INTER 12 Flashcards
Hardly (adv)
güç bela, çok az, neredeyse hiç
I can hardly imagine such a scene.
Patient (adj)
patience (N)
patiently (adv)
She’s been extremely patient about it all.
Ingredient (N)
bileşimi/karışımı oluşturan madde
The only active ingredient in this medicine is aspirin.
Insert (V)
sokmak, yerleştirmek
Insert coins into the slot and press for a ticket.
I wish to insert an advertisement in your newspaper.
Leak (V)
Leak (N)
sızdırmak, akmak, kaçırmak
A little leak will sink a great ship.
Mostly (adv)
çoğunlukla, genellikle, daha çok
The audience consisted mostly of women.
Mortal (adj)
mortality (N)
fanî, ölümlü
All human beings are mortal.
Nasty (adj)
çok kötü, iğrenç, pis
The press have been very nasty about him.
This coffee has a nasty taste.
objective (n)
hedef, amaç, gaye, maksat
Our objective must be to secure a peace settlement.
occasional (adj)
occasionally (adv)
He still plays the occasional game of football.
ara sıra olan
opportunity (N)
Opportunity seldom knocks twice.
Pale (adj)
He looks pale in the moonlight.
Pill (N)
hap, ilaç, tablet
She’s been on the pill for ten years.
Postpone (V)
It won’t hurt to postpone the meeting.
present (adj)
mevcut olmak
The present conditions sort well with the workers.
Punish (V)
punishment (n)
If you fail, don’t punish yourself.
Rail (N)
demiryolu, ray
Rail passengers are fed up with cancellations and delays.
Receive (V)
teslim almak, almak
I didn’t receive any allowance from my father.
Recipe (N)
yemek tarifi
I need some apples for this recipe
Reduce (V)
reduction (N)
azaltmak, kısmak, indirmek
Aspirin should help reduce the fever.
We need to reduce the speed slightly.