INTER 4 Flashcards
drown (V)
drowning (N)
suda boğulmak/boğmak
Two people drowned in a boating accident yesterday.
combine (V)
combination (N)
birleş(tir)mek, bir araya getirmek
The band combines jazz rhythms and romantic lyrics.
Contain (V)
kapsamak, içermek
He gave her a box containing a diamond ring.
consider (V)
considerate (adj)
enine boyuna düşünmek, dikkatle değerlendirmek
Have you considered surgery?
We’re considering buying a new car.
Praise (V)
praise (N)
övmek, methiyeler düzmek
He praised the team’s performance.
Pride (N)
Proud (adj)
proudly (adv)
She was so proud of her son.
Persuade (v)
persuasion (n)
persuasive (adj)
ikna etmek, razı etmek, inandırmak
We managed to persuade him to come with us.
refuse (V)
refusal (N)
reddetmek, kabul etmemek, geri çevirmek
I asked him to leave but he refused.
relate (V)
relation relative (N)
related (adj)
ilgili/bağlantılı olmak; ilişki/bağlantı kurmak
How do the two proposals relate?
replace (V)
replacement (N)
…ın/in yerine yenisini koymak; …ile değiştirmek
We’re thinking of replacing our old TV with a fancy new one.
Salary (N)
maaş, aylık, ücret
The average salary is $39,000 a year.
Scratch (V)
Scratch (N)
kaşımak, çizmek, sıyırmak, hafifçe yırtmak
He scratched his head.
Shadow (N)
gölge, loşluk, yarı karanlık
The shadow moves with the sun.
Pour (V)
dökmek, doldurmak, koymak, akıtmak, boşaltmak
I poured the milk into a jug.
Can I pour you a drink?
Violent (adj)
şiddetli, zorlu, sert
a victim of violent crime
a violent protest
I don’t like violent films
Skin (N)
deri, cilt
dark/fair skin
The lion’s skin is never cheap.
Weave (V)
dokumak, örmek
She had been taught to weave as a child.
Curious (adj)
curiosity (N)
I was curious about his life in India.
Conflict (V)
conflict (N)
çatışmak, uyuşmamak, anlaşamamak
Her views on raising children conflict with mine.
Determine (V)
karar vermek
Her exam results will determine which university she goes to.