INTER 13 Flashcards
Remove (V)
removal (N)
taşımak, kaldırmak, alıp götürmek
çıkarmak, temizlemek
We are going to remove into a new house.
Come and remove your wet coat.
Roll (V)
yuvarlanarak/döne döne ilerlemek/ilerletmek
The ball rolled through the goalkeeper’s legs.
Roof (N)
çatı, tavan
He climbed onto the roof.
Rug (N)
halı, kilim
There is a small rug on the floor.
Scream (V)
scream (N)
çığlık atmak, feryat etmek, haykırmak
She screamed for help.
Serve (V)
service (n)
hizmet etmek, servis yapmak
We’re not allowed to serve alcohol to anyone under 18.
Somehow (adv)
her nasılsa, bir şekilde
She’s managed somehow to procure his telephone number.
Species (N)
tür, cins
That species disappeared in the Ice Age.
Spice (N)
lezzet, heyecan
Travel adds spice to your life.
Stage (N)
evre, aşama, safha
The new plane is in its final design stage.
Stereotype (V)
Stereotype (n)
stereotypical (adj)
belli bir kalıba oturtmak; klişeleştirmek
I have avoided attempting to stereotype you and the life you lead.
Statement (N)
state (v)
ifade, beyan
Her statement was deliberately misleading.
Suppose (V)
farzetmek, zannetmek, sanmak
I suppose you think that’s funny, do you?
Tissue (N)
Vitamin C helps maintain healthy connective tissue.
He wiped his nose on a tissue.
Wide (adj)
widely (adv)
He built the house low and wide.
Wind (N)
As the wind blows, you must set your sail.
worldwide (adj)
dünya çapında
He is a worldwide famous designer.
Worth (adj)
…değerinde/ederinde olmak
Yard (N)
bahçe, alan; avlu
There is a small pond in his yard.
valley (N)
The river flooded the valley.