CHAPTER 4 Flashcards
aim (V)
to intend to achieve something
I aim to arrive at three o’clock.
claim (V)
a statement that something is true, although you have not proved it
She claimed that the dog attacked her.
He claims to have seen a ghost.
consume (v)
to use something such as a product, energy, or fuel
These lights don’t consume much electricity.
counter (v)
to say something to show that what someone has just said is not true
“Of course I love him,” Clare countered.
criticize (v)
to say that something or someone is bad
The film was criticized for being too violent.
ensure (v)
to make certain that something will happen properly SYN make sure
Wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene.
Please ensure that all examination papers have your name at the top.
impact (V)
to affect something or someone
Rising interest rates are sure to impact on the housing market.
impose (V)
to force someone to accept a belief or way of living
I don’t want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children.
manufacture (v)
to produce something, usually in large numbers in a factory
Local industries manufacture plastic products, boats, and clothing.
mislead (v)
to make someone believe something that is untrue by giving them information that is wrong or not complete
She claims the public was misled by the government.
obtain (V)
to get something
He obtained a law degree from the University of California.
reward (v)
to give a reward to someone
She was rewarded for her bravery.
ruin (V)
to spoil or destroy something
They were late and the dinner was ruined.
rule (v)
to be in control of somewhere, usually a country
They were ruled for many years by a dictator.
the ruling party
rust (v)
rust (n)
satisfy (v)
to please someone by giving them what they want or need
They sell 31 flavours of ice cream - enough to satisfy everyone!
to make someone believe that something is true
I satisfied myself that I had locked the door.
struggle (v)
to try very hard to do something difficult
He’s struggling to pay off his debts.
to fight someone when they are holding you
She struggled but couldn’t break free.
sustain (v)
to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time
The team may not be able to sustain this level of performance
amuse (V)
to make someone laugh or smile
He made funny faces to amuse the children.
fund (V)
fund (n)
to provide money for an event, activity, or organization
kaynak, fon (n)
Who is the project funded by?
frame (v)
to put something such as a picture into a frame
I’m going to frame this and put it on the wall.
fragment (v)
to break something into small parts, or to be broken in this way
The opposition has fragmented into a number of small groups.
elect (v)
to choose someone for a particular job or position by voting
He was elected president in 2008.
deceive (v)
to make someone believe something that is not true
The company deceived customers by selling old computers as new ones.
affair (n)
a situation or set of related events, especially bad ones
a sexual relationship between two people when one or both of them is married to someone else
He’s been having an affair with a woman at work.
candidate (n)
one of the people taking part in an election or trying to get a job
a presidential candidate
outcome (n)
the final result of an activity or process
son, sonuç, netice, akıbet
the outcome of an election
mass (N)
She had a mass of blond curls.
manufacturing (N)
the production of something, usually in large quantities in a factory
car/food manufacturing
lung (n)
fault (n)
responsible for something bad that has happened
I was at fault and I would like to apologize.
estate (n)
malikâne, mülk, arazi
component (N)
one of the parts of something, especially a machine
consumption (n)
China’s total energy consumption
dozen (n)
There were about a dozen people at the party.
dissatisfaction (n)
a feeling of not being pleased or happy with something
He expressed his dissatisfaction with the legal system.
criticism (n)
remarks saying that something or someone is bad
Plans to close the hospital attracted strong public criticism.
remark (n)
söz, lâf, beyan
He made a remark about her clothes.
remarkable (adj)
very unusual or noticeable in a way that you admire
a remarkable woman
He has a remarkable memory.
prohibit (v)
prohibition (n)
to officially forbid something
yasaklamak, menetmek
Smoking is prohibited on most international flights.
yasaklayıcı yasa/kural/hüküm (n)
reputation (n)
ün, şöhret, nam
Both hotels have a good reputation.
He has a reputation for efficiency.
satisfaction (n)
memnuniyet, memnunluk
job satisfaction
She smiled with satisfaction
spice (n)
baharat, bahar
welfare (n)
Someone’s welfare is their health and happiness.
wheat (n)
trunk (n)
fright (n)
a sudden feeling of shock and fear
That dog gave me a terrible fright.
She screamed in fright when she saw him
gear (n)
vites, dişli takımı
a mountain bike with 21 gears
to change gear
slide (n)
slope (n)
yamaç, yokuş
There’s a steep slope to climb before we’re at the top.
smash (n)
a very successful film, song, play, etc
the smash hit movie ‘Titanic’
smash (v)
to break into a lot of pieces with a loud noise, or to make something break into a lot of pieces with a loud noise
Thieves smashed the shop window and stole $50,000 worth of computer equipment
threat (n)
tehdit, gözdağı
a death threat
I was scared he would carry out his threat
tin (n)
teneke kutu
a tin of beans/soup
tornado (n)
hortum, kasırga
tray (n)
treasure (n)
hazine, define, gömü