INTER 6 Flashcards
attitude (N)
tavır, eda, davranış
a positive attitude
He maintained an attitude of high seriousness
Attract (V)
attraction (N)
attractive (adj)
çekmek, cezbetmek
The castle attracts more than 300,000 visitors a year
awkward (Adj)
çetin, zor ve sorun çıkaran
She asked some rather awkward questions.
bold (adj)
cüretkâr, cesur, gözükara
to be bold
It was a bold decision to go and live abroad.
Bottom (N)
dip, aşağı taraf
Click on the icon at the bottom of the page.
clue (N)
Police are searching the area for clues to the murder.
I can’t remember who wrote it. Give me a clue.
cognitive (adj)
anlama, kavrama, öğrenmeye ilişkin
Some of her cognitive functions have been impaired.
coincidence (n)
an amazing/strange coincidence
It was pure coincidence that we both married dentists.
compact (adj)
derli toplu, kullanışlı, işlevsel
It was a compact package.
Confidence (N)
confident (Adj)
güven, inanç, itimat
He’s a good student, but he lacks confidence.
He feels confident of winning.
confuse (V)
confusion (N)
confusing confused (adj)
şaşırtmak, kafası karışmak,karıştırmak
These advertisements simply confused the public.
context (N)
bağlam, bir konuya ilişkin tüm unsurlar
This small battle is important in the context of Scottish history.
Convince (V) convinced convincing (adj)
ikna etmek, inandırmak
He tried to convince me that I needed a new car.
She convinced the jury of her innocence.
Cough (V)
Cough (N)
The smoke made me cough.
encourage (V)
courage encouragement (N)
courageous (Adj)
cesaret vermek, teşvik etmek
My parents encouraged me to try new things.
criticize (V)
criticism, critic (N)
critical (adj)
The film was criticized for being too violent.
crop (N)
ürün, tahıl
Last year’s cotton crop was an unmitigated disaster.
Demand (V)
demand (N)
demanding (adj)
dayatmak, ısrar etmek, talepte bulunmak
I demanded an explanation.
The survivors are demanding that the airline pays them compensation.
depend on (V)
dependence (N)
dependable (adj)
bağımlı olmak, muhtaç olmak
She depends on her son for everything.
distance (N)
distant (adj)
We’re only a short distance from my house.