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contradictory adj
If two statements about the same subject or two actions by the same person are contradictory, they are very different.
The two statements are contradictory.
priority n
the right to be or go first
An ambulance must have priority over other traffic.
virtue n
a good quality that someone has
erdem, fazilet
Patience is not among his virtues.
Honesty is a virtue.
a good quality
üstünlük avantaj
The house is small, but it has the virtue of being easy to clean.
emerge v
to become known
belli olmak, ortaya çıkmak
It emerged that she had lied to her employers.
to come out; to come into view
ortaya/meydana çıkmak
The swimmer emerged from the water.
He was already thirty before his artistic talent emerged.
relegate v
to put down to a lower grade, position etc
The local football team has been relegated to the Second Division.
interestingly adv
ilginç bir şekilde; işin ilginç yanı
Interestingly, she failed to mention the subject.
cultivate v
to grow (a crop in a garden, field etc)
yetiştirmek, üretmek
He cultivates mushrooms in the cellar.
to try to develop or improve something
bir şeyi geliştirmek, ilerletmek
She has cultivated an image as a tough negotiator.
supposedly adv
The building is supposedly in good condition.
staid adj
serious and old-fashioned
ciddî ve eski kafalı, ağır başlı, muhafazakâr
a staid, middle-aged man
confront v
to tell someone something, or show them something to try to make them admit they have done something wrong
karşılaşmak, yüz yüze gelmek, yüzleş(tir)mek
Confronted with the evidence, she broke down and confessed.
We are confronted by the possibility of war.
esteem v,n
to value or respect
saymak, hürmet etmek
They esteemed him as a prophet.
My father was held in high esteem by everyone who knew him.
conscience n
the part of you that makes you feel guilty when you have behaved badly
a guilty conscience
My conscience is clear (= I do not feel guilty) because I’ve done nothing wrong.
be on your conscience
vicdanını rahatsız etmek
I don’t want to have someone’s death on my conscience.
obedience n
obedient adj
the quality of being willing to do what you are told to do
itaat, boyun eğme
He demanded complete obedience from his soldiers.
bewildering adj
bewilderingly adv
making you feel confused
sersemleten, şaşkına çeviren, afallatan
There was a bewildering range of subjects to choose from.
paramount adj
more important than anything else
en önemli/üstün/yüce
Safety, of course, is paramount.
Communication is of paramount importance.
sentiment n
an opinion that you have because of the way you feel about something
düşünce, kanı, fikir, görüş
nationalist/religious sentiments
questionnaire n
Residents have been sent questionnaires about their homes and energy use.
rear n,/v
the back part of something
geri, arka
First class accommodation is towards the rear of the train.
If you rear children or young animals, you care for them until they are adults.
büyütmek, bakmak, yetiştirmek
In these waters they breed and rear their young.
emphasis n
the extra force that you give to a word or part of a word when you are saying it
vurgu, vurgulama
The emphasis is on the final syllable.
particular importance or attention that you give to something
önem, ehemmiyet
Schools are starting to place/put greater emphasis on passing exams.
misrepresent v
misrepresentation n
to say things that are not true about someone or something
çarpıtarak anlatmak, yanıltıcı biçimde söylemek
He claims that the article misrepresented his views.
yanlış beyan/ açıklama