INTER 5 Flashcards
Digest (V)
hazmetmek, sindirmek
anlamak, kavramak, akıl erdirmek
You need to give me time to digest this report.
Plain (adj)
sade, basit, gösterişsiz
plain food
The book is written in plain English.
The problem is quite plain to us.
predict (v)
prediction (N)
predictable (adj)
Tahmin etmek, önceden kestirmek/söylemek
Companies are predicting massive profits.
Prevent (V)
prevention (N)
preventable (adj)
önlemek, engel olmak, önüne geçmek
to prevent accidents/crime
A stumble may prevent a fall
Priest (n)
He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1982.
require (V)
requirement (N)
istemek, gerekmek; gereksinim duymak;
Training to be a doctor requires a lot of hard work.
Scenery (N)
manzara, doğa görünümü
The Grand Canyon is famous for its spectacular scenery.
Produce (V)
product (N)
yapmak, üretmek, yaratmak
This plant will produce small yellow flowers in the spring
Principal (n)
ana, asıl, esas, en önemli
Her principal reason for moving is to be nearer her mother.
Process (N)
işlem, yol, metod, usül
Buying a house can be a long and complicated process
Sew (V)
I need to sew a button on my shirt
respond (V)
response (N)
cevap/karşılık vermek
How quickly did the police respond to the call?
reach (V)
ulaşmak, varmak, erişmek
We won’t reach Miami till five or six o’clock.
Prove (verb)
proof (N)
proven (adj)
ispat etmek, kanıtlamak
They knew who had stolen the money, but they couldn’t prove it.
quantity (N)
nicelik, miktar, sayı, çokluk
A vast quantity of information is available on the Internet
Provide (V)
sağlamak, temin etmek, vermek, sunmak
This booklet provides useful information about local services.
Sink (v)
The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg
Succeed (V)
success (N)
successful (adj)
başarmak, üstesinden gelmek
She has the skill and determination to succeed.
suicide (N)
intihar, cana kıyma
He committed suicide after a long period of depression.
Tale (N)
öykü, hikâye, masal
My grandfather used to tell us tales of his time as a pilot during the war.