek, değiştirmek, döndürmek
The old warehouse was converted into offices.
How do you convert miles into kilometres?
contest n., v.
a competition or election
yarışma, müsabaka
construct v. construction n.
to build something from several parts
inşa etmek, yapmak, kurmak, çatmak
The building was constructed in 1930.
constant adj. constantly adv.
happening a lot or all the time
sürekli, devamlı
These machines are in constant use.
consistent adj.
always behaving or happening in a similar, usually positive, way
tutarlı, istikrarlı
consistent effort/improvement
consideration n.
something that you have to think about when you make decisions or plans
enine boyuna düşünme, dikkate alma, düşünüp taşınma
Safety is our main consideration.
careful thought about something
inceleme, gözden, geçirme
After careful consideration, we have decided to offer you the job.
Several options are under consideration
conservative adj., n.
not trusting sudden changes or new ideas
tutucu, muhafazakâr
Older people tend to be very conservative.
conscious adj.
to know that something is present or that something is happening
farkında/bilincinde olmak
I’m very conscious that a lot of people disagree with me.
confusing adj.
difficult to understand
yanıltıcı, karmaşık, akıl karıştırıcı
I found the instructions very confusing.
confidence n.
a feeling of being certain of your ability to do things well
güven, inanç, itimat
He’s a good student, but he lacks confidence.
conduct v., n.
to organize or do something
düzenlemek, yürütmek, yapmak, uygulamak
They’re conducting a survey.
concern n., v. concerned adj.
to involve someone or be important to them
ilgilendirmek, alakadar etmek
Environmental issues concern us all.
to worry or upset someone
endişelendirmek, canını sıkmak, kaygılandırmak, tasalanmak
What really concerns me is her lack of experience.
administration n.
the President and politicians who govern a country at a particular time, or a period of government
idare, yönetim dönemi, iktidar dönemi
the Obama administration
The job involves a lot of administration.
acquire v.
to get something
elde etmek
I managed to acquire a copy of the report.
acknowledge v.
to accept that something is true or exists
kabul etmek, doğruluğunu ikrâr etmek
He acknowledged that there was a problem.
accuse v.
to say that someone has done something bad
He was falsely accused of murder.
accurate adj.
correct or exact
doğru, tam
accurate information/measurements
She was able to give police a fairly accurate description of the man.
accompany v.
to go somewhere with someone
birine eşlik etmek
We accompanied her back to her hotel.
to happen or exist at the same time as something else
aynı anda olmak ya da bulunmak
The teachers’ book is accompanied by a CD.
border v.
to have a border with another country
sınır çizmek, sınırları belirlemek
Spain is bordered by France and Portugal.
broad adj.
broad shoulders
a broad smile
brief adj.
lasting only for a short time kısa, öz olarak a brief visit briefly=kısaca They discussed the matter briefly.
representative n., adj.
temsilci, delege, temsil eden
remark n., v.
to say something
söylemek, demek
He remarked that she was looking thin.
rely v.
to trust someone or something
güvenmek, itimat etmek, bel bağlamak
I know I can rely on you to help me.
to need someone or something in order to be successful, work correctly, etc
bağlı/tabi olmak, bel bağlamak, eline bakmak, muhtaç olmak
Families rely more on wives’ earnings than before.
relief n.
the good feeling that you have when something unpleasant stops or does not happen
rahatlama, iç ferahlığı
It’ll be such a relief when these exams are over.
“James can’t come tonight.” “Well, that’s a relief!”
money, food, or clothes that are given to people because they need help
yardım, bağış
an international relief operation
relevant adj.
related or useful to what is happening or being talked about
…ile ilgili, ….a/e uyan, faydalı, uygun
relevant information
Education should be relevant to children’s needs.
relatively adv.
quite, when compared to other things or people
nispeten, göreli olarak, bir dereceye kadar
Eating out is relatively cheap.
rate v.
to judge the quality or ability of someone or something
değerlendirmek, saymak, kabiliyet ve niteliğini belirlemek/değerlendirmek
How do you rate her as a singer?
to deserve something
hak etmek; …a/e layık olmak
The incident didn’t even rate a mention in the local newspaper.
estimate v., n.
to guess the cost, size, value, etc of something
tahmin etmek, tahminde bulunmak
They estimate that a hundred people were killed in the accident.
The number of dead is estimated at a hundred.