INTER 8 Flashcards
Precise (adj)
tam, kesin, kat’i
precise details/instructions
I can’t give you a precise date.
Prize (N)
ödül, mükâfat
to win a prize
I won £400 in prize money.
profit (N)
profitable (adj)
profitably (adv)
kâr, kazanç
a profit of $4.5 million
The accounts show a profit of 9000.
Proper (adj)
properly (adv)
uygun, doğru, yerinde
the proper way to do something
Cheat’s never proper.
Raise (V)
kaldırmak, yükseltmek
Would all those in favour please raise their hands?
refer (V)
başvurmak, değinmek,bakmak
Please refer to your owner’s manual for more
I promised not to refer to the matter again.
Remote (adj)
uzak, uzakta
It was a remote mountain village with no electricity supply.
represent (V)
temsil etmek
A lawyer was appointed to represent the child.
resource (N)
kaynak, olanak, imkân
natural resources
This book is an indispensable resource for researchers.
Revise (V)
revision (N)
elden geçirmek, gözden geçirmek
a revised edition of the book
I’ll have to revise my ideas about Tom.
ridiculous (adj)
saçma, aptalca, gülünç, komik
I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous.
rise (V)
artmak, çoğalmak, yükselmek
rising temperatures
Prices rose by 10 percent.
royal (adj)
kraliyet, kırallığa ait
the British royal family
a royal visit
She’s very proud of her ancient royal lineage.
rubbish (N)
çöp, süprüntü
Our rubbish gets collected on Thursdays.
a rubbish dump/bin
Rule (N)
kural, kaide
to obey/follow the rules
You can’t smoke at school, it’s against the rules
Scissors (N)
a pair of scissors
Blunt scissors don’t cut cleanly.
selfish (adj)
bencil, hep kendini düşünen, egoist
It’s very selfish of him.
Severe (adj)
çok kötü, ağır, ciddi, vahim
a severe headache
severe weather conditions
His injuries were quite severe.
Recognise (V)
tanımak, bilmek
I recognized her from her picture.
receipt (N)
fiş, makbuz
Could I have a receipt?