INTER 11 Flashcards
Accommodate (V)
accommodation (N)
yer, alan sağlamak
The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.
accuse (V)
accusation (N)
How dare you accuse me of lying!
Appropriate (adj)
Appropriately (adv)
uygun, yerinde
Is this film appropriate for young children?
Brand (N)
What is your favourite brand of cigarettes?
Broadcast (v)
yayın yapmak
Most of the programmes are broadcast in English.
Burst (V)
patla(t)mak, yar(ıl)mak, param parça olmak
From a little spark may burst a mighty flame.
He was taken to hospital with a burst appendix.
Charity charitable (adj)
hayır kurumu, hayırseverlik, sadaka
They made a generous donation to charity.
Civilization (N)
civilised (adj)
The farmers are the founders of civilization and prosperity.
convenient (adj)
convenience (N)
tam, müsait, uygun
Unfortunately, it’s not convenient for me today.
Cover (V)
coverage (N)
örtmek, kapamak, gizlemek
He laughed to cover his nervousness.
Current (adj)
currently (adv)
mevcut olan, geçerli, halihazırda var olan
What is your current address?
Cushion (N)
yastık, minder
Housing benefit provides a cushion against hardship.
Shallow (Adj)
sığ, derin olmayan
The water gets quite shallow towards the shore.
Disable (V)
disabled (adj)
sakatla(n)mak, sakat bırakmak
The virus will disable your computer.
One bomb can disable a ship.
Disappoint (V)
disappointment (n)
disappointing, disappointed (adj)
hayal/düş kırıklığına uğratmak
I’m sorry to disappoint your expectation.
Draft (N)
He made several changes to the first draft.
Dump (V)
Dump (N)
gizlice boşaltmak/dökmek
They dumped their old car in the dump.
Dust (N)
A lot of dust had blown in.
Enable (v)
enabling (adj)
mümkün kılmak, imkân vermek, olanak sağlamak
Birds’ wings enable them to fly.
Greet (V)
greeting (N)
selamlamak, karşılamak
I greet you in the name of the President.