INTER 1 Flashcards
admire (v)
Admiration(N), admirer(N)
hayran olmak, gıbta etmek, saygı duymak
to feel admiration ,to have an admirer
We stood for a few minutes, admiring the view.
approve (V)
approval (N)
onaylamak, izin vermek, tasdik etmek
to need approval
The council has approved plans for a new shopping centre.
argue (V)
argument (N),
argumentative (adj)
tartışmak, münakaşa etmek
argue about/over sth
My parents are always arguing about money.
ashamed (adj)
utanmış, mahcup to be/feel/look ashamed to be ashamed of sth shameless behaviour/lies What a shame! He was ashamed to admit his mistake.
belong (V)
belonging (N)
bir yere, bir şeye ait olmak
I never felt that I belonged there.
Blame (V)
blame (N)
ayıplamak, sorumlu tutmak, suçlamak
Many people blame him for Tony’s death.
blow (V)
to blow strongly
A cool sea breeze was blowing.
bold (adj)
cüretkâr, cesur, gözükara
to be bold
It was a bold decision to go and live abroad.
capable (adj)
yeterli, güçlü, muktedir
She’s a very capable young woman.
She was capable of great cruelty.
cave (N)
The guide flashed a light into the cave.
Chance (N)
olasılık, şans
There’s a chance that she’ll still be there.
Charge (N)
ücret, fiyat, tutar
bank charges
There’s no charge for children under 14.
Damage (V)
Damage (N)
damaging (adj)
Zarar vermek
Smoking can seriously damage your health.
Deaf (N)
He goes to a school for the deaf.
Deduce (V)
deduction (N)
var olan bilgiyi kullanarak, sonuç çıkarmak
deduce meaning from context
From the contents of his shopping basket, I deduced that he was single.
Deduct (V)
deductive (adj)
çıkarmak, indirmek, azaltmak
The company will deduct tax from your earnings.
define (V)
definition (N)
tarif etmek, tanımlamak, açıklamak
Your duties are clearly defined in the contract.
Custom (N)
gelenek, âdet, örf, alışkanlık
Custom is the guide of the ignorant
Budget (N)
annual budget
The organization has a large annual budget.
Avoid (v)
önlemek, engel olmak, karşı durmak
Book early to avoid disappointment.